// Type definitions for Leaflet.js 1.7 // Project: https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet // Definitions by: Alejandro Sánchez // Arne Schubert // Michael Auer // Roni Karilkar // Sandra Frischmuth // Vladimir Dashukevich // Henry Thasler // Colin Doig // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 2.3 export as namespace L; import * as geojson from 'geojson'; export class Class { static extend(props: any): {new(...args: any[]): any} & typeof Class; static include(props: any): any & typeof Class; static mergeOptions(props: any): any & typeof Class; static addInitHook(initHookFn: () => void): any & typeof Class; static addInitHook(methodName: string, ...args: any[]): any & typeof Class; } export class Transformation { constructor(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number); transform(point: Point, scale?: number): Point; untransform(point: Point, scale?: number): Point; } /** * @see https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet/blob/bc918d4bdc2ba189807bc207c77080fb41ecc196/src/geometry/LineUtil.js#L118 */ export namespace LineUtil { function simplify(points: Point[], tolerance: number): Point[]; function pointToSegmentDistance(p: Point, p1: Point, p2: Point): number; function closestPointOnSegment(p: Point, p1: Point, p2: Point): Point; function isFlat(latlngs: LatLngExpression[]): boolean; function clipSegment( a: Point, b: Point, bounds: Bounds, useLastCode?: boolean, round?: boolean, ): [Point, Point] | false; } export namespace PolyUtil { function clipPolygon(points: Point[], bounds: BoundsExpression, round?: boolean): Point[]; } export namespace DomUtil { /** * Get Element by its ID or with the given HTML-Element */ function get(element: string | HTMLElement): HTMLElement | null; function getStyle(el: HTMLElement, styleAttrib: string): string | null; function create(tagName: string, className?: string, container?: HTMLElement): HTMLElement; function remove(el: HTMLElement): void; function empty(el: HTMLElement): void; function toFront(el: HTMLElement): void; function toBack(el: HTMLElement): void; function hasClass(el: HTMLElement, name: string): boolean; function addClass(el: HTMLElement, name: string): void; function removeClass(el: HTMLElement, name: string): void; function setClass(el: HTMLElement, name: string): void; function getClass(el: HTMLElement): string; function setOpacity(el: HTMLElement, opacity: number): void; function testProp(props: string[]): string | false; function setTransform(el: HTMLElement, offset: Point, scale?: number): void; function setPosition(el: HTMLElement, position: Point): void; function getPosition(el: HTMLElement): Point; function disableTextSelection(): void; function enableTextSelection(): void; function disableImageDrag(): void; function enableImageDrag(): void; function preventOutline(el: HTMLElement): void; function restoreOutline(): void; let TRANSFORM: string; let TRANSITION: string; let TRANSITION_END: string; } export interface CRS { latLngToPoint(latlng: LatLngExpression, zoom: number): Point; pointToLatLng(point: PointExpression, zoom: number): LatLng; project(latlng: LatLng | LatLngLiteral): Point; unproject(point: PointExpression): LatLng; scale(zoom: number): number; zoom(scale: number): number; getProjectedBounds(zoom: number): Bounds; distance(latlng1: LatLngExpression, latlng2: LatLngExpression): number; wrapLatLng(latlng: LatLng | LatLngLiteral): LatLng; code?: string; wrapLng?: [number, number]; wrapLat?: [number, number]; infinite: boolean; } export namespace CRS { const EPSG3395: CRS; const EPSG3857: CRS; const EPSG4326: CRS; const EPSG900913: CRS; const Earth: CRS; const Simple: CRS; } export interface Projection { project(latlng: LatLng | LatLngLiteral): Point; unproject(point: PointExpression): LatLng; bounds: Bounds; } export namespace Projection { const LonLat: Projection; const Mercator: Projection; const SphericalMercator: Projection; } export class LatLng { constructor(latitude: number, longitude: number, altitude?: number); equals(otherLatLng: LatLngExpression, maxMargin?: number): boolean; toString(): string; distanceTo(otherLatLng: LatLngExpression): number; wrap(): LatLng; toBounds(sizeInMeters: number): LatLngBounds; clone(): LatLng; lat: number; lng: number; alt?: number; } export interface LatLngLiteral { lat: number; lng: number; } export type LatLngTuple = [number, number]; export type LatLngExpression = LatLng | LatLngLiteral | LatLngTuple; export function latLng(latitude: number, longitude: number, altitude?: number): LatLng; export function latLng(coords: LatLngTuple | [number, number, number] | LatLngLiteral | {lat: number, lng: number, alt?: number}): LatLng; export class LatLngBounds { constructor(southWest: LatLngExpression, northEast: LatLngExpression); constructor(latlngs: LatLngBoundsLiteral); extend(latlngOrBounds: LatLngExpression | LatLngBoundsExpression): this; pad(bufferRatio: number): LatLngBounds; // does this modify the current instance or does it return a new one? getCenter(): LatLng; getSouthWest(): LatLng; getNorthEast(): LatLng; getNorthWest(): LatLng; getSouthEast(): LatLng; getWest(): number; getSouth(): number; getEast(): number; getNorth(): number; contains(otherBoundsOrLatLng: LatLngBoundsExpression | LatLngExpression): boolean; intersects(otherBounds: LatLngBoundsExpression): boolean; overlaps(otherBounds: LatLngBoundsExpression): boolean; toBBoxString(): string; equals(otherBounds: LatLngBoundsExpression): boolean; isValid(): boolean; } export type LatLngBoundsLiteral = LatLngTuple[]; // Must be [LatLngTuple, LatLngTuple], cant't change because Map.setMaxBounds export type LatLngBoundsExpression = LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral; export function latLngBounds(southWest: LatLngExpression, northEast: LatLngExpression): LatLngBounds; export function latLngBounds(latlngs: LatLngExpression[]): LatLngBounds; export type PointTuple = [number, number]; export class Point { constructor(x: number, y: number, round?: boolean); clone(): Point; add(otherPoint: PointExpression): Point; // non-destructive, returns a new point subtract(otherPoint: PointExpression): Point; divideBy(num: number): Point; multiplyBy(num: number): Point; scaleBy(scale: PointExpression): Point; unscaleBy(scale: PointExpression): Point; round(): Point; floor(): Point; ceil(): Point; distanceTo(otherPoint: PointExpression): number; equals(otherPoint: PointExpression): boolean; contains(otherPoint: PointExpression): boolean; toString(): string; x: number; y: number; } export interface Coords extends Point { z: number; } export type PointExpression = Point | PointTuple; export function point(x: number, y: number, round?: boolean): Point; export function point(coords: PointTuple | {x: number, y: number}): Point; export type BoundsLiteral = [PointTuple, PointTuple]; export class Bounds { constructor(topLeft: PointExpression, bottomRight: PointExpression); constructor(points: Point[] | BoundsLiteral); extend(point: PointExpression): this; getCenter(round?: boolean): Point; getBottomLeft(): Point; getBottomRight(): Point; getTopLeft(): Point; getTopRight(): Point; getSize(): Point; contains(pointOrBounds: BoundsExpression | PointExpression): boolean; intersects(otherBounds: BoundsExpression): boolean; overlaps(otherBounds: BoundsExpression): boolean; min?: Point; max?: Point; } export type BoundsExpression = Bounds | BoundsLiteral; export function bounds(topLeft: PointExpression, bottomRight: PointExpression): Bounds; export function bounds(points: Point[] | BoundsLiteral): Bounds; // Event handler types export type LeafletEventHandlerFn = (event: LeafletEvent) => void; export type LayersControlEventHandlerFn = (event: LayersControlEvent) => void; export type LayerEventHandlerFn = (event: LayerEvent) => void; export type ResizeEventHandlerFn = (event: ResizeEvent) => void; export type PopupEventHandlerFn = (event: PopupEvent) => void; export type TooltipEventHandlerFn = (event: TooltipEvent) => void; export type ErrorEventHandlerFn = (event: ErrorEvent) => void; export type LocationEventHandlerFn = (event: LocationEvent) => void; export type LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn = (event: LeafletMouseEvent) => void; export type LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn = (event: LeafletKeyboardEvent) => void; export type ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn = (event: ZoomAnimEvent) => void; export type DragEndEventHandlerFn = (event: DragEndEvent) => void; export type TileEventHandlerFn = (event: TileEvent) => void; export type TileErrorEventHandlerFn = (event: TileErrorEvent) => void; export interface LeafletEventHandlerFnMap { baselayerchange?: LayersControlEventHandlerFn; overlayadd?: LayersControlEventHandlerFn; overlayremove?: LayersControlEventHandlerFn; layeradd?: LayerEventHandlerFn; layerremove?: LayerEventHandlerFn; zoomlevelschange?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; unload?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; viewreset?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; load?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; zoomstart?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; movestart?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; zoom?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; move?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; zoomend?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; moveend?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; autopanstart?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; dragstart?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; drag?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; add?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; remove?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; loading?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; error?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; update?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; down?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; predrag?: LeafletEventHandlerFn; resize?: ResizeEventHandlerFn; popupopen?: PopupEventHandlerFn; popupclose?: PopupEventHandlerFn; tooltipopen?: TooltipEventHandlerFn; tooltipclose?: TooltipEventHandlerFn; locationerror?: ErrorEventHandlerFn; locationfound?: LocationEventHandlerFn; click?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn; dblclick?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn; mousedown?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn; mouseup?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn; mouseover?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn; mouseout?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn; mousemove?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn; contextmenu?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn; preclick?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn; keypress?: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn; keydown?: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn; keyup?: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn; zoomanim?: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn; dragend?: DragEndEventHandlerFn; tileunload?: TileEventHandlerFn; tileloadstart?: TileEventHandlerFn; tileload?: TileEventHandlerFn; tileerror?: TileErrorEventHandlerFn; // [name: string]: any; // You are able add additional properties, but it makes this interface unchackable. } /** * A set of methods shared between event-powered classes (like Map and Marker). * Generally, events allow you to execute some function when something happens * with an object (e.g. the user clicks on the map, causing the map to fire * 'click' event). */ export abstract class Evented extends Class { /** * Adds a listener function (fn) to a particular event type of the object. * You can optionally specify the context of the listener (object the this * keyword will point to). You can also pass several space-separated types * (e.g. 'click dblclick'). */ // tslint:disable:unified-signatures on(type: string, fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; on(type: 'baselayerchange' | 'overlayadd' | 'overlayremove', fn: LayersControlEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; on(type: 'layeradd' | 'layerremove', fn: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; on(type: 'zoomlevelschange' | 'unload' | 'viewreset' | 'load' | 'zoomstart' | 'movestart' | 'zoom' | 'move' | 'zoomend' | 'moveend' | 'autopanstart' | 'dragstart' | 'drag' | 'add' | 'remove' | 'loading' | 'error' | 'update' | 'down' | 'predrag', fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; on(type: 'resize', fn: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; on(type: 'popupopen' | 'popupclose', fn: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; on(type: 'tooltipopen' | 'tooltipclose', fn: TooltipEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; on(type: 'locationerror', fn: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; on(type: 'locationfound', fn: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; on(type: 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'mousedown' | 'mouseup' | 'mouseover' | 'mouseout' | 'mousemove' | 'contextmenu' | 'preclick', fn: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; on(type: 'keypress' | 'keydown' | 'keyup', fn: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; on(type: 'zoomanim', fn: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; on(type: 'dragend', fn: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; on(type: 'tileunload' | 'tileloadstart' | 'tileload', fn: TileEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; on(type: 'tileerror', fn: TileErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; /** * Adds a set of type/listener pairs, e.g. {click: onClick, mousemove: onMouseMove} */ on(eventMap: LeafletEventHandlerFnMap): this; // tslint:enable:unified-signatures /** * Removes a previously added listener function. If no function is specified, * it will remove all the listeners of that particular event from the object. * Note that if you passed a custom context to on, you must pass the same context * to off in order to remove the listener. */ // tslint:disable:unified-signatures off(type: string, fn?: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; off(type: 'baselayerchange' | 'overlayadd' | 'overlayremove', fn?: LayersControlEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; off(type: 'layeradd' | 'layerremove', fn?: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; off(type: 'zoomlevelschange' | 'unload' | 'viewreset' | 'load' | 'zoomstart' | 'movestart' | 'zoom' | 'move' | 'zoomend' | 'moveend' | 'autopanstart' | 'dragstart' | 'drag' | 'add' | 'remove' | 'loading' | 'error' | 'update' | 'down' | 'predrag', fn?: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; off(type: 'resize', fn?: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; off(type: 'popupopen' | 'popupclose', fn?: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; off(type: 'tooltipopen' | 'tooltipclose', fn?: TooltipEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; off(type: 'locationerror', fn?: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; off(type: 'locationfound', fn?: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; off(type: 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'mousedown' | 'mouseup' | 'mouseover' | 'mouseout' | 'mousemove' | 'contextmenu' | 'preclick', fn?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; off(type: 'keypress' | 'keydown' | 'keyup', fn?: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; off(type: 'zoomanim', fn?: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; off(type: 'dragend', fn?: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; off(type: 'tileunload' | 'tileloadstart' | 'tileload', fn?: TileEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; off(type: 'tileerror', fn?: TileErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; /** * Removes a set of type/listener pairs. */ // With an eventMap there are no additional arguments allowed off(eventMap: LeafletEventHandlerFnMap): this; /** * Removes all listeners to all events on the object. */ off(): this; // tslint:enable:unified-signatures /** * Fires an event of the specified type. You can optionally provide a data * object — the first argument of the listener function will contain its properties. * The event might can optionally be propagated to event parents. */ fire(type: string, data?: any, propagate?: boolean): this; /** * Returns true if a particular event type has any listeners attached to it. */ listens(type: string): boolean; /** * Behaves as on(...), except the listener will only get fired once and then removed. */ // tslint:disable:unified-signatures once(type: string, fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; once(type: 'baselayerchange' | 'overlayadd' | 'overlayremove', fn: LayersControlEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; once(type: 'layeradd' | 'layerremove', fn: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; once(type: 'zoomlevelschange' | 'unload' | 'viewreset' | 'load' | 'zoomstart' | 'movestart' | 'zoom' | 'move' | 'zoomend' | 'moveend' | 'autopanstart' | 'dragstart' | 'drag' | 'add' | 'remove' | 'loading' | 'error' | 'update' | 'down' | 'predrag', fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; once(type: 'resize', fn: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; once(type: 'popupopen' | 'popupclose', fn: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; once(type: 'tooltipopen' | 'tooltipclose', fn: TooltipEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; once(type: 'locationerror', fn: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; once(type: 'locationfound', fn: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; once(type: 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'mousedown' | 'mouseup' | 'mouseover' | 'mouseout' | 'mousemove' | 'contextmenu' | 'preclick', fn: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; once(type: 'keypress' | 'keydown' | 'keyup', fn: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; once(type: 'zoomanim', fn: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; once(type: 'dragend', fn: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; once(type: 'tileunload' | 'tileloadstart' | 'tileload', fn: TileEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; once(type: 'tileerror', fn: TileEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; /** * Behaves as on(...), except the listener will only get fired once and then removed. */ once(eventMap: LeafletEventHandlerFnMap): this; // tslint:enable:unified-signatures /** * Adds an event parent - an Evented that will receive propagated events */ addEventParent(obj: Evented): this; /** * Removes an event parent, so it will stop receiving propagated events */ removeEventParent(obj: Evented): this; /** * Alias for on(...) * * Adds a listener function (fn) to a particular event type of the object. * You can optionally specify the context of the listener (object the this * keyword will point to). You can also pass several space-separated types * (e.g. 'click dblclick'). */ // tslint:disable:unified-signatures addEventListener(type: string, fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addEventListener(type: 'baselayerchange' | 'overlayadd' | 'overlayremove', fn: LayersControlEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addEventListener(type: 'layeradd' | 'layerremove', fn: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addEventListener(type: 'zoomlevelschange' | 'unload' | 'viewreset' | 'load' | 'zoomstart' | 'movestart' | 'zoom' | 'move' | 'zoomend' | 'moveend' | 'autopanstart' | 'dragstart' | 'drag' | 'add' | 'remove' | 'loading' | 'error' | 'update' | 'down' | 'predrag', fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addEventListener(type: 'resize', fn: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addEventListener(type: 'popupopen' | 'popupclose', fn: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addEventListener(type: 'tooltipopen' | 'tooltipclose', fn: TooltipEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addEventListener(type: 'locationerror', fn: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addEventListener(type: 'locationfound', fn: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addEventListener(type: 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'mousedown' | 'mouseup' | 'mouseover' | 'mouseout' | 'mousemove' | 'contextmenu' | 'preclick', fn: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addEventListener(type: 'keypress' | 'keydown' | 'keyup', fn: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addEventListener(type: 'zoomanim', fn: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addEventListener(type: 'dragend', fn: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addEventListener(type: 'tileunload' | 'tileloadstart' | 'tileload', fn: TileEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addEventListener(type: 'tileerror', fn: TileErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; /** * Alias for on(...) * * Adds a set of type/listener pairs, e.g. {click: onClick, mousemove: onMouseMove} */ addEventListener(eventMap: LeafletEventHandlerFnMap): this; // tslint:enable:unified-signatures /** * Alias for off(...) * * Removes a previously added listener function. If no function is specified, * it will remove all the listeners of that particular event from the object. * Note that if you passed a custom context to on, you must pass the same context * to off in order to remove the listener. */ // tslint:disable:unified-signatures removeEventListener(type: string, fn?: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; removeEventListener(type: 'baselayerchange' | 'overlayadd' | 'overlayremove', fn?: LayersControlEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; removeEventListener(type: 'layeradd' | 'layerremove', fn?: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; removeEventListener(type: 'zoomlevelschange' | 'unload' | 'viewreset' | 'load' | 'zoomstart' | 'movestart' | 'zoom' | 'move' | 'zoomend' | 'moveend' | 'autopanstart' | 'dragstart' | 'drag' | 'add' | 'remove' | 'loading' | 'error' | 'update' | 'down' | 'predrag', fn?: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; removeEventListener(type: 'resize', fn?: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; removeEventListener(type: 'popupopen' | 'popupclose', fn?: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; removeEventListener(type: 'tooltipopen' | 'tooltipclose', fn?: TooltipEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; removeEventListener(type: 'locationerror', fn?: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; removeEventListener(type: 'locationfound', fn?: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; removeEventListener(type: 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'mousedown' | 'mouseup' | 'mouseover' | 'mouseout' | 'mousemove' | 'contextmenu' | 'preclick', fn?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; removeEventListener(type: 'keypress' | 'keydown' | 'keyup', fn?: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; removeEventListener(type: 'zoomanim', fn?: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; removeEventListener(type: 'dragend', fn?: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; removeEventListener(type: 'tileunload' | 'tileloadstart' | 'tileload', fn?: TileEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; removeEventListener(type: 'tileerror', fn?: TileErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; /** * Alias for off(...) * * Removes a set of type/listener pairs. */ removeEventListener(eventMap: LeafletEventHandlerFnMap): this; // tslint:enable:unified-signatures /** * Alias for off() * * Removes all listeners to all events on the object. */ clearAllEventListeners(): this; /** * Alias for once(...) * * Behaves as on(...), except the listener will only get fired once and then removed. */ // tslint:disable:unified-signatures addOneTimeEventListener(type: string, fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addOneTimeEventListener(type: 'baselayerchange' | 'overlayadd' | 'overlayremove', fn: LayersControlEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addOneTimeEventListener(type: 'layeradd' | 'layerremove', fn: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addOneTimeEventListener(type: 'zoomlevelschange' | 'unload' | 'viewreset' | 'load' | 'zoomstart' | 'movestart' | 'zoom' | 'move' | 'zoomend' | 'moveend' | 'autopanstart' | 'dragstart' | 'drag' | 'add' | 'remove' | 'loading' | 'error' | 'update' | 'down' | 'predrag', fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addOneTimeEventListener(type: 'resize', fn: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addOneTimeEventListener(type: 'popupopen' | 'popupclose', fn: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addOneTimeEventListener(type: 'tooltipopen' | 'tooltipclose', fn: TooltipEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addOneTimeEventListener(type: 'locationerror', fn: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addOneTimeEventListener(type: 'locationfound', fn: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addOneTimeEventListener(type: 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'mousedown' | 'mouseup' | 'mouseover' | 'mouseout' | 'mousemove' | 'contextmenu' | 'preclick', fn: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addOneTimeEventListener(type: 'keypress' | 'keydown' | 'keyup', fn: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addOneTimeEventListener(type: 'zoomanim', fn: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addOneTimeEventListener(type: 'dragend', fn: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addOneTimeEventListener(type: 'tileunload' | 'tileloadstart' | 'tileload', fn: TileEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; addOneTimeEventListener(type: 'tileerror', fn: TileErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this; /** * Alias for once(...) * * Behaves as on(...), except the listener will only get fired once and then removed. */ addOneTimeEventListener(eventMap: LeafletEventHandlerFnMap): this; // tslint:enable:unified-signatures /** * Alias for fire(...) * * Fires an event of the specified type. You can optionally provide a data * object — the first argument of the listener function will contain its properties. * The event might can optionally be propagated to event parents. */ fireEvent(type: string, data?: any, propagate?: boolean): this; /** * Alias for listens(...) * * Returns true if a particular event type has any listeners attached to it. */ hasEventListeners(type: string): boolean; } /** * A class for making DOM elements draggable (including touch support). * Used internally for map and marker dragging. Only works for elements * that were positioned with [`L.DomUtil.setPosition`](#domutil-setposition). */ export class Draggable extends Evented { constructor(element: HTMLElement, dragStartTarget?: HTMLElement, preventOutline?: boolean); enable(): void; disable(): void; finishDrag(): void; } export interface LayerOptions { pane?: string; attribution?: string; } export interface InteractiveLayerOptions extends LayerOptions { interactive?: boolean; bubblingMouseEvents?: boolean; } export class Layer extends Evented { constructor(options?: LayerOptions); addTo(map: Map|LayerGroup): this; remove(): this; removeFrom(map: Map): this; getPane(name?: string): HTMLElement | undefined; // Popup methods bindPopup(content: ((layer: Layer) => Content) | Content | Popup, options?: PopupOptions): this; unbindPopup(): this; openPopup(latlng?: LatLngExpression): this; closePopup(): this; togglePopup(): this; isPopupOpen(): boolean; setPopupContent(content: Content | Popup): this; getPopup(): Popup | undefined; // Tooltip methods bindTooltip(content: ((layer: Layer) => Content) | Tooltip | Content, options?: TooltipOptions): this; unbindTooltip(): this; openTooltip(latlng?: LatLngExpression): this; closeTooltip(): this; toggleTooltip(): this; isTooltipOpen(): boolean; setTooltipContent(content: Content | Tooltip): this; getTooltip(): Tooltip | undefined; // Extension methods onAdd(map: Map): this; onRemove(map: Map): this; getEvents?(): {[name: string]: LeafletEventHandlerFn}; getAttribution?(): string | null; beforeAdd?(map: Map): this; protected _map: Map; } export interface GridLayerOptions { tileSize?: number | Point; opacity?: number; updateWhenIdle?: boolean; updateWhenZooming?: boolean; updateInterval?: number; attribution?: string; zIndex?: number; bounds?: LatLngBoundsExpression; minZoom?: number; maxZoom?: number; noWrap?: boolean; pane?: string; className?: string; keepBuffer?: number; } export type DoneCallback = (error?: Error, tile?: HTMLElement) => void; export interface InternalTiles { [key: string]: { active?: boolean, coords: Coords, current: boolean, el: HTMLElement, loaded?: Date, retain?: boolean, }; } export class GridLayer extends Layer { constructor(options?: GridLayerOptions); bringToFront(): this; bringToBack(): this; getContainer(): HTMLElement | null; setOpacity(opacity: number): this; setZIndex(zIndex: number): this; isLoading(): boolean; redraw(): this; getTileSize(): Point; protected createTile(coords: Coords, done: DoneCallback): HTMLElement; protected _tileCoordsToKey(coords: Coords): string; protected _tiles: InternalTiles; protected _tileZoom?: number; } export function gridLayer(options?: GridLayerOptions): GridLayer; export interface TileLayerOptions extends GridLayerOptions { id?: string; accessToken?: string; minZoom?: number; maxZoom?: number; maxNativeZoom?: number; minNativeZoom?: number; subdomains?: string | string[]; errorTileUrl?: string; zoomOffset?: number; tms?: boolean; zoomReverse?: boolean; detectRetina?: boolean; crossOrigin?: CrossOrigin; // [name: string]: any; // You are able add additional properties, but it makes this interface unchackable. // See: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/issues/15313 // Example: // tileLayer = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?{foo}&{bar}&{abc}', {foo: 'bar', bar: (data: any) => 'foo', abc: () => ''}); } export class TileLayer extends GridLayer { constructor(urlTemplate: string, options?: TileLayerOptions); setUrl(url: string, noRedraw?: boolean): this; getTileUrl(coords: L.Coords): string; protected _tileOnLoad(done: L.DoneCallback, tile: HTMLElement): void; protected _tileOnError(done: L.DoneCallback, tile: HTMLElement, e: Error): void; protected _abortLoading(): void; protected _getZoomForUrl(): number; options: TileLayerOptions; } export function tileLayer(urlTemplate: string, options?: TileLayerOptions): TileLayer; export namespace TileLayer { class WMS extends TileLayer { constructor(baseUrl: string, options: WMSOptions); setParams(params: WMSParams, noRedraw?: boolean): this; wmsParams: WMSParams; options: WMSOptions; } } export interface WMSOptions extends TileLayerOptions { layers?: string; styles?: string; format?: string; transparent?: boolean; version?: string; crs?: CRS; uppercase?: boolean; } export interface WMSParams { format?: string; layers: string; request?: string; service?: string; styles?: string; version?: string; transparent?: boolean; width?: number; height?: number; } export namespace tileLayer { function wms(baseUrl: string, options?: WMSOptions): TileLayer.WMS; } export type CrossOrigin = boolean | string; export interface ImageOverlayOptions extends InteractiveLayerOptions { opacity?: number; alt?: string; interactive?: boolean; attribution?: string; crossOrigin?: CrossOrigin; errorOverlayUrl?: string; zIndex?: number; className?: string; } export class ImageOverlay extends Layer { constructor(imageUrl: string, bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, options?: ImageOverlayOptions); setOpacity(opacity: number): this; bringToFront(): this; bringToBack(): this; setUrl(url: string): this; /** Update the bounds that this ImageOverlay covers */ setBounds(bounds: LatLngBounds): this; /** Changes the zIndex of the image overlay */ setZIndex(value: number): this; /** Get the bounds that this ImageOverlay covers */ getBounds(): LatLngBounds; /** Get the img element that represents the ImageOverlay on the map */ getElement(): HTMLImageElement | undefined; options: ImageOverlayOptions; } export function imageOverlay(imageUrl: string, bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, options?: ImageOverlayOptions): ImageOverlay; export class SVGOverlay extends Layer { /** SVGOverlay doesn't extend ImageOverlay because SVGOverlay.getElement returns SVGElement */ constructor(svgImage: string | SVGElement, bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, options?: ImageOverlayOptions); setOpacity(opacity: number): this; bringToFront(): this; bringToBack(): this; setUrl(url: string): this; /** Update the bounds that this SVGOverlay covers */ setBounds(bounds: LatLngBounds): this; /** Changes the zIndex of the image overlay */ setZIndex(value: number): this; /** Get the bounds that this SVGOverlay covers */ getBounds(): LatLngBounds; /** Get the img element that represents the SVGOverlay on the map */ getElement(): SVGElement | undefined; options: ImageOverlayOptions; } export function svgOverlay(svgImage: string | SVGElement, bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, options?: ImageOverlayOptions): SVGOverlay; export interface VideoOverlayOptions extends ImageOverlayOptions { /** Whether the video starts playing automatically when loaded. */ autoplay?: boolean; /** Whether the video will loop back to the beginning when played. */ loop?: boolean; /** Whether the video will save aspect ratio after the projection. */ keepAspectRatio?: boolean; } export class VideoOverlay extends Layer { /** VideoOverlay doesn't extend ImageOverlay because VideoOverlay.getElement returns HTMLImageElement */ constructor(video: string | string[] | HTMLVideoElement, bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, options?: VideoOverlayOptions); setOpacity(opacity: number): this; bringToFront(): this; bringToBack(): this; setUrl(url: string): this; /** Update the bounds that this VideoOverlay covers */ setBounds(bounds: LatLngBounds): this; /** Get the bounds that this VideoOverlay covers */ getBounds(): LatLngBounds; /** Get the video element that represents the VideoOverlay on the map */ getElement(): HTMLVideoElement | undefined; options: VideoOverlayOptions; } export function videoOverlay(video: string | string[] | HTMLVideoElement, bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, options?: VideoOverlayOptions): VideoOverlay; export type LineCapShape = 'butt' | 'round' | 'square' | 'inherit'; export type LineJoinShape = 'miter' | 'round' | 'bevel' | 'inherit'; export type FillRule = 'nonzero' | 'evenodd' | 'inherit'; export interface PathOptions extends InteractiveLayerOptions { stroke?: boolean; color?: string; weight?: number; opacity?: number; lineCap?: LineCapShape; lineJoin?: LineJoinShape; dashArray?: string | number[]; dashOffset?: string; fill?: boolean; fillColor?: string; fillOpacity?: number; fillRule?: FillRule; renderer?: Renderer; className?: string; } export abstract class Path extends Layer { redraw(): this; setStyle(style: PathOptions): this; bringToFront(): this; bringToBack(): this; getElement(): Element | undefined; options: PathOptions; } export interface PolylineOptions extends PathOptions { smoothFactor?: number; noClip?: boolean; } export class Polyline extends Path { constructor(latlngs: LatLngExpression[] | LatLngExpression[][], options?: PolylineOptions); toGeoJSON(precision?: number): geojson.Feature; getLatLngs(): LatLng[] | LatLng[][] | LatLng[][][]; setLatLngs(latlngs: LatLngExpression[] | LatLngExpression[][] | LatLngExpression[][][]): this; isEmpty(): boolean; getCenter(): LatLng; getBounds(): LatLngBounds; addLatLng(latlng: LatLngExpression | LatLngExpression[], latlngs?: LatLng[]): this; closestLayerPoint(p: Point): Point; feature?: geojson.Feature; options: PolylineOptions; } export function polyline(latlngs: LatLngExpression[] | LatLngExpression[][], options?: PolylineOptions): Polyline; export class Polygon

extends Polyline { constructor(latlngs: LatLngExpression[] | LatLngExpression[][] | LatLngExpression[][][], options?: PolylineOptions); } export function polygon(latlngs: LatLngExpression[] | LatLngExpression[][] | LatLngExpression[][][], options?: PolylineOptions): Polygon; export class Rectangle

extends Polygon

{ constructor(latLngBounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, options?: PolylineOptions); setBounds(latLngBounds: LatLngBoundsExpression): this; } export function rectangle(latLngBounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, options?: PolylineOptions): Rectangle; export interface CircleMarkerOptions extends PathOptions { radius?: number; } export class CircleMarker

extends Path { constructor(latlng: LatLngExpression, options?: CircleMarkerOptions); toGeoJSON(precision?: number): geojson.Feature; setLatLng(latLng: LatLngExpression): this; getLatLng(): LatLng; setRadius(radius: number): this; getRadius(): number; options: CircleMarkerOptions; feature?: geojson.Feature; } export function circleMarker(latlng: LatLngExpression, options?: CircleMarkerOptions): CircleMarker; export class Circle

extends CircleMarker

{ constructor(latlng: LatLngExpression, options?: CircleMarkerOptions); constructor(latlng: LatLngExpression, radius: number, options?: CircleMarkerOptions); // deprecated! getBounds(): LatLngBounds; } export function circle(latlng: LatLngExpression, options?: CircleMarkerOptions): Circle; export function circle(latlng: LatLngExpression, radius: number, options?: CircleMarkerOptions): Circle; // deprecated! export interface RendererOptions extends LayerOptions { padding?: number; tolerance?: number; } export class Renderer extends Layer { constructor(options?: RendererOptions); options: RendererOptions; } export class SVG extends Renderer {} export namespace SVG { function create(name: string): SVGElement; function pointsToPath(rings: PointExpression[], close: boolean): string; } export function svg(options?: RendererOptions): SVG; export class Canvas extends Renderer {} export function canvas(options?: RendererOptions): Canvas; /** * Used to group several layers and handle them as one. * If you add it to the map, any layers added or removed from the group will be * added/removed on the map as well. Extends Layer. */ export class LayerGroup

extends Layer { constructor(layers?: Layer[], options?: LayerOptions); /** * Returns a GeoJSON representation of the layer group (as a GeoJSON GeometryCollection, GeoJSONFeatureCollection or Multipoint). */ toGeoJSON(precision?: number): geojson.FeatureCollection | geojson.Feature | geojson.GeometryCollection; /** * Adds the given layer to the group. */ addLayer(layer: Layer): this; /** * Removes the layer with the given internal ID or the given layer from the group. */ removeLayer(layer: number | Layer): this; /** * Returns true if the given layer is currently added to the group. */ hasLayer(layer: Layer): boolean; /** * Removes all the layers from the group. */ clearLayers(): this; /** * Calls methodName on every layer contained in this group, passing any additional parameters. * Has no effect if the layers contained do not implement methodName. */ invoke(methodName: string, ...params: any[]): this; /** * Iterates over the layers of the group, * optionally specifying context of the iterator function. */ eachLayer(fn: (layer: Layer) => void, context?: any): this; /** * Returns the layer with the given internal ID. */ getLayer(id: number): Layer | undefined; /** * Returns an array of all the layers added to the group. */ getLayers(): Layer[]; /** * Calls setZIndex on every layer contained in this group, passing the z-index. */ setZIndex(zIndex: number): this; /** * Returns the internal ID for a layer */ getLayerId(layer: Layer): number; feature?: geojson.FeatureCollection | geojson.Feature | geojson.GeometryCollection; } /** * Create a layer group, optionally given an initial set of layers and an `options` object. */ export function layerGroup(layers?: Layer[], options?: LayerOptions): LayerGroup; /** * Extended LayerGroup that also has mouse events (propagated from * members of the group) and a shared bindPopup method. */ export class FeatureGroup

extends LayerGroup

{ /** * Sets the given path options to each layer of the group that has a setStyle method. */ setStyle(style: PathOptions): this; /** * Brings the layer group to the top of all other layers */ bringToFront(): this; /** * Brings the layer group to the top [sic] of all other layers */ bringToBack(): this; /** * Returns the LatLngBounds of the Feature Group (created from * bounds and coordinates of its children). */ getBounds(): LatLngBounds; } /** * Create a feature group, optionally given an initial set of layers. */ export function featureGroup(layers?: Layer[]): FeatureGroup; export type StyleFunction

= (feature?: geojson.Feature) => PathOptions; export interface GeoJSONOptions

extends InteractiveLayerOptions { /** * A Function defining how GeoJSON points spawn Leaflet layers. * It is internally called when data is added, passing the GeoJSON point * feature and its LatLng. * * The default is to spawn a default Marker: * * ``` * function(geoJsonPoint, latlng) { * return L.marker(latlng); * } * ``` */ pointToLayer?(geoJsonPoint: geojson.Feature, latlng: LatLng): Layer; // should import GeoJSON typings /** * PathOptions or a Function defining the Path options for styling GeoJSON lines and polygons, * called internally when data is added. * * The default value is to not override any defaults: * * ``` * function (geoJsonFeature) { * return {} * } * ``` */ style?: PathOptions | StyleFunction

; /** * A Function that will be called once for each created Feature, after it * has been created and styled. Useful for attaching events and popups to features. * * The default is to do nothing with the newly created layers: * * ``` * function (feature, layer) {} * ``` */ onEachFeature?(feature: geojson.Feature, layer: Layer): void; /** * A Function that will be used to decide whether to show a feature or not. * * The default is to show all features: * * ``` * function (geoJsonFeature) { * return true; * } * ``` */ filter?(geoJsonFeature: geojson.Feature): boolean; /** * A Function that will be used for converting GeoJSON coordinates to LatLngs. * The default is the coordsToLatLng static method. */ coordsToLatLng?(coords: [number, number] | [number, number, number]): LatLng; // check if LatLng has an altitude property } /** * Represents a GeoJSON object or an array of GeoJSON objects. * Allows you to parse GeoJSON data and display it on the map. Extends FeatureGroup. */ export class GeoJSON

extends FeatureGroup

{ /** * Creates a Layer from a given GeoJSON feature. Can use a custom pointToLayer * and/or coordsToLatLng functions if provided as options. */ static geometryToLayer

(featureData: geojson.Feature, options?: GeoJSONOptions

): Layer; /** * Creates a LatLng object from an array of 2 numbers (longitude, latitude) or * 3 numbers (longitude, latitude, altitude) used in GeoJSON for points. */ static coordsToLatLng(coords: [number, number] | [number, number, number]): LatLng; /** * Creates a multidimensional array of LatLngs from a GeoJSON coordinates array. * levelsDeep specifies the nesting level (0 is for an array of points, 1 for an array of * arrays of points, etc., 0 by default). * Can use a custom coordsToLatLng function. */ static coordsToLatLngs( coords: any[], levelsDeep?: number, coordsToLatLng?: (coords: [number, number] | [number, number, number]) => LatLng): any[]; // Using any[] to avoid artificially limiting valid calls /** * Reverse of coordsToLatLng */ static latLngToCoords(latlng: LatLng): [number, number] | [number, number, number]; /** * Reverse of coordsToLatLngs closed determines whether the first point should be * appended to the end of the array to close the feature, only used when levelsDeep is 0. * False by default. */ static latLngsToCoords(latlngs: any[], levelsDeep?: number, closed?: boolean): any[]; // Using any[] to avoid artificially limiting valid calls /** * Normalize GeoJSON geometries/features into GeoJSON features. */ static asFeature

(geojson: geojson.Feature | geojson.GeometryObject): geojson.Feature; constructor(geojson?: geojson.GeoJsonObject, options?: GeoJSONOptions

) /** * Adds a GeoJSON object to the layer. */ addData(data: geojson.GeoJsonObject): Layer; /** * Resets the given vector layer's style to the original GeoJSON style, * useful for resetting style after hover events. */ resetStyle(layer?: Layer): Layer; /** * Same as FeatureGroup's setStyle method, but style-functions are also * allowed here to set the style according to the feature. */ setStyle(style: PathOptions | StyleFunction

): this; options: GeoJSONOptions

; } /** * Creates a GeoJSON layer. * * Optionally accepts an object in GeoJSON format to display on the * map (you can alternatively add it later with addData method) and * an options object. */ export function geoJSON

(geojson?: geojson.GeoJsonObject, options?: GeoJSONOptions

): GeoJSON

; export type Zoom = boolean | 'center'; export interface MapOptions { preferCanvas?: boolean; // Control options attributionControl?: boolean; zoomControl?: boolean; // Interaction options closePopupOnClick?: boolean; zoomSnap?: number; zoomDelta?: number; trackResize?: boolean; boxZoom?: boolean; doubleClickZoom?: Zoom; dragging?: boolean; // Map state options crs?: CRS; center?: LatLngExpression; zoom?: number; minZoom?: number; maxZoom?: number; layers?: Layer[]; maxBounds?: LatLngBoundsExpression; renderer?: Renderer; // Animation options fadeAnimation?: boolean; markerZoomAnimation?: boolean; transform3DLimit?: number; zoomAnimation?: boolean; zoomAnimationThreshold?: number; // Panning inertia options inertia?: boolean; inertiaDeceleration?: number; inertiaMaxSpeed?: number; easeLinearity?: number; worldCopyJump?: boolean; maxBoundsViscosity?: number; // Keyboard navigation options keyboard?: boolean; keyboardPanDelta?: number; // Mousewheel options scrollWheelZoom?: Zoom; wheelDebounceTime?: number; wheelPxPerZoomLevel?: number; // Touch interaction options tap?: boolean; tapTolerance?: number; touchZoom?: Zoom; bounceAtZoomLimits?: boolean; } export type ControlPosition = 'topleft' | 'topright' | 'bottomleft' | 'bottomright'; export interface ControlOptions { position?: ControlPosition; } export class Control extends Class { static extend(props: T): {new(...args: any[]): T} & typeof Control; constructor(options?: ControlOptions); getPosition(): ControlPosition; setPosition(position: ControlPosition): this; getContainer(): HTMLElement | undefined; addTo(map: Map): this; remove(): this; // Extension methods onAdd?(map: Map): HTMLElement; onRemove?(map: Map): void; options: ControlOptions; } export namespace Control { interface ZoomOptions extends ControlOptions { zoomInText?: string; zoomInTitle?: string; zoomOutText?: string; zoomOutTitle?: string; } class Zoom extends Control { constructor(options?: ZoomOptions); options: ZoomOptions; } interface AttributionOptions extends ControlOptions { prefix?: string | boolean; } class Attribution extends Control { constructor(options?: AttributionOptions); setPrefix(prefix: string | false): this; addAttribution(text: string): this; removeAttribution(text: string): this; options: AttributionOptions; } interface LayersOptions extends ControlOptions { collapsed?: boolean; autoZIndex?: boolean; hideSingleBase?: boolean; } interface LayersObject { [name: string]: Layer; } class Layers extends Control { constructor(baseLayers?: LayersObject, overlays?: LayersObject, options?: LayersOptions); addBaseLayer(layer: Layer, name: string): this; addOverlay(layer: Layer, name: string): this; removeLayer(layer: Layer): this; expand(): this; collapse(): this; options: LayersOptions; } interface ScaleOptions extends ControlOptions { maxWidth?: number; metric?: boolean; imperial?: boolean; updateWhenIdle?: boolean; } class Scale extends Control { constructor(options?: ScaleOptions); options: ScaleOptions; } } export namespace control { function zoom(options?: Control.ZoomOptions): Control.Zoom; function attribution(options?: Control.AttributionOptions): Control.Attribution; function layers(baseLayers?: Control.LayersObject, overlays?: Control.LayersObject, options?: Control.LayersOptions): Control.Layers; function scale(options?: Control.ScaleOptions): Control.Scale; } export interface DivOverlayOptions { offset?: PointExpression; zoomAnimation?: boolean; className?: string; pane?: string; } export abstract class DivOverlay extends Layer { constructor(options?: DivOverlayOptions, source?: Layer); getLatLng(): LatLng | undefined; setLatLng(latlng: LatLngExpression): this; getContent(): Content | ((source: Layer) => Content) | undefined; setContent(htmlContent: ((source: Layer) => Content) | Content): this; getElement(): HTMLElement | undefined; update(): void; isOpen(): boolean; bringToFront(): this; bringToBack(): this; options: DivOverlayOptions; } export interface PopupOptions extends DivOverlayOptions { maxWidth?: number; minWidth?: number; maxHeight?: number; keepInView?: boolean; closeButton?: boolean; autoPan?: boolean; autoPanPaddingTopLeft?: PointExpression; autoPanPaddingBottomRight?: PointExpression; autoPanPadding?: PointExpression; autoClose?: boolean; closeOnClick?: boolean; closeOnEscapeKey?: boolean; } export type Content = string | HTMLElement; export class Popup extends DivOverlay { constructor(options?: PopupOptions, source?: Layer); openOn(map: Map): this; options: PopupOptions; } export function popup(options?: PopupOptions, source?: Layer): Popup; export type Direction = 'right' | 'left' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'center' | 'auto'; export interface TooltipOptions extends DivOverlayOptions { pane?: string; offset?: PointExpression; direction?: Direction; permanent?: boolean; sticky?: boolean; interactive?: boolean; opacity?: number; } export class Tooltip extends DivOverlay { constructor(options?: TooltipOptions, source?: Layer); setOpacity(val: number): void; options: TooltipOptions; } export function tooltip(options?: TooltipOptions, source?: Layer): Tooltip; export interface ZoomOptions { animate?: boolean; } export interface PanOptions { animate?: boolean; duration?: number; easeLinearity?: number; noMoveStart?: boolean; } // This is not empty, it extends two interfaces into one... export interface ZoomPanOptions extends ZoomOptions, PanOptions {} export interface InvalidateSizeOptions extends ZoomPanOptions { debounceMoveend?: boolean; pan?: boolean; } export interface FitBoundsOptions extends ZoomOptions, PanOptions { paddingTopLeft?: PointExpression; paddingBottomRight?: PointExpression; padding?: PointExpression; maxZoom?: number; } export interface PanInsideOptions { paddingTopLeft?: PointExpression; paddingBottomRight?: PointExpression; padding?: PointExpression; } export interface LocateOptions { watch?: boolean; setView?: boolean; maxZoom?: number; timeout?: number; maximumAge?: number; enableHighAccuracy?: boolean; } export class Handler extends Class { constructor(map: Map); enable(): this; disable(): this; enabled(): boolean; // Extension methods addHooks?(): void; removeHooks?(): void; } export interface LeafletEvent { type: string; target: any; sourceTarget: any; propagatedFrom: any; /** * @deprecated The same as {@link LeafletEvent.propagatedFrom propagatedFrom}. */ layer: any; } export interface LeafletMouseEvent extends LeafletEvent { latlng: LatLng; layerPoint: Point; containerPoint: Point; originalEvent: MouseEvent; } export interface LeafletKeyboardEvent extends LeafletEvent { originalEvent: KeyboardEvent; } export interface LocationEvent extends LeafletEvent { latlng: LatLng; bounds: LatLngBounds; accuracy: number; altitude: number; altitudeAccuracy: number; heading: number; speed: number; timestamp: number; } export interface ErrorEvent extends LeafletEvent { message: string; code: number; } export interface LayerEvent extends LeafletEvent { layer: Layer; } export interface LayersControlEvent extends LayerEvent { name: string; } export interface TileEvent extends LeafletEvent { tile: HTMLImageElement; coords: Coords; } export interface TileErrorEvent extends TileEvent { error: Error; } export interface ResizeEvent extends LeafletEvent { oldSize: Point; newSize: Point; } export interface GeoJSONEvent extends LeafletEvent { layer: Layer; properties: any; geometryType: string; id: string; } export interface PopupEvent extends LeafletEvent { popup: Popup; } export interface TooltipEvent extends LeafletEvent { tooltip: Tooltip; } export interface DragEndEvent extends LeafletEvent { distance: number; } export interface ZoomAnimEvent extends LeafletEvent { center: LatLng; zoom: number; noUpdate: boolean; } export namespace DomEvent { type EventHandlerFn = (event: Event) => void; type PropagableEvent = LeafletMouseEvent | LeafletKeyboardEvent | LeafletEvent | Event; function on(el: HTMLElement, types: string, fn: EventHandlerFn, context?: any): typeof DomEvent; function on(el: HTMLElement, eventMap: {[eventName: string]: EventHandlerFn}, context?: any): typeof DomEvent; function off(el: HTMLElement, types: string, fn: EventHandlerFn, context?: any): typeof DomEvent; function off(el: HTMLElement, eventMap: {[eventName: string]: EventHandlerFn}, context?: any): typeof DomEvent; function stopPropagation(ev: PropagableEvent): typeof DomEvent; function disableScrollPropagation(el: HTMLElement): typeof DomEvent; function disableClickPropagation(el: HTMLElement): typeof DomEvent; function preventDefault(ev: Event): typeof DomEvent; function stop(ev: PropagableEvent): typeof DomEvent; function getMousePosition(ev: MouseEvent, container?: HTMLElement): Point; function getWheelDelta(ev: Event): number; function addListener(el: HTMLElement, types: string, fn: EventHandlerFn, context?: any): typeof DomEvent; function addListener(el: HTMLElement, eventMap: {[eventName: string]: EventHandlerFn}, context?: any): typeof DomEvent; function removeListener(el: HTMLElement, types: string, fn: EventHandlerFn, context?: any): typeof DomEvent; function removeListener(el: HTMLElement, eventMap: {[eventName: string]: EventHandlerFn}, context?: any): typeof DomEvent; } export interface DefaultMapPanes { mapPane: HTMLElement; tilePane: HTMLElement; overlayPane: HTMLElement; shadowPane: HTMLElement; markerPane: HTMLElement; tooltipPane: HTMLElement; popupPane: HTMLElement; } export class Map extends Evented { constructor(element: string | HTMLElement, options?: MapOptions); getRenderer(layer: Path): Renderer; // Methods for layers and controls addControl(control: Control): this; removeControl(control: Control): this; addLayer(layer: Layer): this; removeLayer(layer: Layer): this; hasLayer(layer: Layer): boolean; eachLayer(fn: (layer: Layer) => void, context?: any): this; openPopup(popup: Popup): this; openPopup(content: Content, latlng: LatLngExpression, options?: PopupOptions): this; closePopup(popup?: Popup): this; openTooltip(tooltip: Tooltip): this; openTooltip(content: Content, latlng: LatLngExpression, options?: TooltipOptions): this; closeTooltip(tooltip?: Tooltip): this; // Methods for modifying map state setView(center: LatLngExpression, zoom?: number, options?: ZoomPanOptions): this; setZoom(zoom: number, options?: ZoomPanOptions): this; zoomIn(delta?: number, options?: ZoomOptions): this; zoomOut(delta?: number, options?: ZoomOptions): this; setZoomAround(position: Point | LatLngExpression, zoom: number, options?: ZoomOptions): this; fitBounds(bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, options?: FitBoundsOptions): this; fitWorld(options?: FitBoundsOptions): this; panTo(latlng: LatLngExpression, options?: PanOptions): this; panBy(offset: PointExpression, options?: PanOptions): this; setMaxBounds(bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression): this; setMinZoom(zoom: number): this; setMaxZoom(zoom: number): this; panInside(latLng: LatLngExpression, options?: PanInsideOptions): this; panInsideBounds(bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, options?: PanOptions): this; /** * Boolean for animate or advanced ZoomPanOptions */ invalidateSize(options?: boolean | InvalidateSizeOptions): this; stop(): this; flyTo(latlng: LatLngExpression, zoom?: number, options?: ZoomPanOptions): this; flyToBounds(bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, options?: FitBoundsOptions): this; // Other methods addHandler(name: string, HandlerClass: typeof Handler): this; // Alternatively, HandlerClass: new(map: Map) => Handler remove(): this; createPane(name: string, container?: HTMLElement): HTMLElement; /** * Name of the pane or the pane as HTML-Element */ getPane(pane: string | HTMLElement): HTMLElement | undefined; getPanes(): {[name: string]: HTMLElement} & DefaultMapPanes; getContainer(): HTMLElement; whenReady(fn: () => void, context?: any): this; // Methods for getting map state getCenter(): LatLng; getZoom(): number; getBounds(): LatLngBounds; getMinZoom(): number; getMaxZoom(): number; getBoundsZoom(bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, inside?: boolean, padding?: Point): number; getSize(): Point; getPixelBounds(): Bounds; getPixelOrigin(): Point; getPixelWorldBounds(zoom?: number): Bounds; // Conversion methods getZoomScale(toZoom: number, fromZoom?: number): number; getScaleZoom(scale: number, fromZoom?: number): number; project(latlng: LatLngExpression, zoom?: number): Point; unproject(point: PointExpression, zoom?: number): LatLng; layerPointToLatLng(point: PointExpression): LatLng; latLngToLayerPoint(latlng: LatLngExpression): Point; wrapLatLng(latlng: LatLngExpression): LatLng; wrapLatLngBounds(bounds: LatLngBounds): LatLngBounds; distance(latlng1: LatLngExpression, latlng2: LatLngExpression): number; containerPointToLayerPoint(point: PointExpression): Point; containerPointToLatLng(point: PointExpression): LatLng; layerPointToContainerPoint(point: PointExpression): Point; latLngToContainerPoint(latlng: LatLngExpression): Point; mouseEventToContainerPoint(ev: MouseEvent): Point; mouseEventToLayerPoint(ev: MouseEvent): Point; mouseEventToLatLng(ev: MouseEvent): LatLng; // Geolocation methods locate(options?: LocateOptions): this; stopLocate(): this; // Properties attributionControl: L.Control.Attribution; boxZoom: Handler; doubleClickZoom: Handler; dragging: Handler; keyboard: Handler; scrollWheelZoom: Handler; tap?: Handler; touchZoom: Handler; zoomControl: Control.Zoom; options: MapOptions; } /** * ID of a HTML-Element as string or the HTML-ELement itself */ export function map(element: string | HTMLElement, options?: MapOptions): Map; export interface BaseIconOptions extends LayerOptions { iconUrl?: string; iconRetinaUrl?: string; iconSize?: PointExpression; iconAnchor?: PointExpression; popupAnchor?: PointExpression; tooltipAnchor?: PointExpression; shadowUrl?: string; shadowRetinaUrl?: string; shadowSize?: PointExpression; shadowAnchor?: PointExpression; className?: string; } export interface IconOptions extends BaseIconOptions { iconUrl: string; } export class Icon extends Layer { constructor(options: T); createIcon(oldIcon?: HTMLElement): HTMLElement; createShadow(oldIcon?: HTMLElement): HTMLElement; options: T; } export namespace Icon { interface DefaultIconOptions extends BaseIconOptions { imagePath?: string; } class Default extends Icon { static imagePath?: string; constructor(options?: DefaultIconOptions); } } export function icon(options: IconOptions): Icon; export interface DivIconOptions extends BaseIconOptions { html?: string | HTMLElement | false; bgPos?: PointExpression; iconSize?: PointExpression; iconAnchor?: PointExpression; popupAnchor?: PointExpression; className?: string; } export class DivIcon extends Icon { constructor(options?: DivIconOptions); } export function divIcon(options?: DivIconOptions): DivIcon; export interface MarkerOptions extends InteractiveLayerOptions { icon?: Icon | DivIcon; /** Whether the marker is draggable with mouse/touch or not. */ draggable?: boolean; /** Whether the marker can be tabbed to with a keyboard and clicked by pressing enter. */ keyboard?: boolean; /** Text for the browser tooltip that appear on marker hover (no tooltip by default). */ title?: string; /** Text for the `alt` attribute of the icon image (useful for accessibility). */ alt?: string; /** Option for putting the marker on top of all others (or below). */ zIndexOffset?: number; /** The opacity of the marker. */ opacity?: number; /** If `true`, the marker will get on top of others when you hover the mouse over it. */ riseOnHover?: boolean; /** The z-index offset used for the `riseOnHover` feature. */ riseOffset?: number; /** `Map pane` where the markers shadow will be added. */ shadowPane?: string; /** Whether to pan the map when dragging this marker near its edge or not. */ autoPan?: boolean; /** Distance (in pixels to the left/right and to the top/bottom) of the map edge to start panning the map. */ autoPanPadding?: PointExpression; /** Number of pixels the map should pan by. */ autoPanSpeed?: number; } export class Marker

extends Layer { constructor(latlng: LatLngExpression, options?: MarkerOptions); toGeoJSON(precision?: number): geojson.Feature; getLatLng(): LatLng; setLatLng(latlng: LatLngExpression): this; setZIndexOffset(offset: number): this; getIcon(): Icon | DivIcon; setIcon(icon: Icon | DivIcon): this; setOpacity(opacity: number): this; getElement(): HTMLElement | undefined; // Properties options: MarkerOptions; dragging?: Handler; feature?: geojson.Feature; protected _shadow: HTMLElement | undefined; } export function marker(latlng: LatLngExpression, options?: MarkerOptions): Marker; export namespace Browser { // sorting according to https://leafletjs.com/reference-1.5.0.html#browser const ie: boolean; const ielt9: boolean; const edge: boolean; const webkit: boolean; const android: boolean; const android23: boolean; const androidStock: boolean; const opera: boolean; const chrome: boolean; const gecko: boolean; const safari: boolean; const opera12: boolean; const win: boolean; const ie3d: boolean; const webkit3d: boolean; const gecko3d: boolean; const any3d: boolean; const mobile: boolean; const mobileWebkit: boolean; const mobileWebkit3d: boolean; const msPointer: boolean; const pointer: boolean; const touch: boolean; const mobileOpera: boolean; const mobileGecko: boolean; const retina: boolean; const canvas: boolean; const svg: boolean; const vml: boolean; } export namespace Util { function extend(dest: D, src?: S1): D & S1; function extend(dest: D, src1: S1, src2: S2): D & S1 & S2; function extend(dest: D, src1: S1, src2: S2, src3: S3): D & S1 & S2 & S3; function extend(dest: any, ...src: any[]): any; function create(proto: object | null, properties?: PropertyDescriptorMap): any; function bind(fn: (...args: any[]) => void, ...obj: any[]): () => void; function stamp(obj: any): number; function throttle(fn: () => void, time: number, context: any): () => void; function wrapNum(num: number, range: number[], includeMax?: boolean): number; function falseFn(): false; function formatNum(num: number, digits?: number): number; function trim(str: string): string; function splitWords(str: string): string[]; function setOptions(obj: any, options: any): any; function getParamString(obj: any, existingUrl?: string, uppercase?: boolean): string; function template(str: string, data: any): string; function isArray(obj: any): boolean; function indexOf(array: any[], el: any): number; function requestAnimFrame(fn: (timestamp: number) => void, context?: any, immediate?: boolean): number; function cancelAnimFrame(id: number): void; let lastId: number; let emptyImageUrl: string; }