export = autosize; export as namespace autosize; /** * Attach Autosize to NodeList/Element/JQuery. * * @example * import autosize = require('autosize'); * * // from a NodeList * autosize(document.querySelectorAll('textarea')); * * // from a single Node * autosize(document.querySelector('textarea')); * * // from a jQuery collection * autosize($('textarea')); */ declare function autosize | Element>(elements: T): T; declare namespace autosize { /** * Triggers the height adjustment for an assigned textarea element. * Autosize will automatically adjust the textarea height on keyboard and window resize events. * There is no efficient way for Autosize to monitor for when another script has changed the textarea value or for changes in layout that impact the textarea element. */ function update | Element>(elements: T): T; /** * Removes Autosize and reverts any changes it made to the textarea element. */ function destroy | Element>(elements: T): T; }