import React from 'react'; /** * 'JSON path' from root of a state object to a nested property. * Return type of [StateMethod.path](#readonly-path). * * For example, an object `{ a: [{ b: 1 }, { 1000: 'value' }, '3rd'] }`, * has got the following paths pointing to existing properties: * * - `[]` * - `['a']` * - `['a', 0]` * - `['a', 0, 'b']` * - `['a', 1]` * - `['a', 1, 1000]` * - `['a', 2]` */ export declare type Path = ReadonlyArray; /** * Type of an argument of [StateMethods.set](#set). * * @typeparam S Type of a value of a state */ export declare type SetStateAction = (S | Promise) | ((prevState: S) => (S | Promise)); /** * Type of an argument of [StateMethods.merge](#merge). * * @typeparam S Type of a value of a state */ export declare type SetPartialStateAction = S extends ReadonlyArray<(infer U)> ? ReadonlyArray | Record | ((prevValue: S) => (ReadonlyArray | Record)) : S extends object | string ? Partial | ((prevValue: S) => Partial) : React.SetStateAction; /** * Type of an argument of [createState](#createstate) and [useState](#usestate). * * @typeparam S Type of a value of a state */ export declare type SetInitialStateAction = S | Promise | (() => S | Promise); /** * Special symbol which might be returned by onPromised callback of [](#map) function. * * [Learn more...]( */ export declare const postpone: unique symbol; /** * Special symbol which might be used to delete properties * from an object calling [StateMethods.set](#set) or [StateMethods.merge](#merge). * * [Learn more...]( */ export declare const none: any; /** * Return type of [StateMethods.keys](#readonly-keys). * * @typeparam S Type of a value of a state */ export declare type InferredStateKeysType = S extends ReadonlyArray ? ReadonlyArray : S extends null ? undefined : S extends object ? ReadonlyArray : undefined; /** * Return type of [](#map). * * @typeparam S Type of a value of a state */ export declare type InferredStateOrnullType = S extends undefined ? undefined : S extends null ? null : State; /** * For plugin developers only. * An instance to manipulate the state in more controlled way. * * @typeparam S Type of a value of a state * * [Learn more...]( */ export interface PluginStateControl { /** * Get state value, but do not leave the traces of reading it. */ getUntracked(): S; /** * Set new state value, but do not trigger rerender. * * @param newValue new value to set to a state. */ setUntracked(newValue: SetStateAction): Path[]; /** * Merge new state value, but do not trigger rerender. * * @param mergeValue new partial value to merge with the current state value and set. */ mergeUntracked(mergeValue: SetPartialStateAction): Path[]; /** * Trigger rerender for hooked states, where values at the specified paths are used. * * @param paths paths of the state variables to search for being used by components and rerender */ rerender(paths: Path[]): void; } /** * An interface to manage a state in Hookstate. * * @typeparam S Type of a value of a state */ export interface StateMethods { /** * 'Javascript' object 'path' to an element relative to the root object * in the state. For example: * * ```tsx * const state = useState([{ name: 'First Task' }]) * state.path IS [] * state[0].path IS [0] * state.[0].name.path IS [0, 'name'] * ``` */ readonly path: Path; /** * Return the keys of nested states. * For a given state of [State](#state) type, * `state.keys` will be structurally equal to Object.keys(state), * with two minor difference: * 1. if `state.value` is an array, the returned result will be * an array of numbers, not strings like with `Object.keys`. * 2. if `state.value` is not an object, the returned result will be undefined. */ readonly keys: InferredStateKeysType; /** * Unwraps and returns the underlying state value referred by * [path](#readonly-path) of this state instance. * * It returns the same result as [StateMethods.get](#get) method. * * This property is more useful than [get](#get) method for the cases, * when a value may hold null or undefined values. * Typescript compiler does not handle elimination of undefined with get(), * like in the following examples, but value does: * * ```tsx * const state = useState(0) * const myvalue: number = state.value * ? state.value + 1 * : 0; // <-- compiles * const myvalue: number = state.get() * ? state.get() + 1 * : 0; // <-- does not compile * ``` */ readonly value: S; /** * True if state value is not yet available (eg. equal to a promise) */ readonly promised: boolean; /** * If a state was set to a promise and the promise was rejected, * this property will return the error captured from the promise rejection */ readonly error: StateErrorAtRoot | undefined; /** * Unwraps and returns the underlying state value referred by * [path](#readonly-path) of this state instance. * * It returns the same result as [StateMethods.value](#readonly-value) method. */ get(): S; /** * Sets new value for a state. * If `this.path === []`, * it is similar to the `setState` variable returned by `React.useState` hook. * If `this.path !== []`, it sets only the segment of the state value, pointed out by the path. * Unlike [merge](#merge) method, this method will not accept partial updates. * Partial updates can be also done by walking the nested states and setting those. * * @param newValue new value to set to a state. * It can be a value, a promise resolving to a value * (only if [this.path](#readonly-path) is `[]`), * or a function returning one of these. * The function receives the current state value as an argument. */ set(newValue: SetStateAction): void; /** * Similarly to [set](#set) method updates state value. * * - If current state value is an object, it does partial update for the object. * - If state value is an array and the argument is an array too, * it concatenates the current value with the value of the argument and sets it to the state. * - If state value is an array and the `merge` argument is an object, * it does partial update for the current array value. * - If current state value is a string, it concatenates the current state * value with the argument converted to string and sets the result to the state. */ merge(newValue: SetPartialStateAction): void; /** * Returns nested state by key. * `state.nested('myprop')` returns the same as `state.myprop` or `state['myprop']`, * but also works for properties, which names collide with names of state methods. * * [Learn more about nested states...]( * * @param key child property name or index */ nested(key: K): State; /** * Runs the provided action callback with optimised re-rendering. * Updating state within a batch action does not trigger immediate rerendering. * Instead, all required rerendering is done once the batch is finished. * * [Learn more about batching...]( * * @param action callback function to execute in a batch * * @param context custom user's value, which is passed to plugins */ batch(action: (s: State) => R, context?: Exclude): R; /** * If state value is null or undefined, returns state value. * Otherwise, it returns this state instance but * with null and undefined removed from the type parameter. * * [Learn more...]( */ ornull: InferredStateOrnullType; /** * Adds plugin to the state. * * [Learn more...]( */ attach(plugin: () => Plugin): State; /** * For plugin developers only. * It is a method to get the instance of the previously attached plugin. * If a plugin has not been attached to a state, * it returns an Error as the first element. * A plugin may trhow an error to indicate that plugin has not been attached. * * [Learn more...]( */ attach(pluginId: symbol): [PluginCallbacks | Error, PluginStateControl]; } /** * Mixin for the [StateMethods](#interfacesstatemethodsmd) for a [State](#state), * which can be destroyed by a client. */ export interface StateMethodsDestroy { /** * Destroys an instance of a state, so * it can clear the allocated native resources (if any) * and can not be used anymore after it has been destroyed. */ destroy(): void; } /** * Type of a result of [createState](#createstate) and [useState](#usestate) functions * * @typeparam S Type of a value of a state * * [Learn more about global states...]( * [Learn more about local states...]( * [Learn more about nested states...]( */ export declare type State = StateMethods & (S extends ReadonlyArray<(infer U)> ? ReadonlyArray> : S extends object ? Omit<{ readonly [K in keyof Required]: State; }, keyof StateMethods | keyof StateMethodsDestroy> : {}); /** * For plugin developers only. * Type alias to highlight the places where we are dealing with root state value. * * @hidden * @ignore */ export declare type StateValueAtRoot = any; /** * For plugin developers only. * Type alias to highlight the places where we are dealing with nested state value. * * @hidden * @ignore */ export declare type StateValueAtPath = any; /** * For plugin developers only. * Type alias to highlight the places where we are dealing with state error. * * @hidden * @ignore */ export declare type StateErrorAtRoot = any; /** * For plugin developers only. * Type alias to highlight the places where we are dealing with context value. * * @hidden * @ignore */ export declare type AnyContext = any; /** * For plugin developers only. * PluginCallbacks.onSet argument type. */ export interface PluginCallbacksOnSetArgument { readonly path: Path; readonly state?: StateValueAtRoot; /** * **A note about previous values and merging:** * State values are muteable in Hookstate for performance reasons. This causes a side effect in the merge operation. * While merging, the previous state object is mutated as the desired changes are applied. This means the value of * `previous` will reflect the merged changes as well, matching the new `state` value rather than the previous * state value. As a result, the `previous` property is unreliable when merge is used. The * [merged](#optional-readonly-merged) property can be used to detect which values were merged in but it will not * inform you whether those values are different from the previous state. * * As a workaround, you can [batch state updates]( or * replace merge calls with the immutable-style set operation like so: * * ``` * state.set(p => { * let copy = p.clone(); /// here it is up to you to define how to clone the current state * copy.field = 'new value for field'; * delete copy.fieldToDelete; * return copy; * }) * ``` */ readonly previous?: StateValueAtPath; readonly value?: StateValueAtPath; readonly merged?: StateValueAtPath; } /** * For plugin developers only. * PluginCallbacks.onDestroy argument type. */ export interface PluginCallbacksOnDestroyArgument { readonly state?: StateValueAtRoot; } /** * For plugin developers only. * PluginCallbacks.onBatchStart/Finish argument type. */ export interface PluginCallbacksOnBatchArgument { readonly path: Path; readonly state?: StateValueAtRoot; readonly context?: AnyContext; } /** * For plugin developers only. * Set of callbacks, a plugin may subscribe to. * * [Learn more...]( */ export interface PluginCallbacks { readonly onSet?: (arg: PluginCallbacksOnSetArgument) => void; readonly onDestroy?: (arg: PluginCallbacksOnDestroyArgument) => void; readonly onBatchStart?: (arg: PluginCallbacksOnBatchArgument) => void; readonly onBatchFinish?: (arg: PluginCallbacksOnBatchArgument) => void; } /** * For plugin developers only. * Hookstate plugin specification and factory method. * * [Learn more...]( */ export interface Plugin { /** * Unique identifier of a plugin. */ readonly id: symbol; /** * Initializer for a plugin when it is attached for the first time. */ readonly init?: (state: State) => PluginCallbacks; } /** * Creates new state and returns it. * * You can create as many global states as you need. * * When you the state is not needed anymore, * it should be destroyed by calling * `destroy()` method of the returned instance. * This is necessary for some plugins, * which allocate native resources, * like subscription to databases, broadcast channels, etc. * In most cases, a global state is used during * whole life time of an application and would not require * destruction. However, if you have got, for example, * a catalog of dynamically created and destroyed global states, * the states should be destroyed as advised above. * * @param initial Initial value of the state. * It can be a value OR a promise, * which asynchronously resolves to a value, * OR a function returning a value or a promise. * * @typeparam S Type of a value of the state * * @returns [State](#state) instance, * which can be used directly to get and set state value * outside of React components. * When you need to use the state in a functional `React` component, * pass the created state to [useState](#usestate) function and * use the returned result in the component's logic. */ export declare function createState(initial: SetInitialStateAction): State & StateMethodsDestroy; /** * Enables a functional React component to use a state, * either created by [createState](#createstate) (*global* state) or * derived from another call to [useState](#usestate) (*scoped* state). * * The `useState` forces a component to rerender every time, when: * - a segment/part of the state data is updated *AND only if* * - this segment was **used** by the component during or after the latest rendering. * * For example, if the state value is `{ a: 1, b: 2 }` and * a component uses only `a` property of the state, it will rerender * only when the whole state object is updated or when `a` property is updated. * Setting the state value/property to the same value is also considered as an update. * * A component can use one or many states, * i.e. you may call `useState` multiple times for multiple states. * * The same state can be used by multiple different components. * * @param source a reference to the state to hook into * * The `useState` is a hook and should follow React's rules of hooks. * * @returns an instance of [State](#state), * which **must be** used within the component (during rendering * or in effects) or it's children. */ export declare function useState(source: State): State; /** * This function enables a functional React component to use a state, * created per component by [useState](#usestate) (*local* state). * In this case `useState` behaves similarly to `React.useState`, * but the returned instance of [State](#state) * has got more features. * * When a state is used by only one component, and maybe it's children, * it is recommended to use *local* state instead of *global*, * which is created by [createState](#createstate). * * *Local* (per component) state is created when a component is mounted * and automatically destroyed when a component is unmounted. * * The same as with the usage of a *global* state, * `useState` forces a component to rerender when: * - a segment/part of the state data is updated *AND only if* * - this segment was **used** by the component during or after the latest rendering. * * You can use as many local states within the same component as you need. * * @param source An initial value state. * * @returns an instance of [State](#state), * which **must be** used within the component (during rendering * or in effects) or it's children. */ export declare function useState(source: SetInitialStateAction): State; /** * Alias to [useState](#usestate) which provides a workaround * for [React 20613 bug]( */ export declare function useHookstate(source: State): State; /** * Alias to [useState](#usestate) which provides a workaround * for [React 20613 bug]( */ export declare function useHookstate(source: SetInitialStateAction): State; /** * Allows to use a state without defining a functional react component. * It can be also used in class-based React components. It is also * particularly useful for creating *scoped* states. * * [Learn more...]( * * @typeparam S Type of a value of a state */ export declare function StateFragment(props: { state: State; children: (state: State) => React.ReactElement; }): React.ReactElement; /** * Allows to use a state without defining a functional react component. * See more at [StateFragment](#statefragment) * * [Learn more...]( * * @typeparam S Type of a value of a state */ export declare function StateFragment(props: { state: SetInitialStateAction; children: (state: State) => React.ReactElement; }): React.ReactElement; /** * A plugin which allows to opt-out from usage of Javascript proxies for * state usage tracking. It is useful for performance tuning. * * [Learn more...]( */ export declare function Downgraded(): Plugin; /** * For plugin developers only. * Reserved plugin ID for developers tools extension. * * @hidden * @ignore */ export declare const DevToolsID: unique symbol; /** * Return type of [DevTools](#devtools). */ export interface DevToolsExtensions { /** * Assigns custom label to identify the state in the development tools * @param name label for development tools */ label(name: string): void; /** * Logs to the development tools */ log(str: string, data?: any): void; } /** * Returns access to the development tools for a given state. * Development tools are delivered as optional plugins. * You can activate development tools from `@hookstate/devtools`package, * for example. If no development tools are activated, * it returns an instance of dummy tools, which do nothing, when called. * * [Learn more...]( * * @param state A state to relate to the extension. * * @returns Interface to interact with the development tools for a given state. * * @typeparam S Type of a value of a state */ export declare function DevTools(state: State): DevToolsExtensions;