import { ComponentType } from 'react'; import { UIRuntime } from '@teambit/ui'; import { Slot, SlotRegistry } from '@teambit/harmony'; import { ComponentCompareUI, ComponentCompareAspect } from '@teambit/component-compare'; import { ComponentAspect, ComponentUI, ComponentModel } from '@teambit/component'; import { GraphAspect } from './graph.aspect'; import { GraphSection } from './ui/graph.section'; import { GraphCompareSection } from './'; import { DependenciesGraph } from './ui/dependencies-graph'; export interface ComponentWidgetProps extends React.HTMLAttributes { component: ComponentModel; } export type ComponentWidget = ComponentType; export type ComponentWidgetSlot = SlotRegistry; export type GraphUIConfig = { componentTab: boolean; }; /** * Presents dependencies graph in the component page */ export class GraphUI { getDependenciesGraph() { return DependenciesGraph; } /** * adds plugins to component nodes * @param value */ registerComponentWidget(value: ComponentWidget) { this.componentWidgetSlot.register(value); } constructor(private componentWidgetSlot: ComponentWidgetSlot) {} static dependencies = [ComponentAspect, ComponentCompareAspect]; static runtime = UIRuntime; static slots = [Slot.withType()]; static defaultConfig = { componentTab: true, }; static async provider( [componentUI, componentCompare]: [ComponentUI, ComponentCompareUI], config: GraphUIConfig, [componentWidgetSlot]: [ComponentWidgetSlot] ) { const graphUI = new GraphUI(componentWidgetSlot); const section = new GraphSection(componentWidgetSlot); const graphSection = new GraphCompareSection(); if (config.componentTab) componentUI.registerNavigation(section.navigationLink, section.order); componentUI.registerRoute(section.route); componentCompare.registerNavigation(graphSection); componentCompare.registerRoutes([graphSection.route]); return graphUI; } } GraphAspect.addRuntime(GraphUI);