import { Internationalization } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base'; import { KeyboardEvents, KeyboardEventArgs, BaseEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base'; import { EmitType, Component } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base'; import { ModuleDeclaration, ChildProperty } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base'; import { Popup } from '@syncfusion/ej2-popups'; import { FocusEventArgs, BlurEventArgs, ClearedEventArgs } from '../calendar/calendar'; import { IInput, FloatLabelType } from '@syncfusion/ej2-inputs'; import { createElementParams } from '@syncfusion/ej2-lists'; import { TimePickerModel, TimeMaskPlaceholderModel } from './timepicker-model'; export interface ChangeEventArgs { /** Defines the boolean that returns true when the value is changed by user interaction, otherwise returns false. */ isInteracted?: boolean; /** Defines the selected time value of the TimePicker. * * @isGenericType true */ value?: Date; /** Defines the selected time value as string. */ text?: string; /** Defines the original event arguments. */ event?: KeyboardEventArgs | FocusEvent | MouseEvent | Event; /** Defines the element */ element: HTMLInputElement | HTMLElement; } /** * Interface for before list item render . */ export interface ItemEventArgs extends BaseEventArgs { /** Defines the created LI element. */ element: HTMLElement; /** Defines the displayed text value in a popup list. */ text: string; /** Defines the Date object of displayed text in a popup list. * * @isGenericType true */ value: Date; /** Specifies whether to disable the current time value or not. */ isDisabled: boolean; } export interface CursorPositionDetails { /** Defines the text selection starting position. */ start: number; /** Defines the text selection end position. */ end: number; } export interface MeridianText { /** Defines the culture specific meridian text for AM. */ am: string; /** Defines the culture specific meridian text for PM. */ pm: string; } export interface TimeFormatObject { /** * Specifies the format in which the date format will process */ skeleton?: string; } export interface PopupEventArgs { /** Specifies the name of the event */ name?: string; /** * Illustrates whether the current action needs to be prevented or not. */ cancel?: boolean; /** * Defines the TimePicker popup object. * */ popup?: Popup; /** * Specifies the original event arguments. */ event?: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent | FocusEvent | Event; /** * Specifies the node to which the popup element to be appended. */ appendTo?: HTMLElement; } export declare namespace TimePickerBase { function createListItems(createdEl: createElementParams, min: Date, max: Date, globalize: Internationalization, timeFormat: string, step: number): { collection: number[]; list: HTMLElement; }; } export declare class TimeMaskPlaceholder extends ChildProperty { /** * Specifies the mask placeholder value for day property. * * @default 'day' */ day: string; /** * Specifies the mask placeholder value for month property. * * @default 'month' */ month: string; /** * Specifies the mask placeholder value for year property. * * @default 'year' */ year: string; /** * Specifies the mask placeholder value for day of the week property. * * @default 'day of the week' */ dayOfTheWeek: string; /** * Specifies the mask placeholder value for hour property. * * @default 'hour' */ hour: string; /** * Specifies the mask placeholder value for minute property. * * @default 'minute' */ minute: string; /** * Specifies the mask placeholder value for second property. * * @default 'second' */ second: string; } /** * TimePicker is an intuitive interface component which provides an options to select a time value * from popup list or to set a desired time value. * ``` * * * ``` */ export declare class TimePicker extends Component implements IInput { private inputWrapper; private popupWrapper; private cloneElement; private listWrapper; private listTag; private anchor; private selectedElement; private liCollections; protected inputElement: HTMLInputElement; private popupObj; protected inputEvent: KeyboardEvents; protected globalize: Internationalization; private defaultCulture; private containerStyle; private rippleFn; private l10n; private cursorDetails; private activeIndex; private timeCollections; private isNavigate; private disableItemCollection; protected isPreventBlur: boolean; private isTextSelected; private prevValue; private inputStyle; private angularTag; private valueWithMinutes; private prevDate; private initValue; private initMin; private initMax; private inputEleValue; private openPopupEventArgs; private formatString; protected tabIndex: string; private formElement; private modal; private invalidValueString; protected keyConfigure: { [key: string]: string; }; private timeOptions; private mobileTimePopupWrap; protected isAngular: boolean; protected preventChange: boolean; protected maskedDateValue: string; protected moduleName: string; protected clearButton: HTMLElement; /** * Gets or sets the width of the TimePicker component. The width of the popup is based on the width of the component. * * @default null */ width: string | number; /** * Specifies the root CSS class of the TimePicker that allows to * customize the appearance by overriding the styles. * * @default null */ cssClass: string; /** * Specifies the component to act as strict so that, it allows to enter only a valid time value within a specified range or else * resets to previous value. By default, strictMode is in false. * > For more details refer to * [`Strict Mode`](../../timepicker/strict-mode/) documentation. * * @default false */ strictMode: boolean; /** * Customizes the key actions in TimePicker. * For example, when using German keyboard, the key actions can be customized using these shortcuts. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Key action
* Key
* enter
* enter
* escape
* escape
* end
* end
* tab
* tab
* home
* home
* down
* downarrow
* up
* uparrow
* left
* leftarrow
* right
* rightarrow
* open
* alt+downarrow
* close
* alt+uparrow
* * {% codeBlock src='timepicker/keyConfigs/' %}{% endcodeBlock %} * * @default null */ keyConfigs: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * Specifies the format of value that is to be displayed in component. By default, the format is * based on the culture. * > For more details refer to * [`Format`](../../timepicker/getting-started#setting-the-time-format) documentation. * {% codeBlock src='timepicker/format/' %}{% endcodeBlock %} * * @default null * @aspType string */ format: string | TimeFormatObject; /** * Specifies whether the component to be disabled or not. * * @default true */ enabled: boolean; /** * Specifies the component popup display full screen in mobile devices. * * @default false */ fullScreenMode: boolean; /** * Specifies the component in readonly state. * * @default false */ readonly: boolean; /** * You can add the additional html attributes such as disabled, value etc., to the element. * If you configured both property and equivalent html attribute then the component considers the property value. * {% codeBlock src='timepicker/htmlAttributes/' %}{% endcodeBlock %} * * @default {} */ htmlAttributes: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * Specifies the placeholder text to be floated. * Possible values are: * Never: The label will never float in the input when the placeholder is available. * Always: The floating label will always float above the input. * Auto: The floating label will float above the input after focusing or entering a value in the input. * * @default Syncfusion.EJ2.Inputs.FloatLabelType.Never * @aspType Syncfusion.EJ2.Inputs.FloatLabelType * @isEnumeration true */ floatLabelType: FloatLabelType | string; /** * Specifies the placeholder text that is displayed in textbox. * * @default null */ placeholder: string; /** * specifies the z-index value of the timePicker popup element. * * @default 1000 * @aspType int */ zIndex: number; /** * Enable or disable the persisting component's state between the page reloads. If enabled, following list of states will be persisted. * 1. Value * * @default false */ enablePersistence: boolean; /** * Specifies whether to show or hide the clear icon. * * @default true */ showClearButton: boolean; /** * Specifies the time interval between the two adjacent time values in the popup list. * > For more details refer to * [`Format`](../../timepicker/getting-started#setting-the-time-format)documentation. * * @default 30 * */ step: number; /** * Specifies the scroll bar position if there is no value is selected in the popup list or * the given value is not present in the popup list. * > For more details refer to * [`Time Duration`]( sample. * {% codeBlock src='timepicker/scrollTo/' %}{% endcodeBlock %} * * @default null */ scrollTo: Date; /** * Gets or sets the value of the component. The value is parsed based on the culture specific time format. * * @default null * @isGenericType true */ value: Date; /** * Gets or sets the minimum time value that can be allowed to select in TimePicker. * > For more details refer to * [`Time Range`](../../timepicker/time-range/) documentation. * * @default 00:00 */ min: Date; /** * Gets or sets the maximum time value that can be allowed to select in TimePicker. * > For more details refer to * [`Time Range`](../../timepicker/time-range/) documentation. * * @default 00:00 */ max: Date; /** * > Support for `allowEdit` has been provided from * [`v16.2.46`]( * * Specifies whether the input textbox is editable or not. Here the user can select the value from the * popup and cannot edit in the input textbox. * * @default true */ allowEdit: boolean; /** * By default, the popup opens while clicking on the timepicker icon. * If you want to open the popup while focusing the time input then specify its value as true. * * @default false */ openOnFocus: boolean; /** * Specifies whether it is a masked timepicker or not. * By default the timepicker component render without masked input. * If you need masked timepicker input then specify it as true. * * @default false */ enableMask: boolean; /** * Specifies the mask placeholder to be displayed on masked timepicker. * * @default {day:'day' , month:'month', year: 'year', hour:'hour',minute:'minute',second:'second',dayOfTheWeek: 'day of the week'} * @aspType TimePickerMaskPlaceholder */ maskPlaceholder: TimeMaskPlaceholderModel; /** * By default, the time value will be processed based on system time zone. * If you want to process the initial time value using server time zone * then specify the time zone value to `serverTimezoneOffset` property. * * @default null */ serverTimezoneOffset: number; /** * Triggers when the value is changed. * * @event change */ change: EmitType; /** * Triggers when the component is created. * * @event created */ created: EmitType; /** * Triggers when the component is destroyed. * * @event destroyed */ destroyed: EmitType; /** * Triggers when the popup is opened. * * @event open */ open: EmitType; /** * Triggers while rendering the each popup list item. * * @event itemRender */ itemRender: EmitType; /** * Triggers when the popup is closed. * * @event close */ close: EmitType; /** * Triggers when timepicker value is cleared using clear button. * * @event cleared */ cleared: EmitType; /** * Triggers when the control loses the focus. * * @event blur */ blur: EmitType; /** * Triggers when the control gets focused. * * @event focus */ focus: EmitType; /** * Constructor for creating the widget * * @param {TimePickerModel} options - Specifies the TimePicker model. * @param {string | HTMLInputElement} element - Specifies the element to render as component. * @private */ constructor(options?: TimePickerModel, element?: string | HTMLInputElement); /** * Initialize the event handler * * @returns {void} * @private */ protected preRender(): void; protected render(): void; protected setTimeZone(): void; protected isDayLightSaving(): boolean; private setTimeAllowEdit; private clearIconState; private validateDisable; protected validationAttribute(target: HTMLElement, input: Element): void; private initialize; protected checkTimeFormat(): void; private checkDateValue; private createInputElement; private getCldrDateTimeFormat; private checkInvalidValue; requiredModules(): ModuleDeclaration[]; private cldrFormat; destroy(): void; protected ensureInputAttribute(): void; private popupCreation; protected getPopupHeight(): number; private generateList; private renderPopup; private timePopupCloseHandler; private getFormattedValue; private getDateObject; private updateHtmlAttributeToWrapper; private updateHtmlAttributeToElement; private updateCssClass; private removeErrorClass; private checkErrorState; private validateInterval; private disableTimeIcon; private disableElement; private enableElement; private selectInputText; private setCursorToEnd; private getMeridianText; private getCursorSelection; private getActiveElement; private isNullOrEmpty; private setWidth; private setPopupWidth; private setScrollPosition; private findScrollTop; private setScrollTo; private getText; private getValue; private cldrDateFormat; private cldrTimeFormat; private dateToNumeric; private getExactDateTime; private setValue; private compareFormatChange; private updatePlaceHolder; private updateInputValue; private preventEventBubbling; private popupHandler; private mouseDownHandler; private mouseUpHandler; private focusSelection; private inputHandler; private onMouseClick; private closePopup; private disposeServerPopup; private checkValueChange; private onMouseOver; private setHover; private setSelection; private onMouseLeave; private scrollHandler; private setMinMax; protected validateMinMax(dateVal: Date | string, minVal: Date, maxVal: Date): Date | string; private valueIsDisable; protected validateState(val: string | Date): boolean; protected strictOperation(minimum: Date, maximum: Date, dateVal: Date | string, val: Date): Date | string; protected bindEvents(): void; private keydownHandler; protected formResetHandler(): void; private inputChangeHandler; private inputEventHandler; protected unBindEvents(): void; private bindClearEvent; private raiseClearedEvent; protected clearHandler(e: MouseEvent): void; private clear; protected setZIndex(): void; protected checkAttributes(isDynamic: boolean): void; protected setCurrentDate(value: Date): Date; protected getTextFormat(): number; protected updateValue(value: string | Date, event: KeyboardEventArgs | FocusEvent | MouseEvent): void; protected previousState(date: Date): string; protected resetState(): void; protected objToString(val: Date): string; protected checkValue(value: string | Date): string; protected validateValue(date: Date, value: string | Date): string; private createMask; protected findNextElement(event: KeyboardEventArgs): void; protected selectNextItem(event: KeyboardEventArgs): void; protected elementValue(value: Date): void; private validLiElement; protected keyHandler(event: KeyboardEventArgs): void; protected getCultureTimeObject(ld: Object, c: string): Object; protected getCultureDateObject(ld: Object, c: string): Object; protected wireListEvents(): void; protected unWireListEvents(): void; protected valueProcess(event: KeyboardEventArgs | FocusEvent | MouseEvent, value: Date): void; protected changeEvent(e: KeyboardEventArgs | FocusEvent | MouseEvent): void; protected updateInput(isUpdate: boolean, date: Date): void; protected setActiveDescendant(): void; protected removeSelection(): void; protected removeHover(className: string): void; protected getHoverItem(className: string): Element[]; private setActiveClass; protected addSelection(): void; protected isValidLI(li: Element | HTMLElement): boolean; protected createDateObj(val: Date | string): Date; protected timeParse(today: string, val: Date | string): Date; protected createListItems(): void; private documentClickHandler; protected setEnableRtl(): void; protected setEnable(): void; protected getProperty(date: TimePickerModel, val: string): void; protected inputBlurHandler(e: MouseEvent): void; /** * Focuses out the TimePicker textbox element. * * @returns {void} */ focusOut(): void; private isPopupOpen; private inputFocusHandler; /** * Focused the TimePicker textbox element. * * @returns {void} */ focusIn(): void; /** * Hides the TimePicker popup. * * @returns {void} */ hide(): void; /** * Opens the popup to show the list items. * * @returns {void} */ show(event?: KeyboardEvent | MouseEvent | Event): void; private setOverlayIndex; private formatValues; private popupAlignment; /** * Gets the properties to be maintained upon browser refresh. * * @returns {string} */ getPersistData(): string; /** * To get component name * * @returns {string} Returns the component name. * @private */ protected getModuleName(): string; /** * Called internally if any of the property value changed. * * @param {TimePickerModel} newProp - Returns the dynamic property value of the component. * @param {TimePickerModel} oldProp - Returns the previous property value of the component. * @returns {void} * @private */ onPropertyChanged(newProp: TimePickerModel, oldProp: TimePickerModel): void; protected checkInValue(inValue: string | Date | number): string; }