// Type definitions for luxon 1.25 // Project: https://github.com/moment/luxon#readme // Definitions by: Colby DeHart // Hyeonseok Yang // Jonathan Siebern // Matt R. Wilson // Pietro Vismara // Janeene Beeforth // Jason Yu // Aitor Pérez Rodal // Piotr Błażejewicz // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped export type DateTimeFormatOptions = Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions; export interface ZoneOptions { keepLocalTime?: boolean; /** * @deprecated since 0.2.12. Use keepLocalTime instead */ keepCalendarTime?: boolean; } export type ToRelativeUnit = | 'years' | 'quarters' | 'months' | 'weeks' | 'days' | 'hours' | 'minutes' | 'seconds'; export interface ToRelativeOptions { /** The DateTime to use as the basis to which this time is compared. Defaults to now. */ base?: DateTime; locale?: string; style?: StringUnitLength; /** If omitted, the method will pick the unit. */ unit?: ToRelativeUnit; /** Defaults to `true`. */ round?: boolean; /** * Padding in milliseconds. This allows you to round up the result if it fits inside the threshold. * Don't use in combination with {round: false} because the decimal output will include the padding. * Defaults to 0. */ padding?: number; /** The Intl system may choose not to honor this */ numberingSystem?: NumberingSystem; } export interface ToRelativeCalendarOptions { /** The DateTime to use as the basis to which this time is compared. Defaults to now. */ base?: DateTime; locale?: string; /** If omitted, the method will pick the unit. */ unit?: ToRelativeUnit; /** The Intl system may choose not to honor this. */ numberingSystem?: NumberingSystem; } export interface ToSQLOptions { includeOffset?: boolean; includeZone?: boolean; } export type ToISOFormat = 'basic' | 'extended'; export interface ToISOTimeOptions { /** * @default false */ suppressMilliseconds?: boolean; /** * @default false */ suppressSeconds?: boolean; /** * @default true */ includeOffset?: boolean; /** * choose between the basic and extended format * @default 'extended' */ format?: ToISOFormat; } export interface ToISODateOptions { /** * choose between the basic and extended format * @default 'extended' */ format?: ToISOFormat; } // alias for backwards compatibility export type ISOTimeOptions = ToISOTimeOptions; export interface LocaleOptions { locale?: string; outputCalendar?: CalendarSystem; numberingSystem?: NumberingSystem; } export interface DateTimeOptions extends LocaleOptions { zone?: string | Zone; setZone?: boolean; } export interface DateTimeJSOptions extends LocaleOptions { zone?: string | Zone; } export interface DateObjectUnits { year?: number; month?: number; day?: number; ordinal?: number; weekYear?: number; weekNumber?: number; weekday?: number; hour?: number; minute?: number; second?: number; millisecond?: number; } export interface DateObject extends DateObjectUnits, LocaleOptions { zone?: string | Zone; } export type ConversionAccuracy = 'casual' | 'longterm'; export interface DiffOptions { conversionAccuracy?: ConversionAccuracy; } export interface ExplainedFormat { input: string; tokens: Array<{ literal: boolean; val: string }>; regex?: RegExp; rawMatches?: RegExpMatchArray | null; matches?: { [k: string]: any }; result?: { [k: string]: any } | null; zone?: Zone | null; invalidReason?: string; } export class DateTime { static readonly DATETIME_FULL: DateTimeFormatOptions; static readonly DATETIME_FULL_WITH_SECONDS: DateTimeFormatOptions; static readonly DATETIME_HUGE: DateTimeFormatOptions; static readonly DATETIME_HUGE_WITH_SECONDS: DateTimeFormatOptions; static readonly DATETIME_MED: DateTimeFormatOptions; static readonly DATETIME_MED_WITH_SECONDS: DateTimeFormatOptions; static readonly DATETIME_SHORT: DateTimeFormatOptions; static readonly DATETIME_SHORT_WITH_SECONDS: DateTimeFormatOptions; static readonly DATE_FULL: DateTimeFormatOptions; static readonly DATE_HUGE: DateTimeFormatOptions; static readonly DATE_MED: DateTimeFormatOptions; /** abbreviated date with weekday */ static readonly DATE_MED_WITH_WEEKDAY: DateTimeFormatOptions; static readonly DATE_SHORT: DateTimeFormatOptions; static readonly TIME_24_SIMPLE: DateTimeFormatOptions; static readonly TIME_24_WITH_LONG_OFFSET: DateTimeFormatOptions; static readonly TIME_24_WITH_SECONDS: DateTimeFormatOptions; static readonly TIME_24_WITH_SHORT_OFFSET: DateTimeFormatOptions; static readonly TIME_SIMPLE: DateTimeFormatOptions; static readonly TIME_WITH_LONG_OFFSET: DateTimeFormatOptions; static readonly TIME_WITH_SECONDS: DateTimeFormatOptions; static readonly TIME_WITH_SHORT_OFFSET: DateTimeFormatOptions; static fromHTTP(text: string, options?: DateTimeOptions): DateTime; static fromISO(text: string, options?: DateTimeOptions): DateTime; static fromJSDate(date: Date, options?: DateTimeJSOptions): DateTime; static fromMillis(ms: number, options?: DateTimeOptions): DateTime; static fromObject(obj: DateObject): DateTime; static fromRFC2822(text: string, options?: DateTimeOptions): DateTime; static fromSeconds(seconds: number, options?: DateTimeOptions): DateTime; static fromSQL(text: string, options?: DateTimeOptions): DateTime; static fromFormat(text: string, format: string, opts?: DateTimeOptions): DateTime; static fromFormatExplain(text: string, format: string, opts?: DateTimeOptions): ExplainedFormat; /** * @deprecated since 0.3.0. Use fromFormat instead */ static fromString(text: string, format: string, options?: DateTimeOptions): DateTime; /** * @deprecated 0.3.0. Use fromFormatExplain instead */ static fromStringExplain( text: string, format: string, options?: DateTimeOptions, ): ExplainedFormat; /** * Create an invalid DateTime. * @param reason - simple string of why this DateTime is invalid. * Should not contain parameters or anything else data-dependent * @param [explanation=null] - longer explanation, may include parameters and other useful debugging information */ static invalid(reason: string, explanation?: string): DateTime; static isDateTime(o: any): o is DateTime; static local( year?: number, month?: number, day?: number, hour?: number, minute?: number, second?: number, millisecond?: number, ): DateTime; static max(): undefined; static max(...dateTimes: DateTime[]): DateTime; static min(): undefined; static min(...dateTimes: DateTime[]): DateTime; static utc( year?: number, month?: number, day?: number, hour?: number, minute?: number, second?: number, millisecond?: number, ): DateTime; day: number; daysInMonth: number; daysInYear: number; hour: number; invalidReason: string | null; invalidExplanation: string | null; isInDST: boolean; isInLeapYear: boolean; isOffsetFixed: boolean; isValid: boolean; locale: string; millisecond: number; minute: number; month: number; monthLong: string; monthShort: string; numberingSystem: string; offset: number; offsetNameLong: string; offsetNameShort: string; ordinal: number; outputCalendar: string; quarter: number; second: number; weekNumber: number; weekYear: number; weekday: number; weekdayLong: string; weekdayShort: string; weeksInWeekYear: number; year: number; zoneName: string; zone: Zone; diff(other: DateTime, unit?: DurationUnit | DurationUnit[], options?: DiffOptions): Duration; diffNow(unit?: DurationUnit | DurationUnit[], options?: DiffOptions): Duration; endOf(unit: DurationUnit): DateTime; equals(other: DateTime): boolean; get(unit: keyof DateTime): number; hasSame(other: DateTime, unit: DurationUnit): boolean; minus(duration: Duration | number | DurationObject): DateTime; plus(duration: Duration | number | DurationObject): DateTime; reconfigure(properties: LocaleOptions): DateTime; resolvedLocaleOpts(options?: DateTimeFormatOptions): Intl.ResolvedDateTimeFormatOptions; set(values: DateObjectUnits): DateTime; setLocale(locale: string): DateTime; setZone(zone: string | Zone, options?: ZoneOptions): DateTime; startOf(unit: DurationUnit): DateTime; toBSON(): Date; toFormat(format: string, options?: DateTimeFormatOptions): string; toHTTP(): string; toISO(options?: ToISOTimeOptions): string; /** Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of this DateTime's date component */ toISODate(options?: ToISODateOptions): string; toISOTime(options?: ToISOTimeOptions): string; toISOWeekDate(): string; toJSDate(): Date; toJSON(): string; toLocal(): DateTime; toLocaleParts(options?: LocaleOptions & DateTimeFormatOptions): any[]; toLocaleString(options?: LocaleOptions & DateTimeFormatOptions): string; toMillis(): number; toObject(options?: { includeConfig?: boolean }): DateObject; toRelative(options?: ToRelativeOptions): string | null; toRelativeCalendar(options?: ToRelativeCalendarOptions): string | null; toRFC2822(): string; toSeconds(): number; toSQL(options?: ToSQLOptions): string; toSQLDate(): string; toSQLTime(options?: ToSQLOptions): string; toString(): string; toUTC(offset?: number, options?: ZoneOptions): DateTime; until(other: DateTime): Interval; valueOf(): number; } export interface DurationOptions { locale?: string; numberingSystem?: NumberingSystem; conversionAccuracy?: ConversionAccuracy; } export interface DurationObjectUnits { year?: number; years?: number; quarter?: number; quarters?: number; month?: number; months?: number; week?: number; weeks?: number; day?: number; days?: number; hour?: number; hours?: number; minute?: number; minutes?: number; second?: number; seconds?: number; millisecond?: number; milliseconds?: number; } export interface DurationObject extends DurationObjectUnits, DurationOptions {} export type DurationUnit = keyof DurationObjectUnits; export interface DurationToFormatOptions extends DateTimeFormatOptions { floor?: boolean; round?: boolean; } export class Duration { static fromISO(text: string, options?: DurationOptions): Duration; static fromMillis(count: number, options?: DurationOptions): Duration; static fromObject(Object: DurationObject): Duration; static invalid(reason?: string): Duration; static isDuration(o: any): o is Duration; days: number; hours: number; invalidReason: string | null; invalidExplanation: string | null; isValid: boolean; locale: string; milliseconds: number; minutes: number; months: number; numberingSystem: string; quarters: number; seconds: number; weeks: number; years: number; as(unit: DurationUnit): number; equals(other: Duration): boolean; get(unit: DurationUnit): number; minus(duration: Duration | number | DurationObject): Duration; negate(): Duration; normalize(): Duration; plus(duration: Duration | number | DurationObject): Duration; reconfigure(objectPattern: DurationOptions): Duration; set(values: DurationObjectUnits): Duration; shiftTo(...units: DurationUnit[]): Duration; mapUnits(fn: (x: number, u: DurationUnit) => number): Duration; toFormat(format: string, options?: DurationToFormatOptions): string; toISO(): string; toJSON(): string; toObject(options?: { includeConfig?: boolean }): DurationObject; toString(): string; valueOf(): number; } // @deprecated export type EraLength = StringUnitLength; export type NumberingSystem = | 'arab' | 'arabext' | 'bali' | 'beng' | 'deva' | 'fullwide' | 'gujr' | 'guru' | 'hanidec' | 'khmr' | 'knda' | 'laoo' | 'latn' | 'limb' | 'mlym' | 'mong' | 'mymr' | 'orya' | 'tamldec' | 'telu' | 'thai' | 'tibt'; export type CalendarSystem = | 'buddhist' | 'chinese' | 'coptic' | 'ethioaa' | 'ethiopic' | 'gregory' | 'hebrew' | 'indian' | 'islamic' | 'islamicc' | 'iso8601' | 'japanese' | 'persian' | 'roc'; export type HourCycle = 'h11' | 'h12' | 'h23' | 'h24'; export type StringUnitLength = 'narrow' | 'short' | 'long'; export type NumberUnitLength = 'numeric' | '2-digit'; export type UnitLength = StringUnitLength | NumberUnitLength; export interface InfoOptions { locale?: string; } export interface InfoUnitOptions extends InfoOptions { numberingSystem?: NumberingSystem; } // @deprecated export type UnitOptions = InfoUnitOptions; export interface InfoCalendarOptions extends InfoUnitOptions { outputCalendar?: CalendarSystem; } export interface Features { intl: boolean; intlTokens: boolean; zones: boolean; relative: boolean; } export namespace Info { function eras(length?: StringUnitLength, options?: InfoOptions): string[]; function features(): Features; function hasDST(zone: string | Zone): boolean; function isValidIANAZone(zone: string): boolean; function normalizeZone(input?: number | string | Zone): Zone; function meridiems(options?: InfoOptions): string[]; function months(length?: UnitLength, options?: InfoCalendarOptions): string[]; function monthsFormat(length?: UnitLength, options?: InfoCalendarOptions): string[]; function weekdays(length?: StringUnitLength, options?: InfoUnitOptions): string[]; function weekdaysFormat(length?: StringUnitLength, options?: InfoUnitOptions): string[]; } export interface IntervalObject { start?: DateTime; end?: DateTime; } export class Interval { static after( start: DateTime | DateObject | Date, duration: Duration | number | DurationObject, ): Interval; static before( end: DateTime | DateObject | Date, duration: Duration | number | DurationObject, ): Interval; static fromDateTimes( start: DateTime | DateObject | Date, end: DateTime | DateObject | Date, ): Interval; static fromISO(string: string, options?: DateTimeOptions): Interval; static invalid(reason?: string): Interval; static isInterval(o: any): o is Interval; static merge(intervals: Interval[]): Interval[]; static xor(intervals: Interval[]): Interval[]; end: DateTime; invalidReason: string | null; invalidExplanation: string | null; isValid: boolean; start: DateTime; abutsEnd(other: Interval): boolean; abutsStart(other: Interval): boolean; contains(dateTime: DateTime): boolean; count(unit?: DurationUnit): number; difference(...intervals: Interval[]): Interval[]; divideEqually(numberOfParts?: number): Interval[]; engulfs(other: Interval): boolean; equals(other: Interval): boolean; hasSame(unit: DurationUnit): boolean; intersection(other: Interval): Interval | null; isAfter(dateTime: DateTime): boolean; isBefore(dateTime: DateTime): boolean; isEmpty(): boolean; length(unit?: DurationUnit): number; overlaps(other: Interval): boolean; set(values: IntervalObject): Interval; splitAt(...dateTimes: DateTime[]): Interval[]; splitBy(duration: Duration | DurationObject | number): Interval[]; toDuration(unit?: DurationUnit | DurationUnit[], options?: DiffOptions): Duration; toFormat( dateFormat: string, options?: { separator?: string; }, ): string; toISO(options?: ToISOTimeOptions): string; toISODate(): string; toISOTime(options?: ToISOTimeOptions): string; toString(): string; union(other: Interval): Interval; mapEndpoints(cb: (d: DateTime) => DateTime): Interval; } export namespace Settings { let defaultLocale: string; let defaultNumberingSystem: string; let defaultOutputCalendar: string; const defaultZone: Zone; let defaultZoneName: string; let throwOnInvalid: boolean; function now(): number; function resetCaches(): void; } export interface ZoneOffsetOptions { format?: 'short' | 'long'; locale?: string; } export type ZoneOffsetFormat = 'narrow' | 'short' | 'techie'; export class Zone { offsetName(ts: number, options: ZoneOffsetOptions): string; formatOffset(ts: number, format: ZoneOffsetFormat): string; isValid: boolean; name: string; type: string; universal: boolean; equals(other: Zone): boolean; offset(ts: number): number; } export class IANAZone extends Zone { constructor(ianaString: string); static create(name: string): IANAZone; static isValidSpecifier(s: string): boolean; static isValidZone(zone: string): boolean; static resetCache(): void; } export class FixedOffsetZone extends Zone { static utcInstance: FixedOffsetZone; static instance(offset: number): FixedOffsetZone; static parseSpecifier(s: string): FixedOffsetZone; } export class InvalidZone extends Zone { } export class LocalZone extends Zone { }