/// declare namespace GoogleAppsScript { namespace Mail { interface MailAdvancedParameters { /** an array of files to send with the email */ attachments?: Base.BlobSource[] | undefined; /** a comma-separated list of email addresses to BCC */ bcc?: string | undefined; /** the body of the email */ body?: string | undefined; /** a comma-separated list of email addresses to CC */ cc?: string | undefined; /** if set, devices capable of rendering HTML will use it instead of the required body argument; you can add an optional inlineImages field in HTML body if you have inlined images for your email */ htmlBody?: string | undefined; /** a JavaScript object containing a mapping from image key (String) to image data (BlobSource); this assumes that the htmlBody parameter is used and contains references to these images in the format */ inlineImages?: { [imageKey: string]: Base.BlobSource } | undefined; /** the name of the sender of the email (default: the user's name) */ name?: string | undefined; /** true if the email should be sent from a generic no-reply email address to discourage recipients from responding to emails; this option is only possible for G Suite accounts, not Gmail users */ noReply?: boolean | undefined; /** an email address to use as the default reply-to address (default: the user's email address) */ replyTo?: string | undefined; /** the subject of the email */ subject?: string | undefined; /** the address of the recipient */ to?: string | undefined; } /** * Sends email. * * This service allows users to send emails with complete control over the content of the email. * Unlike GmailApp, MailApp's sole purpose is sending email. MailApp cannot access a user's Gmail * inbox. * * Changes to scripts written using GmailApp are more likely to trigger a re-authorization * request from a user than MailApp scripts. */ interface MailApp { getRemainingDailyQuota(): Integer; sendEmail(message: MailAdvancedParameters): void; sendEmail(recipient: string, subject: string, body: string): void; sendEmail(recipient: string, subject: string, body: string, options: MailAdvancedParameters): void; sendEmail(to: string, replyTo: string, subject: string, body: string): void; } } } declare var MailApp: GoogleAppsScript.Mail.MailApp;