// Type definitions for got 9.6 // Project: https://github.com/sindresorhus/got#readme // Definitions by: BendingBender // Linus Unnebäck // Konstantin Ikonnikov // Stijn Van Nieuwenhuyse // Matthew Bull // Ryan Wilson-Perkin // Paul Hawxby // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 2.8 /// import { Url, URL, URLSearchParams } from 'url'; import * as http from 'http'; import * as https from 'https'; import * as nodeStream from 'stream'; import { CookieJar } from 'tough-cookie'; export = got; declare class RequestError extends StdError { name: 'RequestError'; } declare class ReadError extends StdError { name: 'ReadError'; } declare class ParseError extends StdError { name: 'ParseError'; statusCode: number; statusMessage: string; } declare class HTTPError extends StdError { name: 'HTTPError'; statusCode: number; statusMessage: string; headers: http.IncomingHttpHeaders; body: Buffer | string | object; } declare class MaxRedirectsError extends StdError { name: 'MaxRedirectsError'; statusCode: number; statusMessage: string; redirectUrls: string[]; } declare class UnsupportedProtocolError extends StdError { name: 'UnsupportedProtocolError'; } declare class CancelError extends StdError { name: 'CancelError'; } declare class TimeoutError extends StdError { name: 'TimeoutError'; } declare class StdError extends Error { code?: string; host?: string; hostname?: string; method?: string; path?: string; protocol?: string; url?: string; response?: any; } declare const got: got.GotInstance; interface InternalRequestOptions extends https.RequestOptions { // Redeclare options with `any` type for allow specify types incompatible with http.RequestOptions. timeout?: any; agent?: any; } declare namespace got { interface GotFn { (url: GotUrl): GotPromise; (url: GotUrl, options: GotJSONOptions): GotPromise; (url: GotUrl, options: GotFormOptions): GotPromise; (url: GotUrl, options: GotFormOptions): GotPromise; (url: GotUrl, options: GotBodyOptions): GotPromise; (url: GotUrl, options: GotBodyOptions): GotPromise; } interface GotJSONFn { (url: GotUrl): GotPromise; (url: GotUrl, options: Partial): GotPromise; } interface GotFormFn { (url: GotUrl): GotPromise; (url: GotUrl, options: Partial>): GotPromise; } interface GotBodyFn { (url: GotUrl): GotPromise; (url: GotUrl, options: GotBodyOptions): GotPromise; } type GotInstance = T & Record<'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'patch' | 'head' | 'delete', T> & { stream: GotStreamFn & Record<'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'patch' | 'head' | 'delete', GotStreamFn>; extend: GotExtend; RequestError: typeof RequestError; ReadError: typeof ReadError; ParseError: typeof ParseError; HTTPError: typeof HTTPError; MaxRedirectsError: typeof MaxRedirectsError; UnsupportedProtocolError: typeof UnsupportedProtocolError; CancelError: typeof CancelError; TimeoutError: typeof TimeoutError; }; interface GotExtend { (options: GotJSONOptions): GotInstance; (options: GotFormOptions): GotInstance>; (options: GotFormOptions): GotInstance>; (options: GotBodyOptions): GotInstance>; (options: GotBodyOptions): GotInstance>; } type GotStreamFn = (url: GotUrl, options?: GotOptions) => GotEmitter & nodeStream.Duplex; type GotUrl = string | https.RequestOptions | Url | URL; /** * Hooks allow modifications during the request lifecycle. Hook functions may be async and are * run serially. * * @see https://github.com/sindresorhus/got#hooks * @template Options Request options. * @template Body Response body type. */ interface Hooks { init?: Array>; beforeRequest?: Array>; beforeRedirect?: Array>; beforeRetry?: Array>; afterResponse?: Array>; } /** * @param options Unnormalized request options. */ type InitHook = (options: Options) => void; /** * @param options Normalized request options. */ type BeforeRequestHook = (options: Options) => any; /** * @param options Normalized request options. */ type BeforeRedirectHook = (options: Options) => any; /** * @param options Normalized request options. * @param error Request error. * @param retryCount Number of retry. */ type BeforeRetryHook = (options: Options, error: GotError, retryCount: number) => any; /** * @param response Response object. * @param retryWithMergedOptions Retries request with the updated options. */ type AfterResponseHook = ( response: Response, retryWithMergedOptions: (updateOptions: Options) => GotPromise ) => Response | Promise>; interface GotBodyOptions extends GotOptions { body?: string | Buffer | nodeStream.Readable; hooks?: Hooks, string | Buffer | nodeStream.Readable>; } interface GotJSONOptions extends GotOptions { // Body must be an object or array. See https://github.com/sindresorhus/got/issues/511 body?: object; form?: boolean; json: true; hooks?: Hooks; } interface GotFormOptions extends GotOptions { body?: Record; form: true; json?: boolean; hooks?: Hooks, Record>; } type RequestFunction = typeof https.request; interface GotOptions extends InternalRequestOptions { baseUrl?: string; cookieJar?: CookieJar; encoding?: E; query?: Record | URLSearchParams | string; timeout?: number | TimeoutOptions; retry?: number | RetryOptions; followRedirect?: boolean; decompress?: boolean; useElectronNet?: boolean; throwHttpErrors?: boolean; agent?: http.Agent | boolean | AgentOptions; cache?: Cache; request?: RequestFunction; } /** * Contains properties to constrain the duration of each phase of the request lifecycle. * * @see https://github.com/sindresorhus/got#timeout */ interface TimeoutOptions { /** * Starts when a socket is assigned and ends when the hostname has been resolved. Does not * apply when using a Unix domain socket. */ lookup?: number; /** * Starts when `lookup` completes (or when the socket is assigned if lookup does not apply * to the request) and ends when the socket is connected. */ connect?: number; /** * Starts when `connect` completes and ends when the handshaking process completes (HTTPS * only). */ secureConnect?: number; /** * Starts when the socket is connected. See [request.setTimeout](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_request_settimeout_timeout_callback). */ socket?: number; /** * Starts when the request has been written to the socket and ends when the response headers * are received. */ response?: number; /** * Starts when the socket is connected and ends with the request has been written to the * socket. */ send?: number; /** * Starts when the request is initiated and ends when the response's end event fires. */ request?: number; } type RetryFunction = (retry: number, error: any) => number; interface RetryOptions { retries?: number | RetryFunction; methods?: Array<'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'HEAD' | 'DELETE' | 'OPTIONS' | 'TRACE'>; statusCodes?: Array<408 | 413 | 429 | 500 | 502 | 503 | 504>; maxRetryAfter?: number; /** * Allowed error codes. */ errorCodes?: string[]; } interface AgentOptions { http: http.Agent; https: https.Agent; } interface Cache { set(key: string, value: any, ttl?: number): any; get(key: string): any; delete(key: string): any; } interface Response extends http.IncomingMessage { body: B; url: string; requestUrl: string; fromCache: boolean; redirectUrls?: string[]; retryCount: number; // got's Response is always a "response obtained from http.ClientRequest", therefore these two properties are never undefined statusCode: number; statusMessage: string; } type GotPromise = Promise> & { cancel(): void }; interface GotEmitter { addListener(event: 'request', listener: (req: http.ClientRequest) => void): this; addListener(event: 'response', listener: (res: http.IncomingMessage) => void): this; addListener(event: 'redirect', listener: (res: http.IncomingMessage, nextOptions: GotOptions & Url) => void): this; addListener(event: 'error', listener: (error: GotError, body?: any, res?: http.IncomingMessage) => void): this; addListener(event: 'downloadProgress', listener: (progress: Progress) => void): this; addListener(event: 'uploadProgress', listener: (progress: Progress) => void): this; on(event: 'request', listener: (req: http.ClientRequest) => void): this; on(event: 'response', listener: (res: http.IncomingMessage) => void): this; on(event: 'redirect', listener: (res: http.IncomingMessage, nextOptions: GotOptions & Url) => void): this; on(event: 'error', listener: (error: GotError, body?: any, res?: http.IncomingMessage) => void): this; on(event: 'downloadProgress', listener: (progress: Progress) => void): this; on(event: 'uploadProgress', listener: (progress: Progress) => void): this; once(event: 'request', listener: (req: http.ClientRequest) => void): this; once(event: 'response', listener: (res: http.IncomingMessage) => void): this; once(event: 'redirect', listener: (res: http.IncomingMessage, nextOptions: GotOptions & Url) => void): this; once(event: 'error', listener: (error: GotError, body?: any, res?: http.IncomingMessage) => void): this; once(event: 'downloadProgress', listener: (progress: Progress) => void): this; once(event: 'uploadProgress', listener: (progress: Progress) => void): this; prependListener(event: 'request', listener: (req: http.ClientRequest) => void): this; prependListener(event: 'response', listener: (res: http.IncomingMessage) => void): this; prependListener(event: 'redirect', listener: (res: http.IncomingMessage, nextOptions: GotOptions & Url) => void): this; prependListener(event: 'error', listener: (error: GotError, body?: any, res?: http.IncomingMessage) => void): this; prependListener(event: 'downloadProgress', listener: (progress: Progress) => void): this; prependListener(event: 'uploadProgress', listener: (progress: Progress) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: 'request', listener: (req: http.ClientRequest) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: 'response', listener: (res: http.IncomingMessage) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: 'redirect', listener: (res: http.IncomingMessage, nextOptions: GotOptions & Url) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: 'error', listener: (error: GotError, body?: any, res?: http.IncomingMessage) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: 'downloadProgress', listener: (progress: Progress) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: 'uploadProgress', listener: (progress: Progress) => void): this; removeListener(event: 'request', listener: (req: http.ClientRequest) => void): this; removeListener(event: 'response', listener: (res: http.IncomingMessage) => void): this; removeListener(event: 'redirect', listener: (res: http.IncomingMessage, nextOptions: GotOptions & Url) => void): this; removeListener(event: 'error', listener: (error: GotError, body?: any, res?: http.IncomingMessage) => void): this; removeListener(event: 'downloadProgress', listener: (progress: Progress) => void): this; removeListener(event: 'uploadProgress', listener: (progress: Progress) => void): this; } type GotError = RequestError | ReadError | ParseError | HTTPError | MaxRedirectsError | UnsupportedProtocolError | CancelError | TimeoutError; interface Progress { percent: number; transferred: number; total: number | null; } }