import TUICore, { TUILogin, TUIConstants } from '@tencentcloud/tui-core'; import TUIChatEngine, { TUITranslateService } from '@tencentcloud/chat-uikit-engine'; import { TUIGlobal } from '@tencentcloud/universal-api'; import { ITUIComponents, ITUIPlugins } from './interface'; import TUILocales from './locales'; import { isFunction, isObject } from './utils'; import { isApp } from './utils/env'; import CallkitPluginServer from './plugins/extension-server/callkit'; export default class TUIChatKit { static isInitialized: boolean; public chat: any; public SDKAppID: number; public TUICore: any; public TUIChatEngine: any; public TUIGlobal: any; public TUIComponents: ITUIComponents = {}; public TUIPlugins: ITUIPlugins = {}; constructor() { this.TUICore = TUICore; this.TUIChatEngine = TUIChatEngine; this.TUIGlobal = TUIGlobal; this.SDKAppID = 0; this.TUIGlobal._isTIMCallKit = true; TUICore.registerEvent( TUIConstants.TUILogin.EVENT.LOGIN_STATE_CHANGED, TUIConstants.TUILogin.EVENT_SUB_KEY.USER_LOGIN_SUCCESS, this, ); } /** * 监听 TUILogin.login 的成功通知 * @param { TUIInitParam } params 初始化参数 */ public onNotifyEvent(eventName: string, subKey: string) { if (eventName === TUIConstants.TUILogin.EVENT.LOGIN_STATE_CHANGED) { switch (subKey) { case TUIConstants.TUILogin.EVENT_SUB_KEY.USER_LOGIN_SUCCESS: this.login(); break; } } } /** * init 初始化 */ public init() { // 向下兼容,新版本在 index.ts 中默认执行 init 操作 if (TUIChatKit.isInitialized) { return; } TUIChatKit.isInitialized = true; // 原生插件 TUICallKit 存在时执行 call server if (isApp) { new CallkitPluginServer(); } // TUITranslateService init TUITranslateService.provideLanguages({ ...TUILocales }); TUITranslateService.useI18n(); // TUIComponents global install TUIGlobal.TUIComponents = this.TUIComponents; // TUIPlugins global install TUIGlobal.TUIPlugins = this.TUIPlugins; console.warn('[TUIChatKit]: init success.'); } /** * login 登录 */ public login() { const { chat, SDKAppID, userID, userSig } = TUILogin.getContext(); this.SDKAppID = SDKAppID; this.TUIChatEngine.login({ chat, SDKAppID, userID, userSig, }); = chat; return this.TUIChatEngine; } /** * 单个组件挂载 * * @param {string} componentName 挂载的组件名 * @param {any} component 挂载的组件 * @param {any=} env Vue2/Vue3环境 * @returns {TUICore} 挂载后的实例 */ public component(componentName: string, component: any, env?: any) { if (this?.TUIComponents?.componentName) { console.warn( `[TUIChatKit]: ${this?.TUIComponents?.componentName} component has already been applied to target TUIChatEngine.`, ); } else { this.TUIComponents[componentName] = component; env?.component(componentName, component); } if (env) { !TUIGlobal.Vue && (TUIGlobal.Vue = env); } return this.TUIChatEngine; } /** * 组件列表挂载 * * @param {object} components 挂载的组件列表 * @param {any=} env Vue2/Vue3环境 * @returns {TUICore} 挂载后的实例 */ public components(components: object, env?: any) { if (!components || !isObject(components)) { console.warn('[TUIChatKit]: components is empty or not object.'); } else { Object?.keys(components)?.forEach((key: string) => { this.component(key, components[key as keyof typeof components], env); }); } return this.TUIChatEngine; } /** * 插件注入 * * @param {any} TUIPlugin 需要挂载模块的服务 * @param {any} options 其他参数 * @returns {TUICore} 挂载后的实例 */ public use(TUIPluginName: string, TUIPlugin: any, options?: any) { if (!this.TUICore) { console.warn( `[TUIChatKit]: Plugin ${this.TUIPlugins[TUIPluginName]} can't be used before init.`, ); return; } if (this.TUIPlugins[TUIPluginName]) { console.warn( `[TUIChatKit]: Plugin ${this.TUIPlugins[TUIPluginName]} has already been applied to target TUIChatEngine.`, ); } else if (TUIPlugin && isFunction(TUIPlugin?.plugin)) { this.TUIPlugins[TUIPluginName] = TUIPlugin; TUIPlugin?.plugin(this, options); } else if (isFunction(TUIPlugin)) { this.TUIPlugins[TUIPluginName] = TUIPlugin; TUIPlugin(this, options); } else { console.warn( '[TUIChatKit]: A plugin must either be a function or an object with an "plugin" ' + 'function.' + this.TUIPlugins[TUIPluginName] + 'does not comply with the above rules.', ); } return this.TUIChatEngine; } }