import postcss from 'postcss'; import { ClassSymbol, ElementSymbol } from './stylable-meta'; import { CSSResolve } from './stylable-resolver'; import { valueMapping } from './stylable-value-parsers'; const tokenizer = require('css-selector-tokenizer'); export interface SelectorAstNode { type: string; name: string; nodes: SelectorAstNode[]; content?: string; before?: string; value?: string; operator?: string; } export interface PseudoSelectorAstNode extends SelectorAstNode { type: 'pseudo-class'; content: string; } export type Visitor = ( node: SelectorAstNode, index: number, nodes: SelectorAstNode[] ) => boolean | void; type nodeWithPseudo = Partial & { pseudo: Array> }; export function parseSelector(selector: string): SelectorAstNode { return tokenizer.parse(selector); } export function stringifySelector(ast: SelectorAstNode): string { return tokenizer.stringify(ast); } export function traverseNode( node: SelectorAstNode, visitor: Visitor, index = 0, nodes: SelectorAstNode[] = [node] ): boolean | void { if (!node) { return; } const cNodes = node.nodes; let doNext = visitor(node, index, nodes); if (doNext === false) { return false; } if (doNext === true) { return true; } if (cNodes) { for (let i = 0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) { doNext = traverseNode(node.nodes[i], visitor, i, node.nodes); if (doNext === false) { return false; } } } } export function createChecker(types: Array) { return () => { let index = 0; return (node: SelectorAstNode) => { const matcher = types[index]; if (Array.isArray(matcher)) { return matcher.includes(node.type); } else if (matcher !== node.type) { return false; } if (types[index] !== node.type) { return false; } index++; return true; }; }; } export function isGlobal(node: SelectorAstNode) { return node.type === 'nested-pseudo-class' && === 'global'; } export function isRootValid(ast: SelectorAstNode, rootName: string) { let isValid = true; traverseNode(ast, (node, index, nodes) => { if (node.type === 'nested-pseudo-class') { return true; } if (node.type === 'class' && === rootName) { let isLastScopeGlobal = false; for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) { const part = nodes[i]; if (isGlobal(part)) { isLastScopeGlobal = true; } if (part.type === 'spacing' && !isLastScopeGlobal) { isValid = false; } if (part.type === 'element' || (part.type === 'class' && part.value !== 'root')) { isLastScopeGlobal = false; } } } return undefined; }); return isValid; } export const createSimpleSelectorChecker = createChecker([ 'selectors', 'selector', ['element', 'class'], ]); export function isSimpleSelector(selectorAst: SelectorAstNode) { const isSimpleSelectorASTNode = createSimpleSelectorChecker(); const isSimple = traverseNode( selectorAst, (node) => isSimpleSelectorASTNode(node) !== false /*stop on complex selector */ ); return isSimple; } export function isImport(ast: SelectorAstNode): boolean { const selectors = ast.nodes[0]; const selector = selectors && selectors.nodes[0]; return selector && selector.type === 'pseudo-class' && === 'import'; } export function matchAtKeyframes(selector: string) { return selector.match(/^@keyframes\s*(.*)/); } export function matchAtMedia(selector: string) { return selector.match(/^@media\s*(.*)/); } export function isNodeMatch(nodeA: Partial, nodeB: Partial) { return nodeA.type === nodeB.type && ===; } export interface SelectorChunk { type: string; operator?: string; value?: string; nodes: Array>; } export interface SelectorChunk2 { type: string; operator?: string; value?: string; nodes: SelectorAstNode[]; before?: string; } export function mergeChunks(chunks: SelectorChunk2[][]) { const ast: any = { type: 'selectors', nodes: [] }; let i = 0; for (const selectorChunks of chunks) { ast.nodes[i] = { type: 'selector', nodes: [] }; for (const chunk of selectorChunks) { if (chunk.type !== 'selector') { ast.nodes[i].nodes.push(chunk); } else { ast.nodes[i].before = chunk.before; } for (const node of chunk.nodes) { ast.nodes[i].nodes.push(node); } } i++; } return ast; } export function separateChunks2(selectorNode: SelectorAstNode) { const selectors: SelectorChunk2[][] = [];{ nodes, before }) => { selectors.push([{ type: 'selector', nodes: [], before }]); nodes.forEach((node) => { if (node.type === 'operator') { const chunks = selectors[selectors.length - 1]; chunks.push({ ...node, nodes: [] }); } else if (node.type === 'spacing') { const chunks = selectors[selectors.length - 1]; chunks.push({ ...node, nodes: [] }); } else { const chunks = selectors[selectors.length - 1]; chunks[chunks.length - 1].nodes.push(node); } }); }); return selectors; } export function getOriginDefinition(resolved: Array>) { for (const r of resolved) { const { symbol } = r; if (symbol._kind === 'class' || symbol._kind === 'element') { if (symbol.alias && !symbol[valueMapping.extends]) { continue; } else { return r; } } } return resolved[0]; } export function separateChunks(selectorNode: SelectorAstNode) { const selectors: SelectorChunk[][] = []; traverseNode(selectorNode, (node) => { if (node.type === 'selectors') { // skip } else if (node.type === 'selector') { selectors.push([{ type: 'selector', nodes: [] }]); } else if (node.type === 'operator') { const chunks = selectors[selectors.length - 1]; chunks.push({ type: node.type, operator: node.operator, nodes: [] }); } else if (node.type === 'spacing') { const chunks = selectors[selectors.length - 1]; chunks.push({ type: node.type, value: node.value, nodes: [] }); } else { const chunks = selectors[selectors.length - 1]; chunks[chunks.length - 1].nodes.push(node); } }); return selectors; } function getLastChunk(selectorChunk: SelectorChunk[]): SelectorChunk { return selectorChunk[selectorChunk.length - 1]; } export function filterChunkNodesByType( chunk: SelectorChunk, typeOptions: string[] ): Array> { return chunk.nodes.filter((node) => { return node.type && typeOptions.includes(node.type); }); } function isPseudoDiff(a: nodeWithPseudo, b: nodeWithPseudo) { const aNodes = a.pseudo; const bNodes = b.pseudo; if (!aNodes || !bNodes || aNodes.length !== bNodes.length) { return false; } return aNodes.every((node, index) => isNodeMatch(node, bNodes[index])); } function groupClassesAndPseudoElements(nodes: Array>): nodeWithPseudo[] { const nodesWithPseudos: nodeWithPseudo[] = []; nodes.forEach((node) => { if (node.type === 'class' || node.type === 'element') { nodesWithPseudos.push({ ...node, pseudo: [] }); } else if (node.type === 'pseudo-element') { nodesWithPseudos[nodesWithPseudos.length - 1].pseudo.push({ ...node }); } }); const nodesNoDuplicates: nodeWithPseudo[] = []; nodesWithPseudos.forEach((node) => { if ( node.pseudo.length || !nodesWithPseudos.find((n) => isNodeMatch(n, node) && node !== n) ) { nodesNoDuplicates.push(node); } }); return nodesNoDuplicates; } const containsInTheEnd = ( originalElements: nodeWithPseudo[], currentMatchingElements: nodeWithPseudo[] ) => { const offset = originalElements.length - currentMatchingElements.length; let arraysEqual = false; if (offset >= 0 && currentMatchingElements.length > 0) { arraysEqual = true; for (let i = 0; i < currentMatchingElements.length; i++) { const a = originalElements[i + offset]; const b = currentMatchingElements[i]; if ( !== || a.type !== b.type || !isPseudoDiff(a, b)) { arraysEqual = false; break; } } } return arraysEqual; }; export function matchSelectorTarget(sourceSelector: string, targetSelector: string): boolean { const a = separateChunks(parseSelector(sourceSelector)); const b = separateChunks(parseSelector(targetSelector)); if (a.length > 1) { throw new Error('source selector must not be composed of more than one compound selector'); } const lastChunkA = getLastChunk(a[0]); const relevantChunksA = groupClassesAndPseudoElements( filterChunkNodesByType(lastChunkA, ['class', 'element', 'pseudo-element']) ); return b.some((compoundSelector) => { const lastChunkB = getLastChunk(compoundSelector); let relevantChunksB = groupClassesAndPseudoElements( filterChunkNodesByType(lastChunkB, ['class', 'element', 'pseudo-element']) ); relevantChunksB = relevantChunksB.filter((nodeB) => relevantChunksA.find((nodeA) => isNodeMatch(nodeA, nodeB)) ); return containsInTheEnd(relevantChunksA, relevantChunksB); }); } export function fixChunkOrdering(selectorNode: SelectorAstNode, prefixType: SelectorAstNode) { let startChunkIndex = 0; let moved = false; traverseNode(selectorNode, (node, index, nodes) => { if (node.type === 'operator' || node.type === 'spacing') { startChunkIndex = index + 1; moved = false; } else if (isNodeMatch(node, prefixType)) { if (index > 0 && !moved) { moved = true; nodes.splice(index, 1); nodes.splice(startChunkIndex, 0, node); } // return false; } return undefined; }); } export function isChildOfAtRule(rule: postcss.Container, atRuleName: string) { return !!rule.parent && rule.parent.type === 'atrule' && === atRuleName; } export function isCompRoot(name: string) { return name.charAt(0).match(/[A-Z]/); } export function createWarningRule( extendedNode: string, scopedExtendedNode: string, extendedFile: string, extendingNode: string, scopedExtendingNode: string, extendingFile: string, useScoped = false ) { const message = `"class extending component '.${extendingNode} => ${scopedExtendingNode}' in stylesheet '${extendingFile}' was set on a node that does not extend '.${extendedNode} => ${scopedExtendedNode}' from stylesheet '${extendedFile}'" !important`; return postcss.rule({ selector: `.${useScoped ? scopedExtendingNode : extendingNode}:not(.${ useScoped ? scopedExtendedNode : extendedNode })::before`, nodes: [ postcss.decl({ prop: 'content', value: message, }), postcss.decl({ prop: 'display', value: `block !important`, }), postcss.decl({ prop: 'font-family', value: `monospace !important`, }), postcss.decl({ prop: 'background-color', value: `red !important`, }), postcss.decl({ prop: 'color', value: `white !important`, }), ], }); }