// Type definitions for copy-webpack-plugin 6.4 // Project: https://github.com/webpack-contrib/copy-webpack-plugin // Definitions by: flying-sheep // avin-kavish // Piotr Błażejewicz // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 3.7 import { WebpackPluginInstance as Plugin } from 'webpack'; interface ObjectPattern { /** * File source path or glob * {@link https://webpack.js.org/plugins/copy-webpack-plugin/#from} * @default undefined */ from: string; /** * Path or webpack file-loader patterns. defaults: * output root if `from` is file or dir. * resolved glob path if `from` is glob. * {@link https://webpack.js.org/plugins/copy-webpack-plugin/#to} * @default compiler.options.output */ to?: | string | (({ context, absoluteFilename, }: { context: Exclude; absoluteFilename: string; }) => string); /** * A path that determines how to interpret the `from` path. * {@link https://webpack.js.org/plugins/copy-webpack-plugin/#context} * @default options.context | compiler.options.context */ context?: string; /** * Allows to configure the glob pattern matching library used by the plugin. * {@link https://webpack.js.org/plugins/copy-webpack-plugin/#globoptions} */ globOptions?: object; /** * Allows to filter copied assets. */ filter?: (resourcePath: string) => boolean; /** * How to interpret `to`. default: undefined * `file` - if 'to' has extension or 'from' is file. * `dir` - if 'from' is directory, 'to' has no extension or ends in '/'. * `template` - if 'to' contains a template pattern. * @default undefined */ toType?: 'file' | 'dir' | 'template'; /** * Overwrites files already in `compilation.assets` (usually added by other plugins. * {@link https://webpack.js.org/plugins/copy-webpack-plugin/#force} * @default false */ force?: boolean; /** * Removes all directory references and only copies file names. (default: `false`) * If files have the same name, the result is non-deterministic. * {@link https://webpack.js.org/plugins/copy-webpack-plugin/#flatten} * @default false */ flatten?: boolean; /** * Function that modifies file contents before writing to webpack. (default: `(content, path) => content`) * {@link https://webpack.js.org/plugins/copy-webpack-plugin/#transform} * @default undefined */ transform?: (content: Buffer, absoluteFrom: string) => string | Buffer | Promise; /** * Enable/disable and configure caching. Default path to cache directory: node_modules/.cache/copy-webpack-plugin. * @default false */ cacheTransform?: boolean | string | object; /** * Allows to modify the writing path. * Returns the new path or a promise that resolves into the new path * @default undefined */ transformPath?: (targetPath: string, absolutePath: string) => string | Promise; /** * Doesn't generate an error on missing file(s); * @default false */ noErrorOnMissing?: boolean; /** * Allows to add assets info */ info?: Record | ((file: string) => Record); } type StringPattern = string; interface Options { /** * Limits the number of simultaneous requests to fs * @default 100 */ concurrency?: number; } interface CopyPluginOptions { patterns: ReadonlyArray; options?: Options; } interface CopyPlugin { new (options?: CopyPluginOptions): Plugin; } /** * Copy files and directories with webpack */ declare const copyWebpackPlugin: CopyPlugin; export = copyWebpackPlugin;