import cloneDeepWith from 'lodash.clonedeepwith'; import postcssValueParser from 'postcss-value-parser'; import { StylableMeta } from './stylable-meta'; import { StylableResolver } from './stylable-resolver'; import { getFormatterArgs, getNamedArgs, getStringValue } from './stylable-value-parsers'; import { ParsedValue } from './types'; export interface Box { type: Type; value: Value; } export function box( type: Type, value: Value ): Box { return { type, value, }; } const { hasOwnProperty } = Object.prototype; export function unbox>(boxed: B | string): any { if (typeof boxed === 'string') { return boxed; } else if (typeof boxed === 'object' && boxed.type &&, 'value')) { return cloneDeepWith(boxed.value, unbox); } } export interface BoxedValueMap { [k: string]: string | Box; } export type BoxedValueArray = Array>; type CustomTypes = Record>; export interface CustomValueExtension { evalVarAst( valueAst: ParsedValue, customTypes: { [typeID: string]: CustomValueExtension; } ): Box; getValue( path: string[], value: Box, node: ParsedValue, customTypes: CustomTypes ): string; } export const stTypes: CustomTypes = { stArray: createCustomValue({ processArgs: (node, customTypes) => { return CustomValueStrategy.args(node, customTypes); }, createValue: (args) => { return args; }, getValue: (value, index) => value[parseInt(index, 10)], }).register('stArray'), stMap: createCustomValue({ processArgs: (node, customTypes) => { return CustomValueStrategy.named(node, customTypes); }, createValue: (args) => { return args; }, getValue: (value, index) => value[index], }).register('stMap'), }; export const CustomValueStrategy = { args: (fnNode: ParsedValue, customTypes: CustomTypes) => { const pathArgs = getFormatterArgs(fnNode); const outputArray = []; for (const arg of pathArgs) { const parsedArg = postcssValueParser(arg).nodes[0]; const ct = parsedArg.type === 'function' && parsedArg.value; const resolvedValue = typeof ct === 'string' && customTypes[ct] ? customTypes[ct].evalVarAst(parsedArg, customTypes) : arg; outputArray.push(resolvedValue); } return outputArray; }, named: (fnNode: ParsedValue, customTypes: CustomTypes) => { const outputMap: BoxedValueMap = {}; const s = getNamedArgs(fnNode); for (const [prop, space, ...valueNodes] of s) { if (space.type !== 'space') { // TODO: error catch throw new Error('Invalid argument'); } let resolvedValue; if (valueNodes.length === 0) { // TODO: error } else if (valueNodes.length === 1) { const valueNode = valueNodes[0]; resolvedValue = valueNode.resolvedValue; if (!resolvedValue) { const ct = customTypes[valueNode.value]; if (valueNode.type === 'function' && ct) { resolvedValue = ct.evalVarAst(valueNode, customTypes); } else { resolvedValue = getStringValue(valueNode); } } } else { resolvedValue = getStringValue(valueNodes); } if (resolvedValue) { outputMap[prop.value] = resolvedValue; } } return outputMap; }, }; export interface JSValueExtension { _kind: 'CustomValue'; register(localTypeSymbol: string): CustomValueExtension; } interface ExtensionApi { processArgs: (fnNode: ParsedValue, customTypes: CustomTypes) => Args; createValue: (args: Args) => Value; getValue: (v: Value, key: string) => string | Box; flattenValue?: ( v: Box ) => { parts: Array>; delimiter: ',' | ' '; }; } export function resolveCustomValues(meta: StylableMeta, resolver: StylableResolver) { const customValues = { ...stTypes }; for (const [symbolName, symbol] of Object.entries(meta.mappedSymbols)) { if (symbol._kind !== 'import') { continue; } const ss = resolver.resolveImport(symbol); if (!ss || ss._kind === 'css') { continue; } if (ss.symbol && isCustomValue(ss.symbol)) { if (customValues[symbolName]) { // TODO: report reserved name.! } else { customValues[symbolName] = ss.symbol.register(symbolName); } } } return customValues; } export function createCustomValue({ processArgs, createValue, flattenValue, getValue, }: ExtensionApi): JSValueExtension { return { _kind: 'CustomValue', register(localTypeSymbol: string) { return { evalVarAst(fnNode: ParsedValue, customTypes: CustomTypes) { const args = processArgs(fnNode, customTypes); return box(localTypeSymbol, createValue(args)); }, getValue( path: string[], obj: Box, fallbackNode: ParsedValue, // TODO: add test customTypes: CustomTypes ): string { if (path.length === 0) { if (flattenValue) { const { delimiter, parts } = flattenValue(obj); return parts .map((v) => getBoxValue([], v, fallbackNode, customTypes)) .join(delimiter); } else { // TODO: add diagnostics return getStringValue([fallbackNode]); } } const value = getValue(obj.value, path[0]); return getBoxValue(path.slice(1), value, fallbackNode, customTypes); }, }; }, }; } export function getBoxValue( path: string[], value: string | Box, node: ParsedValue, customTypes: CustomTypes ): string { if (typeof value === 'string') { return value; } else if (value && customTypes[value.type]) { return customTypes[value.type].getValue(path, value, node, customTypes); } else { throw new Error('Unknown Type ' + JSON.stringify(value)); // return JSON.stringify(value); } } export function isCustomValue(symbol: any): symbol is JSValueExtension { return symbol._kind === 'CustomValue'; }