import { CSSResultArray, TemplateResult } from '@spectrum-web-components/base'; import '@spectrum-web-components/underlay/sp-underlay.js'; import '@spectrum-web-components/button/sp-button.js'; import '@spectrum-web-components/dialog/sp-dialog.js'; import { DialogBase } from './DialogBase.js'; import { Dialog } from './Dialog.js'; /** * @element sp-dialog-wrapper * * @slot - content for the dialog * @fires secondary - Announces that the "secondary" button has been clicked. * @fires cancel - Announces that the "cancel" button has been clicked. * @fires confirm - Announces that the "confirm" button has been clicked. * @fires close - Announces that the dialog has been closed. */ export declare class DialogWrapper extends DialogBase { static get styles(): CSSResultArray; error: boolean; cancelLabel: string; confirmLabel: string; dismissLabel: string; footer: string; hero: string; heroLabel: string; noDivider: boolean; size?: 's' | 'm' | 'l'; secondaryLabel: string; headline: string; headlineVisibility: 'none' | undefined; protected get dialog(): Dialog; private clickSecondary; private clickCancel; private clickConfirm; protected renderDialog(): TemplateResult; }