// Type definitions for autoprefixer 9.7 // Project: https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer // Definitions by: Armando Meziat // murt // Slava Fomin II // Piotr Błażejewicz // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 2.7 import { Plugin } from 'postcss'; import { Stats } from 'browserslist'; declare namespace autoprefixer { type BrowserslistTarget = string | string[] | { [key: string]: string[] }; interface Options { /** environment for `Browserslist` */ env?: string; /** should Autoprefixer use Visual Cascade, if CSS is uncompressed */ cascade?: boolean; /** should Autoprefixer add prefixes. */ add?: boolean; /** should Autoprefixer [remove outdated] prefixes */ remove?: boolean; /** should Autoprefixer add prefixes for @supports parameters. */ supports?: boolean; /** should Autoprefixer add prefixes for flexbox properties */ flexbox?: boolean | 'no-2009'; /** should Autoprefixer add IE 10-11 prefixes for Grid Layout properties */ grid?: false | 'autoplace' | 'no-autoplace'; /** custom usage statistics for > 10% in my stats browsers query */ stats?: Stats; /** @deprecated Replace Autoprefixer `browsers` option to `Browserslist` config */ browsers?: string[] | string; /** list of queries for target browsers */ overrideBrowserslist?: BrowserslistTarget; /** do not raise error on unknown browser version in `Browserslist` config. */ ignoreUnknownVersions?: boolean; } interface ExportedAPI { /** Autoprefixer data */ data: { browsers: any; prefixes: any; }; /** Autoprefixer default browsers */ defaults: any; /** Inspect with default Autoprefixer */ info(): void; } type Autoprefixer = Plugin & ExportedAPI; } declare const autoprefixer: autoprefixer.Autoprefixer; export = autoprefixer;