import * as path from 'path' import { run } from './utils' import { getPkgVersion } from '../src/util' import { exec } from 'child_process' import { chalk, fs, shouldUseCnpm, shouldUseYarn, PROJECT_CONFIG } from '@tarojs/helper' const runUpdate = run('update') const lastestVersion = getPkgVersion() jest.mock('child_process', () => { const exec = jest.fn() exec.mockReturnValue({ stdout: { on () {} }, stderr: { on () {} } }) return { __esModule: true, exec } }) jest.mock('ora', () => { const ora = jest.fn() ora.mockReturnValue({ start () {} }) return ora }) jest.mock('@tarojs/helper', () => { const helper = jest.requireActual('@tarojs/helper') const fs = jest.requireActual('fs-extra') return { __esModule: true, ...helper, shouldUseCnpm: jest.fn(), shouldUseYarn: jest.fn(), chalk: { red: jest.fn(), green () {} }, fs: { ...fs, writeJson: jest.fn() } } }) jest.mock('latest-version', () => () => lastestVersion) function updatePkg (pkgPath: string, version: string) { let packageMap = require(pkgPath) packageMap = { ...packageMap, dependencies: { ...packageMap.dependencies, '@tarojs/shared': version, '@tarojs/taro': version, '@tarojs/api': version, '@tarojs/cli': version, '@tarojs/components': version, '@tarojs/taro-h5': version, '@tarojs/helper': version, '@tarojs/taro-loader': version, '@tarojs/mini-runner': version, '@tarojs/react': version, '@tarojs/router': version, '@tarojs/runner-utils': version, '@tarojs/runtime': version, '@tarojs/service': version, '@tarojs/webpack-runner': version, '@tarojs/with-weapp': version, '@tarojs/taroize': version }, devDependencies: { ...packageMap.devDependencies, 'babel-preset-taro': version, 'eslint-config-taro': version, 'babel-plugin-transform-taroapi': version, 'eslint-plugin-taro': version, 'postcss-plugin-constparse': version, 'postcss-pxtransform': version } } return packageMap } describe('update', () => { const execMocked = (exec as unknown) as jest.Mock const shouldUseCnpmMocked = shouldUseCnpm as jest.Mock const shouldUseYarnMocked = shouldUseYarn as jest.Mock const writeJson = fs.writeJson as jest.Mock beforeEach(() => { shouldUseCnpmMocked.mockReturnValue(false) shouldUseYarnMocked.mockReturnValue(false) }) afterEach(() => { execMocked.mockClear() shouldUseCnpmMocked.mockReset() shouldUseYarnMocked.mockReset() writeJson.mockClear() }) it('should log errors', async () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log') spy.mockImplementation(() => {}) await runUpdate('') expect(spy).toBeCalledTimes(3) spy.mockRestore() }) it('should update self', async () => { await runUpdate('', { args: ['self'] }) expect(execMocked).toBeCalledWith(`npm i -g @tarojs/cli@${lastestVersion}`) }) it('should update self using cnpm', async () => { shouldUseCnpmMocked.mockReturnValue(true) await runUpdate('', { args: ['self'] }) expect(execMocked).toBeCalledWith(`cnpm i -g @tarojs/cli@${lastestVersion}`) }) it('should update self to specific version', async () => { const version = '3.0.0-beta.0' await runUpdate('', { args: ['self', version] }) expect(execMocked).toBeCalledWith(`npm i -g @tarojs/cli@${version}`) }) it('should throw when there isn\'t a Taro project', async () => { const chalkMocked = ( as unknown) as jest.Mock const exitSpy = jest.spyOn(process, 'exit') const logSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log') exitSpy.mockImplementation(() => { throw new Error() }) logSpy.mockImplementation(() => {}) try { await runUpdate('', { args: ['project'] }) } catch (error) {} expect(chalkMocked).toBeCalledWith(`找不到项目配置文件${PROJECT_CONFIG},请确定当前目录是Taro项目根目录!`) expect(exitSpy).toBeCalledWith(1) exitSpy.mockRestore() logSpy.mockRestore() }) it('should update project', async () => { const appPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/default') const pkgPath = path.join(appPath, 'package.json') const packageMap = updatePkg(pkgPath, lastestVersion) const logSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log') logSpy.mockImplementation(() => {}) await runUpdate(appPath, { args: ['project'] }) expect(writeJson.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual(pkgPath) expect(writeJson.mock.calls[0][1]).toEqual(packageMap) expect(execMocked).toBeCalledWith('npm install') logSpy.mockRestore() }) it('should update project to specific version', async () => { const version = '3.0.0-beta.4' const appPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/default') const pkgPath = path.join(appPath, 'package.json') const packageMap = updatePkg(pkgPath, version) const logSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log') logSpy.mockImplementation(() => {}) await runUpdate(appPath, { args: ['project', version] }) expect(writeJson.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual(pkgPath) expect(writeJson.mock.calls[0][1]).toEqual(packageMap) expect(execMocked).toBeCalledWith('npm install') logSpy.mockRestore() }) it('should update project with yarn', async () => { const appPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/default') const logSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log') logSpy.mockImplementation(() => {}) shouldUseYarnMocked.mockReturnValue(true) await runUpdate(appPath, { args: ['project'] }) expect(execMocked).toBeCalledWith('yarn') logSpy.mockRestore() }) it('should update project with cnpm', async () => { const appPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/default') const logSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log') logSpy.mockImplementation(() => {}) shouldUseCnpmMocked.mockReturnValue(true) await runUpdate(appPath, { args: ['project'] }) expect(execMocked).toBeCalledWith('cnpm install') logSpy.mockRestore() }) })