// Type definitions for ejs 3.1 // Project: http://ejs.co/, https://github.com/mde/ejs // Definitions by: Ben Liddicott // ExE Boss // Piotr Błażejewicz // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 2.4 export as namespace ejs; /** * Version of EJS. */ export const VERSION: string; /** * Name for detection of EJS. */ export const name: "ejs"; /** * Get the path to the included file from the parent file path and the * specified path. * * @param name specified path * @param filename parent file path * @param isDir whether the parent file path is a directory */ export function resolveInclude(name: string, filename: string, isDir?: boolean): string; /** * Compile the given `str` of ejs into a template function. */ export function compile( template: string, opts: Options & { async: true; client?: false | undefined }, ): AsyncTemplateFunction; export function compile(template: string, opts: Options & { async: true; client: true }): AsyncClientFunction; export function compile( template: string, opts?: Options & { async?: false | undefined; client?: false | undefined }, ): TemplateFunction; export function compile(template: string, opts?: Options & { async?: false | undefined; client: true }): ClientFunction; export function compile(template: string, opts?: Options): TemplateFunction | AsyncTemplateFunction; /** * Render the given `template` of ejs. * * If you would like to include options but not data, you need to explicitly * call this function with `data` being an empty object or `null`. */ export function render(template: string, data?: Data, opts?: Options & { async: false }): string; export function render(template: string, data: Data | undefined, opts: Options & { async: true }): Promise; export function render(template: string, data: Data | undefined, opts: Options & { async?: never | undefined }): string; export function render(template: string, data?: Data, opts?: Options): string | Promise; /** * Callback for receiving data from `renderFile`. * * @param err error, if any resulted from the rendering process * @param str output string, is `undefined` if there is an error */ export type RenderFileCallback = (err: Error | null, str: string) => T; /** * Render an EJS file at the given `path` and callback `cb(err, str)`. * * If you would like to include options but not data, you need to explicitly * call this function with `data` being an empty object or `null`. */ export function renderFile(path: string, cb: RenderFileCallback): T; export function renderFile(path: string, data: Data, cb: RenderFileCallback): T; export function renderFile(path: string, data: Data, opts: Options, cb: RenderFileCallback): T; export function renderFile(path: string, data?: Data, opts?: Options): Promise; /** * Clear intermediate JavaScript cache. Calls {@link Cache#reset}. */ export function clearCache(): void; /** * EJS template function cache. This can be a LRU object from lru-cache * NPM module. By default, it is `utils.cache`, a simple in-process * cache that grows continuously. */ export let cache: Cache; /** * Custom file loader. Useful for template preprocessing or restricting access * to a certain part of the filesystem. * * @param path the path of the file to be read * @return the contents of the file as a string or object that implements the toString() method * * @default fs.readFileSync */ export type fileLoader = (path: string) => string | { toString(): string }; export let fileLoader: fileLoader; /** * Name of the object containing the locals. * * This variable is overridden by {@link Options}`.localsName` if it is not * `undefined`. * * @default 'locals' */ export let localsName: string; /** * The opening delimiter for all statements. This allows you to clearly delinate * the difference between template code and existing delimiters. (It is recommended * to synchronize this with the closeDelimiter property.) * * @default '<' */ export let openDelimiter: string; /** * The closing delimiter for all statements. This allows to to clearly delinate * the difference between template code and existing delimiters. (It is recommended * to synchronize this with the openDelimiter property.) * * @default '>' */ export let closeDelimiter: string; /** * The delimiter used in template compilation. * * @default '%' */ export let delimiter: string | undefined; /** * Promise implementation -- defaults to the native implementation if available * This is mostly just for testability * * @default Promise */ export let promiseImpl: PromiseConstructorLike | undefined; /** * Escape characters reserved in XML. * * This is simply an export of `utils.escapeXML`. * * If `markup` is `undefined` or `null`, the empty string is returned. */ export function escapeXML(markup?: any): string; export class Template { /** * The EJS template source text. */ readonly templateText: string; /** * The compiled JavaScript function source, or the empty string * if the template hasn't been compiled yet. */ readonly source: string; constructor(text: string, opts?: Options); /** * Compiles the EJS template. */ compile(): TemplateFunction | AsyncTemplateFunction | ClientFunction | AsyncClientFunction; } export namespace Template { enum modes { EVAL = "eval", ESCAPED = "escaped", RAW = "raw", COMMENT = "comment", LITERAL = "literal", } } export interface Data { [name: string]: any; } /** * This type of function is returned from `compile`, when * `Options.client` is false. * * @param data an object of data to be passed into the template. * @return Return type depends on `Options.async`. */ export type TemplateFunction = (data?: Data) => string; /** * This type of function is returned from `compile`, when * `Options.client` is false. * * @param data an object of data to be passed into the template. * @return Return type depends on `Options.async`. */ export type AsyncTemplateFunction = (data?: Data) => Promise; /** * This type of function is returned from `compile`, when * `Options.client` is true. * * This is also used internally to generate a `TemplateFunction`. * * @param locals an object of data to be passed into the template. * The name of this variable is adjustable through `localsName`. * * @param escape callback used to escape variables * @param include callback used to include files at runtime with `include()` * @param rethrow callback used to handle and rethrow errors * * @return Return type depends on `Options.async`. */ export type ClientFunction = ( locals?: Data, escape?: EscapeCallback, include?: IncludeCallback, rethrow?: RethrowCallback, ) => string; /** * This type of function is returned from `compile`, when * `Options.client` is true. * * This is also used internally to generate a `TemplateFunction`. * * @param locals an object of data to be passed into the template. * The name of this variable is adjustable through `localsName`. * * @param escape callback used to escape variables * @param include callback used to include files at runtime with `include()` * @param rethrow callback used to handle and rethrow errors * * @return Return type depends on `Options.async`. */ export type AsyncClientFunction = ( locals?: Data, escape?: EscapeCallback, include?: IncludeCallback, rethrow?: RethrowCallback, ) => Promise; /** * Escapes a string using HTML/XML escaping rules. * * Returns the empty string for `null` or `undefined`. * * @param markup Input string * @return Escaped string */ export type EscapeCallback = (markup?: any) => string; /** * This type of callback is used when `Options.compileDebug` * is `true`, and an error in the template is thrown. * * By default it is used to rethrow an error in a better-formatted way. * * @param err Error object * @param str full EJS source * @param filename file name of the EJS source * @param lineno line number of the error */ export type RethrowCallback = ( err: Error, str: string, filename: string | null | undefined, lineno: number, esc: EscapeCallback, ) => never; /** * The callback called by `ClientFunction` to include files at runtime with `include()` * * @param path Path to be included * @param data Data passed to the template * @return Contents of the file requested */ export type IncludeCallback = (path: string, data?: Data) => string; /** * An object where {@link filename} is the final parsed path or {@link template} is the content of the included template */ export type IncluderResult = { filename: string; template?: never } | { template: string; filename?: never }; /** * @param originalPath the path as it appears in the include statement * @param parsedPath the previously resolved path * * @return An {@link IncluderResult} object containing the filename or template data. */ export type IncluderCallback = (originalPath: string, parsedPath: string) => IncluderResult; export interface Options { /** * Log the generated JavaScript source for the EJS template to the console. * * @default false */ debug?: boolean | undefined; /** * Include additional runtime debugging information in generated template * functions. * * @default true */ compileDebug?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether or not to use `with () {}` construct in the generated template * functions. If set to `false`, data is still accessible through the object * whose name is specified by `ejs.localsName` (defaults to `locals`). * * @default true */ _with?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether to run in strict mode or not. * Enforces `_with=false`. * * @default false */ strict?: boolean | undefined; /** * An array of local variables that are always destructured from `localsName`, * available even in strict mode. * * @default [] */ destructuredLocals?: string[] | undefined; /** * Remove all safe-to-remove whitespace, including leading and trailing * whitespace. It also enables a safer version of `-%>` line slurping for all * scriptlet tags (it does not strip new lines of tags in the middle of a * line). * * @default false */ rmWhitespace?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether or not to compile a `ClientFunction` that can be rendered * in the browser without depending on ejs.js. Otherwise, a `TemplateFunction` * will be compiled. * * @default false */ client?: boolean | undefined; /** * The escaping function used with `<%=` construct. It is used in rendering * and is `.toString()`ed in the generation of client functions. * * @default ejs.escapeXML */ escape?: EscapeCallback | undefined; /** * The filename of the template. Required for inclusion and caching unless * you are using `renderFile`. Also used for error reporting. * * @default undefined */ filename?: string | undefined; /** * The path to templates root(s). When this is set, absolute paths for includes * (/filename.ejs) will be relative to the templates root(s). * * @default undefined */ root?: string[] | string | undefined; /** * The opening delimiter for all statements. This allows you to clearly delinate * the difference between template code and existing delimiters. (It is recommended * to synchronize this with the closeDelimiter property.) * * @default ejs.openDelimiter */ openDelimiter?: string | undefined; /** * The closing delimiter for all statements. This allows to to clearly delinate * the difference between template code and existing delimiters. (It is recommended * to synchronize this with the openDelimiter property.) * * @default ejs.closeDelimiter */ closeDelimiter?: string | undefined; /** * Character to use with angle brackets for open/close * @default '%' */ delimiter?: string | undefined; /** * Whether or not to enable caching of template functions. Beware that * the options of compilation are not checked as being the same, so * special handling is required if, for example, you want to cache client * and regular functions of the same file. * * Requires `filename` to be set. Only works with rendering function. * * @default false */ cache?: boolean | undefined; /** * The Object to which `this` is set during rendering. * * @default this */ context?: any; /** * Whether or not to create an async function instead of a regular function. * This requires language support. * * @default false */ async?: boolean | undefined; /** * Make sure to set this to 'false' in order to skip UglifyJS parsing, * when using ES6 features (`const`, etc) as UglifyJS doesn't understand them. * @default true */ beautify?: boolean | undefined; /** * Name to use for the object storing local variables when not using `with` or destructuring. * * @default ejs.localsName */ localsName?: string | undefined; /** Set to a string (e.g., 'echo' or 'print') for a function to print output inside scriptlet tags. */ outputFunctionName?: string | undefined; /** * An array of paths to use when resolving includes with relative paths */ views?: string[] | undefined; /** * Custom function to handle EJS includes */ includer?: IncluderCallback; } export interface Cache { /** * Cache the intermediate JavaScript function for a template. * * @param key key for caching * @param val cached function */ set(key: string, val: TemplateFunction): void; /** * Get the cached intermediate JavaScript function for a template. * * @param key key for caching */ get(key: string): TemplateFunction | undefined; /** * Clear the entire cache. */ reset(): void; }