// Type definitions for Chance 1.0 // Project: http://chancejs.com // Definitions by: Chris Bowdon // Brice BERNARD // Carlos Sanchez // Colby M. White // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped declare namespace Chance { type Seed = number | string; interface Seeded { seed: Seed; } interface ChanceStatic { (): Chance; (seed: Seed): Chance; (generator: () => any): Chance; new (): Chance; new (seed: Seed): Chance; new (generator: () => any): Chance; } interface Chance extends Seeded { // Basics bool(opts?: Options): boolean; character(opts?: Options): string; floating(opts?: Options): number; integer(opts?: Options): number; letter(opts?: Options): string; natural(opts?: Options): number; string(opts?: Options): string; // Text paragraph(opts?: Options): string; sentence(opts?: Options): string; syllable(opts?: Options): string; word(opts?: Options): string; // Person age(opts?: Options): number; gender(): string; birthday(): Date; birthday(opts?: Options): Date | string; cf(opts?: Options): string; cpf(): string; first(opts?: Options): string; last(opts?: Options): string; name(opts?: Options): string; name_prefix(opts?: Options): string; name_suffix(opts?: Options): string; prefix(opts?: Options): string; ssn(opts?: Options): string; suffix(opts?: Options): string; // Mobile animal(opts?: Options): string; // Mobile android_id(): string; apple_token(): string; bb_pin(): string; wp7_anid(): string; wp8_anid2(): string; // Web avatar(opts?: Options): string; color(opts?: Options): string; company(): string; domain(opts?: Options): string; email(opts?: Options): string; fbid(): string; google_analytics(): string; hashtag(): string; ip(): string; ipv6(): string; klout(): string; profession(opts?: Options): string; tld(): string; twitter(): string; url(opts?: Options): string; // Location address(opts?: Options): string; altitude(opts?: Options): number; areacode(): string; city(): string; coordinates(opts?: Options): string; country(opts?: Options): string; depth(opts?: Options): number; geohash(opts?: Options): string; latitude(opts?: Options): number; locale(opts?: LocaleOptions): string; locales(opts?: LocaleOptions): string; longitude(opts?: Options): number; phone(opts?: Options): string; postal(): string; province(opts?: Options): string; state(opts?: Options): string; street(opts?: Options): string; zip(opts?: Options): string; // Time ampm(): string; date(): Date; date(opts: DateOptions): Date | string; hammertime(): number; hour(opts?: Options): number; millisecond(): number; minute(): number; month(): string; month(opts: Options): Month; second(): number; timestamp(): number; timezone(): Timezone; weekday(opts: Options): 'Monday' | 'Tuesday' | 'Wednesday' | 'Thursday' | 'Friday' | 'Saturday' | 'Sunday'; year(opts?: Options): string; // Finance cc(opts?: Options): string; cc_type(): string; cc_type(opts: Options): string | CreditCardType; currency(): Currency; currency_pair(): [Currency, Currency]; dollar(opts?: Options): string; euro(opts?: Options): string; exp(): string; exp(opts: Options): string | CreditCardExpiration; exp_month(opts?: Options): string; exp_year(opts?: Options): string; // Helpers capitalize(str: string): string; mixin(desc: MixinDescriptor): any; pad(num: number, width: number, padChar?: string): string; /** * @deprecated Use pickone */ pick(arr: T[]): T; pickone(arr: T[]): T; /** * @deprecated Use pickset */ pick(arr: T[], count: number): T[]; pickset(arr: T[], count?: number): T[]; set: Setter; shuffle(arr: T[]): T[]; // Miscellaneous coin(): string; d4(): number; d6(): number; d8(): number; d10(): number; d12(): number; d20(): number; d30(): number; d100(): number; guid(options?: { version: 4 | 5 }): string; hash(opts?: Options): string; n(generator: () => T, count: number, opts?: Options): T[]; normal(opts?: Options): number; radio(opts?: Options): string; rpg(dice: string): number[]; rpg(dice: string, opts?: Options): number[] | number; tv(opts?: Options): string; unique(generator: () => T, count: number, opts?: Options): T[]; weighted(values: T[], weights: number[]): T; // "Hidden" cc_types(): CreditCardType[]; mersenne_twister(seed?: Seed): any; // API return type not defined in docs months(): Month[]; name_prefixes(): Name[]; provinces(): Name[]; states(): Name[]; street_suffix(): Name; street_suffixes(): Name[]; } // A more rigorous approach might be to produce // the correct options interfaces for each method interface Options { [id: string]: any; } interface DateOptions { string?: boolean; american?: boolean; year?: number; month?: number; day?: number; min?: Date; max?: Date; } interface LocaleOptions { region: boolean; } interface Month { name: string; short_name: string; numeric: string; } interface CreditCardType { name: string; short_name: string; prefix: string; length: number; } interface Currency { code: string; name: string; } interface CreditCardExpiration { month: string; year: string; } interface MixinDescriptor { [id: string]: () => any; } interface Setter { (key: "firstNames", values: string[]): any; (key: "lastNames", values: string[]): any; (key: "provinces", values: string[]): any; (key: "us_states_and_dc", values: string[]): any; (key: "territories", values: string[]): any; (key: "armed_forces", values: string[]): any; (key: "street_suffixes", values: string[]): any; (key: "months", values: string[]): any; (key: "cc_types", values: string[]): any; (key: "currency_types", values: string[]): any; (key: string, values: T[]): any; } interface Name { name: string; abbreviation: string; } interface Timezone { name: string; abbr: string; offset: number; isdst: boolean; text: string; utc: string[]; } } declare module "chance" { interface ExportedChance extends Chance.ChanceStatic { Chance: ExportedChance; } var Chance: ExportedChance; export = Chance; }