import cloneDeep from 'lodash.clonedeep'; import { isAbsolute } from 'path'; import postcss from 'postcss'; import { Diagnostics } from './diagnostics'; import { DeclStylableProps, Imported, SDecl, SRule, StylableMeta, StylableSymbol, } from './stylable-processor'; import { fixChunkOrdering, isNodeMatch, parseSelector, SelectorAstNode, stringifySelector, traverseNode, } from './selector-utils'; import { ImportSymbol } from './stylable-meta'; import { valueMapping } from './stylable-value-parsers'; const replaceRuleSelector = require('postcss-selector-matches/dist/replaceRuleSelector'); export const CUSTOM_SELECTOR_RE = /:--[\w-]+/g; export function isValidDeclaration(decl: postcss.Declaration) { return typeof decl.value === 'string'; } export function expandCustomSelectors( rule: postcss.Rule, customSelectors: Record, diagnostics?: Diagnostics ): string { if (rule.selector.includes(':--')) { rule.selector = rule.selector.replace( CUSTOM_SELECTOR_RE, (extensionName, _matches, selector) => { if (!customSelectors[extensionName] && diagnostics) { diagnostics.warn(rule, `The selector '${rule.selector}' is undefined`, { word: rule.selector, }); return selector; } // TODO: support nested CustomSelectors return ':matches(' + customSelectors[extensionName] + ')'; } ); return (rule.selector = transformMatchesOnRule(rule, false) as string); } return rule.selector; } export function transformMatchesOnRule(rule: postcss.Rule, lineBreak: boolean) { return replaceRuleSelector(rule, { lineBreak }); } export function scopeSelector( scopeSelectorRule: string, targetSelectorRule: string, rootScopeLevel = false ): { selector: string; selectorAst: SelectorAstNode } { const scopingSelectorAst = parseSelector(scopeSelectorRule); const targetSelectorAst = parseSelector(targetSelectorRule); const nodes: any[] = []; targetSelectorAst.nodes.forEach((targetSelector) => { scopingSelectorAst.nodes.forEach((scopingSelector) => { const outputSelector: any = cloneDeep(targetSelector); outputSelector.before = scopingSelector.before || outputSelector.before; const first = outputSelector.nodes[0]; const parentRef = first.type === 'invalid' && first.value === '&'; const globalSelector = first.type === 'nested-pseudo-class' && === 'global'; const startsWithScoping = rootScopeLevel ? scopingSelector.nodes.every((node: any, i) => { const o = outputSelector.nodes[i]; for (const k in node) { if (node[k] !== o[k]) { return false; } } return true; }) : false; if ( first && first.type !== 'spacing' && !parentRef && !startsWithScoping && !globalSelector ) { outputSelector.nodes.unshift(...cloneDeep(scopingSelector.nodes), { type: 'spacing', value: ' ', }); } traverseNode(outputSelector, (node, i, nodes) => { if (node.type === 'invalid' && node.value === '&') { nodes.splice(i, 1, ...cloneDeep(scopingSelector.nodes)); } }); nodes.push(outputSelector); }); }); scopingSelectorAst.nodes = nodes; return { selector: stringifySelector(scopingSelectorAst), selectorAst: scopingSelectorAst, }; } export function mergeRules(mixinAst: postcss.Root, rule: postcss.Rule) { let mixinRoot: postcss.Rule | null = null; mixinAst.walkRules((mixinRule: postcss.Rule) => { if (mixinRule.selector === '&' && !mixinRoot) { mixinRoot = mixinRule; } else { const parentRule = mixinRule.parent; if (parentRule.type === 'atrule' && === 'keyframes') { return; } const out = scopeSelector(rule.selector, mixinRule.selector); mixinRule.selector = out.selector; // mixinRule.selectorAst = out.selectorAst; } }); if (mixinAst.nodes) { let nextRule: postcss.Rule | postcss.AtRule = rule; let mixinEntry: postcss.Declaration | null = null; rule.walkDecls(valueMapping.mixin, (decl) => { mixinEntry = decl; }); if (!mixinEntry) { throw rule.error('missing mixin entry'); } // TODO: handle rules before and after decl on entry mixinAst.nodes.slice().forEach((node) => { if (node === mixinRoot) { node.walkDecls((node) => { rule.insertBefore(mixinEntry!, node); }); } else if (node.type === 'decl') { rule.insertBefore(mixinEntry!, node); } else if (node.type === 'rule' || node.type === 'atrule') { if (rule.parent.last === nextRule) { rule.parent.append(node); } else { rule.parent.insertAfter(nextRule, node); } nextRule = node; } }); } return rule; } export function createSubsetAst( root: postcss.Root | postcss.AtRule, selectorPrefix: string, mixinTarget?: T, isRoot = false ): T { // keyframes on class mixin? const prefixType = parseSelector(selectorPrefix).nodes[0].nodes[0]; const containsPrefix = containsMatchInFirstChunk.bind(null, prefixType); const mixinRoot = mixinTarget ? mixinTarget : postcss.root(); root.nodes!.forEach((node) => { if (node.type === 'rule') { const ast = isRoot ? scopeSelector(selectorPrefix, node.selector, true).selectorAst : parseSelector(node.selector); const matchesSelectors = isRoot ? ast.nodes : ast.nodes.filter((node) => containsPrefix(node)); if (matchesSelectors.length) { const selector = stringifySelector({ ...ast, nodes: => { if (!isRoot) { fixChunkOrdering(selectorNode, prefixType); } return destructiveReplaceNode(selectorNode, prefixType, { type: 'invalid', value: '&', } as SelectorAstNode); }), }); mixinRoot.append(node.clone({ selector })); } } else if (node.type === 'atrule') { if ( === 'media') { const mediaSubset = createSubsetAst( node, selectorPrefix, postcss.atRule({ params: node.params, name:, }), isRoot ); if (mediaSubset.nodes) { mixinRoot.append(mediaSubset); } } else if (isRoot) { mixinRoot.append(node.clone()); } } else { // TODO: add warn? } }); return mixinRoot as T; } export function removeUnusedRules( ast: postcss.Root, meta: StylableMeta, _import: Imported, usedFiles: string[], resolvePath: (ctx: string, path: string) => string ): void { const isUnusedImport = !usedFiles.includes(_import.from); if (isUnusedImport) { const symbols = Object.keys(_import.named).concat(_import.defaultExport); // .filter(Boolean); ast.walkRules((rule) => { let shouldOutput = true; traverseNode((rule as SRule).selectorAst, (node) => { // TODO: remove. if (symbols.includes( { return (shouldOutput = false); } const symbol = meta.mappedSymbols[]; if (symbol && (symbol._kind === 'class' || symbol._kind === 'element')) { let extend = symbol[valueMapping.extends] || symbol.alias; extend = extend && extend._kind !== 'import' ? extend.alias || extend : extend; if ( extend && extend._kind === 'import' && !usedFiles.includes(resolvePath(meta.source, extend.import.from)) ) { return (shouldOutput = false); } } return undefined; }); // TODO: optimize the multiple selectors if (!shouldOutput && (rule as SRule).selectorAst.nodes.length <= 1) { rule.remove(); } }); } } export function findDeclaration(importNode: Imported, test: any) { const fromIndex = importNode.rule.nodes!.findIndex(test); return importNode.rule.nodes![fromIndex] as postcss.Declaration; } // TODO: What is this? export function findRule( root: postcss.Root, selector: string, test: any = (statement: any) => statement.prop === valueMapping.extends ): null | postcss.Declaration { let found: any = null; root.walkRules(selector, (rule) => { const declarationIndex = rule.nodes ? rule.nodes.findIndex(test) : -1; if ((rule as SRule).isSimpleSelector && !!~declarationIndex) { found = rule.nodes![declarationIndex]; } }); return found; } export function getDeclStylable(decl: SDecl): DeclStylableProps { if (decl.stylable) { return decl.stylable; } else { decl.stylable = decl.stylable ? decl.stylable : { sourceValue: '' }; return decl.stylable; } } function destructiveReplaceNode( ast: SelectorAstNode, matchNode: SelectorAstNode, replacementNode: SelectorAstNode ) { traverseNode(ast, (node) => { if (isNodeMatch(node, matchNode)) { node.type = 'selector'; node.nodes = [replacementNode]; } }); return ast; } function containsMatchInFirstChunk(prefixType: SelectorAstNode, selectorNode: SelectorAstNode) { let isMatch = false; traverseNode(selectorNode, (node) => { if (node.type === 'operator' || node.type === 'spacing') { return false; } else if (node.type === 'nested-pseudo-class') { return true; } else if (isNodeMatch(node, prefixType)) { isMatch = true; return false; } return undefined; }); return isMatch; } export function getSourcePath(root: postcss.Root, diagnostics: Diagnostics) { const source = (root.source && root.source.input.file) || ''; if (!source) { diagnostics.error(root, 'missing source filename'); } else if (!isAbsolute(source)) { throw new Error('source filename is not absolute path: "' + source + '"'); } return source; } export function getAlias(symbol: StylableSymbol): ImportSymbol | undefined { if (symbol._kind === 'class' || symbol._kind === 'element') { if (!symbol[valueMapping.extends]) { return symbol.alias; } } return undefined; } export function generateScopedCSSVar(namespace: string, varName: string) { return `--${namespace}-${varName}`; } export function isCSSVarProp(value: string) { return value.startsWith('--'); } export function isValidClassName(className: string) { const test = /^-?[_a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*$/g; // checks valid classname return !!className.match(test); }