const TUIConversation = { "发起会话": "Start chat", "发起单聊": "New one-to-one chat", "发起群聊": "New group chat", "请输入userID": "Enter a user ID", "删除会话": "Delete", "删除后,将清空该聊天的消息记录": "Once deleted, all chat messages will be cleared.", "删除后,将清空该群聊的消息记录": "Once deleted, group chat history will be cleared.", "系统通知": "System notification", "置顶会话": "Pin", "取消置顶": "Unpin", "消息免打扰": "Mute Notifications", "取消免打扰": "Enable Notifications", "有人@我": "Someone @ me", "@所有人": "@All", "条": "strip", "我": "me", "网络异常,请您检查网络设置": "Network exception, please check the network settings", "您已被群管理员移出群聊": "You have been removed from the group chat by the group administrator", "该群聊已被解散": "The group chat has been disband", "您已退出该群聊": "You have left the group chat", } export default TUIConversation;