// Type definitions for inert 5.1 // Project: https://github.com/hapijs/inert/ // Definitions by: Steve Ognibene // Alexander James Phillips // Silas Rech // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 2.8 import { Plugin, Request, } from 'hapi'; declare namespace inert { type RequestHandler = (request: Request) => T; interface ReplyFileHandlerOptions { /** * confine - serve file relative to this directory and returns 403 Forbidden if the path resolves outside the confine directory. * Defaults to true which uses the relativeTo route option as the confine. Set to false to disable this security feature. */ confine?: boolean | undefined; /** * filename - an optional filename to specify if sending a 'Content-Disposition' header, defaults to the basename of path */ filename?: string | undefined; /** * mode - specifies whether to include the 'Content-Disposition' header with the response. Available values: * * false - header is not included. This is the default value. * * 'attachment' * *'inline' */ mode?: false | 'attachment' | 'inline' | undefined; /** * lookupCompressed - if true, looks for for a pre-compressed version of the file with the same filename with an extension, depending on the accepted encoding. Defaults to false. */ lookupCompressed?: boolean | undefined; /** * lookupMap - an object which maps content encoding to expected file name extension. Defaults to `{ gzip: '.gz' }. */ lookupMap?: {[index: string]: string} | undefined; /** * etagMethod - specifies the method used to calculate the ETag header response. Available values: * * 'hash' - SHA1 sum of the file contents, suitable for distributed deployments. Default value. * * 'simple' - Hex encoded size and modification date, suitable when files are stored on a single server. * * false - Disable ETag computation. */ etagMethod?: 'hash' | 'simple' | false | undefined; /** * start - offset in file to reading from, defaults to 0. */ start?: number | undefined; /** * end - offset in file to stop reading from. If not set, will read to end of file. */ end?: number | undefined; } interface FileHandlerRouteObject extends ReplyFileHandlerOptions { /** * path - a path string or function as described above (required). */ path: string | RequestHandler; } interface DirectoryHandlerRouteObject { /** * path - (required) the directory root path (relative paths are resolved based on the route files configuration). Value can be: * * a single path string used as the prefix for any resources requested by appending the request path parameter to the provided string. * * an array of path strings. Each path will be attempted in order until a match is found (by following the same process as the single path string). * * a function with the signature function(request) which returns the path string or an array of path strings. * If the function returns an error, the error is passed back to the client in the response. */ path: string | string[] | RequestHandler; /** * index - optional boolean|string|string[], determines if an index file will be served if found in the folder when requesting a directory. * The given string or strings specify the name(s) of the index file to look for. If true, looks for 'index.html'. * Any falsy value disables index file lookup. Defaults to true. */ index?: boolean | string | string[] | undefined; /** * listing - optional boolean, determines if directory listing is generated when a directory is requested without an index document. Defaults to false. */ listing?: boolean | undefined; /** * showHidden - optional boolean, determines if hidden files will be shown and served. Defaults to false. */ showHidden?: boolean | undefined; /** * redirectToSlash - optional boolean, determines if requests for a directory without a trailing slash are redirected to the same path with the missing slash. * Useful for ensuring relative links inside the response are resolved correctly. * Disabled when the server config router.stripTrailingSlash is true.Defaults to false. */ redirectToSlash?: boolean | undefined; /** * lookupCompressed - optional boolean, instructs the file processor to look for the same filename with the '.gz' suffix for a pre-compressed * version of the file to serve if the request supports content encoding. Defaults to false. */ lookupCompressed?: boolean | undefined; /** * etagMethod - specifies the method used to calculate the ETag header response. Available values: * * 'hash' - SHA1 sum of the file contents, suitable for distributed deployments. Default value. * * 'simple' - Hex encoded size and modification date, suitable when files are stored on a single server. * * false - Disable ETag computation. */ etagMethod?: 'hash' | 'simple' | false | undefined; /** * defaultExtension - optional string, appended to file requests if the requested file is not found. Defaults to no extension. */ defaultExtension?: string | undefined; } /** * inert accepts the following registration options * @see {@link https://github.com/hapijs/inert#registration-options} */ interface OptionalRegistrationOptions { /** * sets the maximum number of file etag hash values stored in the etags cache. Defaults to 10000. */ etagsCacheMaxSize?: number | undefined; } } declare const inert: Plugin; export = inert; declare module 'hapi' { interface HandlerDecorations { /** * The file handler * * Generates a static file endpoint for serving a single file. file can be set to: * * a relative or absolute file path string (relative paths are resolved based on the route files configuration). * * a function with the signature function(request) which returns the relative or absolute file path. * * an object with one or more of the following options @see IFileHandler * @see {@link https://github.com/hapijs/inert#the-file-handler} */ file?: string | inert.RequestHandler | inert.FileHandlerRouteObject | undefined; /** * The directory handler * * Generates a directory endpoint for serving static content from a directory. * Routes using the directory handler must include a path parameter at the end of the path string * (e.g. /path/to/somewhere/{param} where the parameter name does not matter). * The path parameter can use any of the parameter options (e.g. {param} for one level files only, * {param?} for one level files or the directory root, {param*} for any level, or {param*3} for a specific level). * If additional path parameters are present, they are ignored for the purpose of selecting the file system resource. * The directory handler is an object with the following options: * @see {@link https://github.com/hapijs/inert#the-directory-handler} */ directory?: inert.DirectoryHandlerRouteObject | undefined; files?: { /** * Set the relative path */ relativeTo: string; } | undefined; } interface ResponseToolkit { /** * Transmits a file from the file system. The 'Content-Type' header defaults to the matching mime type based on filename extension. * @see {@link https://github.com/hapijs/inert#replyfilepath-options} */ file(path: string, options?: inert.ReplyFileHandlerOptions): ResponseObject; } }