export interface ThreeDChartProperties { /** * Sets or gets the animation mode. Animation is disabled when the property is set to 'none'. * Default value: advanced */ animation?: Animation | string; /** * Determines the rate of the animation. The default animation rate is 1 * Default value: 1 */ animationSpeed?: number; /** * Sets whether the chart will rotate automatically. * Default value: false */ autoRotate?: boolean; /** * Sets the speed of the automatic rotation. * Default value: 1 */ autoRotateSpeed?: number; /** * Sets the chart's background color. For example: '#DDFFE8' * Default value: #ffffff */ backgroundColor?: string | null; /** * Sets the chart's background to a static linear gradient. The property must be set to an Array of Strings in the format: 'offset, color' * Default value: [] */ backgroundGradient?: any[]; /** * Sets the chart's background to a static image. For example: 'https://www.htmlelements.com/demos/images/stars.jpg' * Default value: "" */ backgroundImage?: string; /** * Sets the chart's background to a dynamic background image which rotates with the camera. The property must be set an Array of 6 images. All images must have aspect ratio 1:1 * Default value: [] */ backgroundTexture?: any[]; /** * Sets the camera's position. The property must be set to an {x, y, z} object. * Default value: [object Object] */ cameraPosition?: ThreeDChartCameraPosition; /** * Sets the intial camera zoom. The default value is 1 * Default value: 1 */ cameraZoom?: number; /** * Sets the caption (title) of the chart. * Default value: "Caption" */ caption?: string; /** * Sets the chart's color pallete. jqxChart suppports 32 color schemes from 'scheme01' to 'scheme32'. * Default value: scheme01 */ colorScheme?: ThreeDChartColorScheme | string; /** * Sets the chart's controls settings. * Default value: [object Object] */ controlsSettings?: any; /** * Allows substituting default items with custom 3D Objects. The property must be set to an Array of Objects in the format: { groupIndex, serieIndex, itemIndex, modelUrl } * Default value: [] */ customModels?: any[]; /** * Sets the chart's data source. * Default value: */ dataSource?: any[]; /** * Sets the description text of the chart. * Default value: "Description" */ description?: string; /** * Enables or disables the chart. * Default value: false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Sets whether the chart's toolbar is enabled. * Default value: true */ enableControlsToolbar?: boolean; /** * * Default value: reset-camera,zoom-in,zoom-out,save-image,camera-control */ controlsToolbarItems?: any; /** * Sets the chart's grid options. * Default value: [object Object] */ gridOptions?: any; /** * Sets whether the legend will be created based on the chart's series or serie groups. "auto" - the legend index will change depending on the Chart type * Default value: auto */ legendIndex?: ThreeDChartLegendIndex | string; /** * Sets the legend's layout. * Default value: [object Object] */ legendLayout?: any; /** * Sets the light color of the 3D Scene. * Default value: "#ffffff" */ lightColor?: string; /** * Sets or gets the locale. Used in conjunction with the property messages. * Default value: "en" */ locale?: string; /** * Sets or gets an object specifying strings used in the widget that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale. * Default value: * [object Object] */ messages?: any; /** * Sets or gets a value indicating whether the Chart's layout is mirrored. * Default value: false */ rightToLeft?: boolean; /** * Determines the selection mode. * Default value: multiple */ selectionMode?: ThreeDChartSelectionMode | string; /** * The seriesGroups property is used to describe all series displayed on the chart. jqxChart supports multiple series of different types and series grouping. Each series group may have its own Value Axis (Y-axis) which allows you to have values with different scales displayed on the same chart at the same time. It also allows you to display multiple series types together on the same chart. For example, you can display all series in one group as lines and the series in a second group as columns. seriesGroups is an array of objects where each object represents one group. * Default value: */ seriesGroups?: ThreeDChartSeriesGroup[]; /** * Determines whether to show grid connecting lines when a chart item is hovered over. * Default value: false */ showConnectionLines?: boolean; /** * Determines whether to show or hide the chart series legend. * Default value: true */ showLegend?: boolean; /** * Determines whether to show or hide the chart series legend table. * Default value: false */ showLegendTable?: boolean; /** * Enables or disables the chart tooltips. * Default value: true */ showToolTips?: boolean; /** * Sets the padding of the chart's title (caption). * Default value: [object Object] */ titlePadding?: ThreeDChartPadding; /** * User defined tooltip text formatting callback function. * Default value: null */ toolTipFormatFunction?: {(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}; /** * Tooltip line color. By default it is set to the hovered item's color * Default value: null */ toolTipLineColor?: string | null; /** * An object with settings about the Chart's y-axis (value axis). * Default value: [object Object] */ valueAxis?: ThreeDChartValueAxis; /** * Sets the Chart's xAxis. * Default value: [object Object] */ xAxis?: ThreeDChartXAxis; /** * Sets the Chart's zAxis. * Default value: [object Object] */ zAxis?: ThreeDChartZAxis; } /** 3D Chart is a feature-complete interactive WebGL 3D graph library that answers the data visualization needs of any modern web app. */ export interface ThreeDChart extends BaseElement, ThreeDChartProperties { /* Get a member by its name */ [name: string]: any; /** * The event is raised when the user clicks on a chart element. * @param event. The custom event. Custom data event was created with: ev.detail(itemIndex, serieIndex, groupIndex) * itemIndex - The item index of the item. * serieIndex - The serie index of the item. * groupIndex - The group index of the item. */ onItemClick?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * The event is raised when a chart element is shown. * @param event. The custom event. Custom data event was created with: ev.detail(itemIndex, serieIndex, groupIndex) * itemIndex - The item index of the item. * serieIndex - The serie index of the item. * groupIndex - The group index of the item. */ onShow?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * The event is raised when a chart element is hidden. * @param event. The custom event. Custom data event was created with: ev.detail(itemIndex, serieIndex, groupIndex) * itemIndex - The item index of the item. * serieIndex - The serie index of the item. * groupIndex - The group index of the item. */ onHide?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * The event is raised when a chart element is selected. * @param event. The custom event. Custom data event was created with: ev.detail(itemIndex, serieIndex, groupIndex) * itemIndex - The item index of the item. * serieIndex - The serie index of the item. * groupIndex - The group index of the item. */ onSelect?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * The event is raised when a chart element is unselected. * @param event. The custom event. Custom data event was created with: ev.detail(itemIndex, serieIndex, groupIndex) * itemIndex - The item index of the item. * serieIndex - The serie index of the item. * groupIndex - The group index of the item. */ onUnselect?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * The event is raised after the chart's range selector position changes and after the chart ends rendering. * @param event. The custom event. Custom data event was created with: ev.detail(minValue, maxValue) * minValue - The start value of the range selector. * maxValue - The end value of the range selector. */ onRangeSelectionChanged?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * The event is raised when the chart's range selector position changes and before the chart starts rendering. The event can be default prevented to cancel the range selection change. * @param event. The custom event. Custom data event was created with: ev.detail(minValue, maxValue, oldMinValue, oldMaxValue) * minValue - The start value of the range selector. * maxValue - The end value of the range selector. * oldMinValue - The previous start value of the range selector. * oldMaxValue - The previous end value of the range selector. */ onRangeSelectionChanging?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * The event is raised when the chart begins rendering. * @param event. The custom event. */ onRefreshBegin?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * The event is raised when the chart finishes rendering. * @param event. The custom event. */ onRefreshEnd?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * The event is raised when the chart begins resizing. * @param event. The custom event. */ onResizeBegin?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * The event is raised when the chart finishes resizing. * @param event. The custom event. */ onResizeEnd?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * Adds a new color sheme. If a scheme with the same name already exists, the method will update its colors. * @param {string} schemeName. The name of the custom color scheme. * @param {any[]} colorsArray. An array of color values. */ addColorScheme(schemeName: string, colorsArray: any[]): void; /** * Begins an update of the chart. The chart will not be rendered until the endUpdate method is called. */ beginUpdate(): void; /** * Ends an update of the chart. The chart will be rendered after the endUpdate method is called. * @param {boolean} refresh?. If set to true, the chart will complete a full refresh. */ endUpdate(refresh?: boolean): void; /** * Returns the colors of a color scheme by name. If the scheme doesn't exist the method returns undefined. * @param {string} schemeName. The name of the color scheme. * @returns {any[]} */ getColorScheme(schemeName: string): any[]; /** * Gets the item with the specified indexes. * @param {number | null} groupIndex?. Series group index. * @param {number | null} serieIndex?. Series index. * @param {number | null} itemIndex?. Item (data point) index. * @returns {any} */ getItemByIndexes(groupIndex?: number | null, serieIndex?: number | null, itemIndex?: number | null): any; /** * Gets an arrat of the items with the specified indexes. Leaving an index null will return all items that match the other indexes. * @param {number | null} groupIndex?. Series group index. * @param {number | null} serieIndex?. Series index. * @param {number | null} itemIndex?. Item (data point) index. * @returns {any} */ getItemsByIndexes(groupIndex?: number | null, serieIndex?: number | null, itemIndex?: number | null): any; /** * Gets the indexes of the hidden series. * @returns {{ groupIndex: number, serieIndex: number, itemIndex: number }[]} */ getHidden(): { groupIndex: number, serieIndex: number, itemIndex: number }[]; /** * Gets the selected items. * @returns {any[]} */ getSelection(): any[]; /** * Gets the rendered values of the valueAxis labels. * @returns {any} */ getValueAxisLabels(): any; /** * Gets the rendered values of the xAxis labels. * @returns {any} */ getXAxisLabels(): any; /** * Gets the rendered values of the zAxis labels. * @returns {any} */ getZAxisLabels(): any; /** * Hides all items of a chart group. * @param {number} groupIndex. Series group index. */ hideGroup(groupIndex: number): void; /** * Hides a chart item. * @param {number} groupIndex. Series group index. * @param {number} serieIndex. Series index. * @param {number} itemIndex?. Item (data point) index. */ hideItem(groupIndex: number, serieIndex: number, itemIndex?: number): void; /** * Hides all items of a chart serie. * @param {number} groupIndex. Series group index. * @param {number} serieIndex. Series index. */ hideSerie(groupIndex: number, serieIndex: number): void; /** * Refreshes the content of the chart element after a property or data update. */ refresh(): void; /** * Removes an existing color scheme. If the scheme does not exist, the method has no effect. * @param {string} schemeName. The name of the custom color scheme. */ removeColorScheme(schemeName: string): void; /** * Exports the chart's content as JPEG image. * @param {string} fileName?. File name. * @param {boolean} includeLegend?. Sets whether the legend will be part of the saved file. * @param {boolean} includeCaption?. Sets whether the caption will be part of the saved file. */ saveAsJPEG(fileName?: string, includeLegend?: boolean, includeCaption?: boolean): void; /** * Exports the chart's content as PNG image. * @param {string} fileName?. File name. * @param {boolean} includeLegend?. Sets whether the legend will be part of the saved file. * @param {boolean} includeCaption?. Sets whether the caption will be part of the saved file. */ saveAsPNG(fileName?: string, includeLegend?: boolean, includeCaption?: boolean): void; /** * Exports the chart's content as PDF file. * @param {string} fileName?. File name. * @param {boolean} includeLegend?. Sets whether the legend will be part of the saved file. * @param {boolean} includeCaption?. Sets whether the caption will be part of the saved file. */ saveAsPDF(fileName?: string, includeLegend?: boolean, includeCaption?: boolean): void; /** * Selects a chart item. If selectionMode is 'one', the previous item will be unselected. * @param {number} groupIndex. Series group index. * @param {number} serieIndex. Series index. * @param {number} itemIndex?. Item (data point) index. */ selectItem(groupIndex: number, serieIndex: number, itemIndex?: number): void; /** * Shows all items of a chart group. * @param {number} groupIndex. Series group index. */ showGroup(groupIndex: number): void; /** * Shows a chart item. * @param {number} groupIndex. Series group index. * @param {number} serieIndex. Series index. * @param {number} itemIndex?. Item (data point) index. */ showItem(groupIndex: number, serieIndex: number, itemIndex?: number): void; /** * Shows all items of a chart serie. * @param {number} groupIndex. Series group index. * @param {number} serieIndex. Series index. */ showSerie(groupIndex: number, serieIndex: number): void; /** * Sets the camera position to its position during the initialization. */ setDefaultPosition(): void; /** * Sets the camera mode. Different camera modes change the control actions of the mouse. Available modes are 'zoom', 'pan' and 'default'. * @param {string} mode. Camera mode. */ setCameraMode(mode: string): void; /** * Sets the camera position. * @param {number} x. X coordinate. * @param {number} y. Y coordinate. * @param {number} z. Z coordinate. * @param {boolean} animation?. Animation Enabled */ setCameraPosition(x: number, y: number, z: number, animation?: boolean): void; /** * Sets the camera zoom. * @param {number} level. Zoom level. * @param {boolean} animation?. Animation Enabled */ setCameraZoom(level: number, animation?: boolean): void; /** * Unelects a chart item. * @param {number} groupIndex. Series group index. * @param {number} serieIndex. Series index. * @param {number} itemIndex?. Item (data point) index. */ unselectItem(groupIndex: number, serieIndex: number, itemIndex?: number): void; /** * Updates the values of the chart series without full refresh of the entire chart. The method should be used for animation of frequently changing values. */ update(): void; } /**Sets the camera's position. The property must be set to an {x, y, z} object. */ export interface ThreeDChartCameraPosition { /** * Sets the camera's x position. This is the left-right axis * Default value: 5 */ x?: number; /** * Sets the camera's y position. This is the up-down axis * Default value: 20 */ y?: number; /** * Sets the camera's z position. This is the forward-backward axis * Default value: 55 */ z?: number; } export interface ThreeDChartSeriesGroup { /** * Optional color bands dislayed in the chart's plot area. * Default value: null */ bands?: ThreeDChartBand[]; /** * Determines the data source of the serie * Default value: null */ dataSource?: any; /** * Sets the Z-axis width of the series group. Can be set as number or percetage of the slot's width. * Default value: 2 */ depth?: number | string; /** * Callback function used to format series labels. * Default value: null */ formatFunction?: {(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}; /** * Object describing the format settings of series labels. * Default value: [object Object] */ formatSettings?: ThreeDChartFormatSettings; /** * Sets the opacity of the series group. * Default value: 1 */ opacity?: number; /** * An array of chart series. * Default value: */ series?: ThreeDChartSeriesGroupSerie[]; /** * When showLabels is set to true, the chart will render pie labels. * Default value: true */ showLabels?: boolean; /** * The start angle (in degrees) of the polar coordinate system. Applicable to polar and spider charts only. * Default value: 0 */ startAngle?: number; /** * Sets the chart type. jqxChart supports several common chart types. You can easily plot series of different types on a common chart. A type must be specified for each series group. Currently, jqxChart supports the following series types:'column' - simple column series'stackedcolumn' - stacked column series'stackedcolumn100' - percentage stacked columns'rangecolumn' - floating column between two values'waterfall' - waterfall series'stackedwaterfall' - stacked waterfall series'line' - simple straight lines connecting the value points'stackedline' - stacked lines'stackedline100' - percentage stacked lines'spline' - smooth lines connecting the value points'stackedspline' - smooth stacked lines'stackedspline100' - percentage stacked smooth lines'stepline' - step line'stackedstepline' - stacked step line'stackedstepline100' - percentage stacked step line'area' - area connecting the value points with straight lines'stackedarea' - stacked area with straight lines between the points'stackedarea100' - percentage stacked area with straight lines between the points'rangearea' - floating area between pairs of value points'splinearea' - smooth area connecting the value points'stackedsplinearea' - stacked smooth area connecting the value points'stackedsplinearea100' - percentage stacked smooth area'splinerangearea' - smooth floating area between pairs of value points'steprangearea' - step area between pairs of value points'stackedsplineara' - smooth stacked area'steparea' - step area connecting the value points'stackedsteparea' - step stacked area'stackedsteparea100' - percentage stacked step area'pie' - circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating proportion'donut' - chart divided into circular sectors with different inner and outer radius'scatter' - data is displayed as a collection of points'stackedscatter' - data is displayed as a collection of points and the values are stacked'stackedscatter100' - data is displayed as a collection of points and the values are percentage stacked'bubble' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles'stackedbubble' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles and the values are stacked'stackedbubble100' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles and the values are percentage stacked'candlestick' - display candlestick series using open, high, low, close data points'ohlc' - display OHLC series using open, high, low, close data points * Default value: column */ type?: ThreeDChartType | string; /** * Sets the Y-axis width of the series group. Used to set the thickness of the line series * Default value: 2 */ verticalWidth?: number; /** * Sets the X-axis width of the series group. Can be set as number or percetage of the slot's width. * Default value: 2 */ width?: number | string; } export interface ThreeDChartBand { /** * Color used to fill the area between the minValue and the maxValue. * Default value: null */ color?: string | null; /** * Band line color. * Default value: null */ lineColor?: string | null; /** * Band line width. * Default value: null */ lineWidth?: string | number | null; /** * End value of the color band. * Default value: NaN */ maxValue?: any; /** * Start value of the color band. * Default value: NaN */ minValue?: any; /** * Fraction indicating the fill opacity. * Default value: 1 */ opacity?: number; } /**Object describing the format settings of series labels. */ export interface ThreeDChartFormatSettings { /** * Optional date format string. This property is applicable only when displaying Date objects. * Default value: null */ dateFormat?: string | null; /** * Decimal places of numeric values. * Default value: null */ decimalPlaces?: number | null; /** * A symbol used to mark the border between the integer and fractional parts of a number. The default value is inherited from localization.decimalSeparator. * Default value: null */ decimalSeparator?: string | null; /** * A boolean value indicating whether to display negative numbers in brackets. * Default value: false */ negativeWithBrackets?: boolean; /** * Text to prepend to the value. * Default value: "" */ prefix?: string; /** * Text to append to the value * Default value: "" */ sufix?: string; /** * A symbol used to mark the border between thousands, millions, billions, etc. The default value is inherited from localization.thousandsSeparator. * Default value: null */ thousandsSeparator?: string | null; } export interface ThreeDChartSeriesGroupSerie { /** * A custom function that returns the color of a data point. The function will receive the following parameters: dataValue, itemIndex, serie, group. The implementation of the function can return a single color which will be used as a fillColor and the other colors will be derived or it can return an object containing fillColor, fillColorSelected, etc. * Default value: null */ colorFunction?: any; /** * Name of the field in the data source. * Default value: "null" */ dataField?: string; /** * Data field used in candlestcik and ohlc series. * Default value: "null" */ dataFieldClose?: string; /** * Data field used in candlestcik and ohlc series. * Default value: "null" */ dataFieldHigh?: string; /** * Data field used in candlestcik and ohlc series. * Default value: "null" */ dataFieldLow?: string; /** * Data field used in candlestcik and ohlc series. * Default value: "null" */ dataFieldOpen?: string; /** * Data field used in in range column series as a start data field. * Default value: "null" */ dataFieldFrom?: string; /** * Data field used in range column series as an end data field. * Default value: "null" */ dataFieldTo?: string; /** * Data field used in bubble series. * Default value: "null" */ radiusDataField?: string; /** * Name to display for this serie. * Default value: "null" */ displayText?: string; /** * Name to display for candlestick and ohlc series. * Default value: "null" */ displayTextClose?: string; /** * Name to display for candlestick and ohlc series. * Default value: "null" */ displayTextHigh?: string; /** * Name to display for candlestick and ohlc series. * Default value: "null" */ displayTextLow?: string; /** * Name to display for candlestick and ohlc series. * Default value: "null" */ displayTextOpen?: string; /** * Callback function used to format the labels. * Default value: null */ formatFunction?: {(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}; /** * Object describing the format settings of the labels. * Default value: [object Object] */ formatSettings?: ThreeDChartFormatSettings; /** * Specifies the summary of the series group. * Default value: "" */ summary?: string; /** * Maximum angle in a pie, donut, polar and spider series. * Default value: 360 */ endAngle?: number; /** * Initial angle in pie and donut series. * Default value: 0 */ initialAngle?: number; /** * Inner radius of donut series in pixels or percents. * Default value: 0 */ innerRadius?: number; /** * Object describing the labels properties of the axis. * Default value: undefined */ labels?: ThreeDChartLabels; /** * Fill color of the legend box. The default value is inherited from the serie's color. * Default value: null */ legendFillColor?: string | null; /** * Legend data formatting function for the values in the serie. * Default value: null */ legendFormatFunction?: any; /** * Legend data formatting settings for the values in the serie. * Default value: [object Object] */ legendFormatSettings?: ThreeDChartFormatSettings; /** * Line color of the legend box. The default value is inherited from the serie's color. * Default value: null */ legendLineColor?: string | null; /** * Line color for the serie. * Default value: null */ lineColor?: string | null; /** * Line color for the serie when selected. * Default value: null */ lineColorSelected?: string | null; /** * Line color for the marker symbols in serie. * Default value: null */ lineColorSymbol?: string | null; /** * Determines the line tickness of the items in this serie. * Default value: null */ lineWidth?: string | null | number; /** * Determines the line tickness of the items in this serie when selected. * Default value: null */ lineWidthSelected?: string | null | number; /** * Min radius of bubble series in pixels or percents. * Default value: null */ minRadius?: string | null | number; /** * Max radius of bubble series in pixels or percents. * Default value: null */ maxRadius?: string | null | number; /** * Determines the opacity of the items in this serie. * Default value: 1 */ opacity?: number; /** * Outer radius of pie and donut series in pixels or percents. * Default value: null */ radius?: number | null; /** * Radius change on selection of pie and donut series in pixels or percents. * Default value: null */ selectedRadiusChange?: number | null; /** * Minimum angle in a pie, donut, polar and spider series. * Default value: 0 */ startAngle?: number; /** * Determines the size of the symbol element. * Default value: null */ symbolSize?: number; /** * Determines the size of the symbol element. This property is applicable to line and area series only. * Default value: null */ symbolSizeSelected?: number; /** * Determines the symbol type displayed for the data points in the serie. This parameter is applicable to line, area, scatter and bubble series only. * Default value: none */ symbolType?: ThreeDChartSymbolType | string; /** * Determines the tooltip's background. * Default value: null */ toolTipBackground?: string | null; /** * Determines the tooltip's CSS class name. * Default value: null */ toolTipClass?: string | null; /** * Tooltip data formatting function for the values in the serie. * Default value: null */ toolTipFormatFunction?: {(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}; /** * Tooltip data formatting settings for the values in the serie. * Default value: [object Object] */ toolTipFormatSettings?: ThreeDChartFormatSettings; /** * Determines the tooltip's border lines color. * Default value: null */ toolTipLineColor?: string | null; /** * Determines whether to use color gradients. * Default value: false */ useGradientColors?: boolean; } /**Object describing the labels properties of the axis. */ export interface ThreeDChartLabels { /** * Text rotation angle. * Default value: 0 */ angle?: number; /** * Callback function used to format the labels. * Default value: null */ formatFunction?: {(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}; /** * Object describing the format settings of the labels. * Default value: [object Object] */ formatSettings?: ThreeDChartFormatSettings; /** * Labels offset. * Default value: [object Object] */ offset?: ThreeDChartOffset; /** * Radius of the labels in pie/donut series. * Default value: null */ radius?: number | null; /** * Interval steps between label placements (multiples of the axis unit interval). * Default value: null */ step?: number | null; /** * Sets the interval between the labels. * Default value: null */ unitInterval?: number; /** * Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.Determines the visibility of labels. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the labels.custom array. * Default value: true */ visible?: boolean | string; } /**Labels offset. */ export interface ThreeDChartOffset { /** * Horizontal offset. * Default value: 0 */ x?: number | null; /** * Vertical offset. * Default value: 0 */ y?: number | null; /** * Horizontal offset on Z-axis. * Default value: 0 */ z?: number | null; } /**Sets the padding of the chart's title (caption). */ export interface ThreeDChartPadding { /** * Bottom padding. * Default value: 10 */ bottom?: number; /** * Left padding. * Default value: 5 */ left?: number; /** * Right padding. * Default value: 5 */ right?: number; /** * Top padding. * Default value: 5 */ top?: number; } /**An object with settings about the Chart's y-axis (value axis). */ export interface ThreeDChartValueAxis { /** * Sets the baseline value for the axis. * Default value: 0 */ baselineValue?: any; /** * Sets the text displayed on the axis. * Default value: null */ displayText?: string | null; /** * Custom function to format the displayed values along the axis. * Default value: null */ formatFunction?: {(value?: any): string}; /** * Settings used to format the displayed values along the axis. * Default value: [object Object] */ formatSettings?: ThreeDChartFormatSettings; /** * Object describing the grid lines properties of the valueAxis. * Default value: [object Object] */ gridLines?: ThreeDChartLines; /** * Object describing the labels properties of the axis. * Default value: [object Object] */ labels?: ThreeDChartLabels; /** * Determines whether to use logarithmic scale. * Default value: false */ logarithmicScale?: boolean; /** * Base for logarithmic scale. * Default value: 10 */ logarithmicScaleBase?: number; /** * Sets the maximum value of the valueAxis. * Default value: NaN */ maxValue?: any; /** * Sets the minimum value of the valueAxis. * Default value: NaN */ minValue?: any; /** * Sets the interval between the units. * Default value: null */ unitInterval?: number | null; /** * Shows or hides the valueAxis. * Default value: true */ visible?: boolean; } /**Object describing the grid lines properties of the valueAxis. */ export interface ThreeDChartLines { /** * Color of the grid lines. * Default value: "" */ color?: string; /** * Interval steps between grid line placements (multiples of the axis unit interval). * Default value: null */ step?: number | null; /** * Possible values: true, false, 'custom'.Determines the visibility of grid lines. When 'custom' is set, displays only custom values/offsets from the gridLines.custom array. * Default value: true */ visible?: boolean | string; } /**Sets the Chart's xAxis. */ export interface ThreeDChartXAxis { /** * Points to a data field in the data source. * Default value: "" */ dataField?: string; /** * Optional custom xAxis display text. * Default value: null */ displayText?: string | null; /** * Specifies whether the values are displayed in reverse order. * Default value: false */ flip?: boolean; /** * Custom function to format the displayed values along the axis. * Default value: null */ formatFunction?: {(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}; /** * Settings used to format the displayed values along the axis. * Default value: [object Object] */ formatSettings?: ThreeDChartFormatSettings; /** * Object describing the grid lines properties of the xAxis. * Default value: [object Object] */ gridLines?: ThreeDChartLines; /** * Object describing the labels properties of the axis. * Default value: [object Object] */ labels?: ThreeDChartLabels; /** * Determines whether to use logarithmic scale. * Default value: false */ logarithmicScale?: boolean; /** * Base for logarithmic scale. * Default value: 10 */ logarithmicScaleBase?: number; /** * Sets the maximum value of the xAxis. * Default value: NaN */ maxValue?: any; /** * Sets the minimum value of the xAxis. * Default value: NaN */ minValue?: any; /** * Definition of a range selector on the xAxis. The range selector itself is also an instance of smart-chart. * Default value: [object Object] */ rangeSelector?: ThreeDChartRangeSelector; /** * The type of the axis. 'auto' - automatically detects and switches to 'basic', 'linear' or 'date'.'date' - when displaying dates.'basic' - displays all data points sequentially.'linear' - linear arrangement by the value of the xAxis data field. * Default value: auto */ type?: ThreeDChartXAxisType | string; /** * Sets the interval between the units. * Default value: null */ unitInterval?: number | null; /** * Shows or hides the xAxis. * Default value: true */ visible?: boolean; } /**Definition of a range selector on the xAxis. The range selector itself is also an instance of ${namespace.toLowerCase()}-chart. */ export interface ThreeDChartRangeSelector { /** * Sets the color of the range selector chart. If null, it will be set to the same color as the chart * Default value: null */ color?: string | null; /** * Callback function used to format the values. * Default value: null */ formatFunction?: {(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}; /** * Chart Format Settings * Default value: null */ formatSettings?: any; /** * Object describing the labels properties of the axis. * Default value: [object Object] */ labels?: ThreeDChartLabels; /** * Sets the opacity of the range selector chart. * Default value: 1 */ opacity?: number; /** * Sets the range selector chart type * Default value: area */ serieType?: ThreeDChartRangeSelectorSerieType | string; /** * Shows or hides the range selector. * Default value: false */ visible?: boolean; } /**Sets the Chart's zAxis. */ export interface ThreeDChartZAxis { /** * Points to a data field in the data source. * Default value: "" */ dataField?: string; /** * Optional custom zAxis display text. * Default value: null */ displayText?: string | null; /** * Specifies whether the values are displayed in reverse order. * Default value: false */ flip?: boolean; /** * Custom function to format the displayed values along the axis. * Default value: null */ formatFunction?: {(value?: any, index?: number, series?: any): string}; /** * Settings used to format the displayed values along the axis. * Default value: [object Object] */ formatSettings?: ThreeDChartFormatSettings; /** * Object describing the grid lines properties of the zAxis. * Default value: [object Object] */ gridLines?: ThreeDChartLines; /** * Object describing the labels properties of the axis. * Default value: [object Object] */ labels?: ThreeDChartLabels; /** * Determines whether to use logarithmic scale. * Default value: false */ logarithmicScale?: boolean; /** * Base for logarithmic scale. * Default value: 10 */ logarithmicScaleBase?: number; /** * Sets the maximum value of the zAxis. * Default value: NaN */ maxValue?: any; /** * Sets the minimum value of the zAxis. * Default value: NaN */ minValue?: any; /** * Sets the interval between the units. * Default value: null */ unitInterval?: number | null; /** * Shows or hides the zAxis. * Default value: true */ visible?: boolean; } declare global { interface Document { createElement(tagName: "smart-3d-chart"): ThreeDChart; querySelector(selectors: "smart-3d-chart"): ThreeDChart | null; querySelectorAll(selectors: "smart-3d-chart"): NodeListOf; getElementsByTagName(qualifiedName: "smart-3d-chart"): HTMLCollectionOf; getElementsByName(elementName: "smart-3d-chart"): NodeListOf; } } /**Sets or gets the animation mode. Animation is disabled when the property is set to 'none'. */ export declare type Animation = 'none' | 'simple' | 'advanced'; /**Sets the chart's color pallete. jqxChart suppports 32 color schemes from 'scheme01' to 'scheme32'. */ export declare type ThreeDChartColorScheme = 'scheme01' | 'scheme02' | 'scheme03' | 'scheme04' | 'scheme05' | 'scheme06' | 'scheme07' | 'scheme08' | 'scheme09' | 'scheme10' | 'scheme11' | 'scheme12' | 'scheme13' | 'scheme14' | 'scheme15' | 'scheme16' | 'scheme17' | 'scheme18' | 'scheme19' | 'scheme20' | 'scheme21' | 'scheme22' | 'scheme23' | 'scheme24' | 'scheme25' | 'scheme26' | 'scheme27' | 'scheme28' | 'scheme29' | 'scheme30' | 'scheme31' | 'scheme32' | 'custom'; /**Sets whether the legend will be created based on the chart's series or serie groups. "auto" - the legend index will change depending on the Chart type */ export declare type ThreeDChartLegendIndex = 'auto' | 'serie' | 'group'; /**Determines the selection mode. */ export declare type ThreeDChartSelectionMode = 'none' | 'single' | 'multiple'; /**Determines the symbol type displayed for the data points in the serie. This parameter is applicable to line, area, scatter and bubble series only. */ export declare type ThreeDChartSymbolType = 'none' | 'circle' | 'square' | 'diamond' | 'triangle_up' | 'triangle_down' | 'triangle_left' | 'triangle_right'; /**Sets the chart type. jqxChart supports several common chart types. You can easily plot series of different types on a common chart. A type must be specified for each series group. Currently, jqxChart supports the following series types:'column' - simple column series 'stackedcolumn' - stacked column series 'stackedcolumn100' - percentage stacked columns 'rangecolumn' - floating column between two values 'waterfall' - waterfall series 'stackedwaterfall' - stacked waterfall series 'line' - simple straight lines connecting the value points 'stackedline' - stacked lines 'stackedline100' - percentage stacked lines 'spline' - smooth lines connecting the value points 'stackedspline' - smooth stacked lines 'stackedspline100' - percentage stacked smooth lines 'stepline' - step line 'stackedstepline' - stacked step line 'stackedstepline100' - percentage stacked step line 'area' - area connecting the value points with straight lines 'stackedarea' - stacked area with straight lines between the points 'stackedarea100' - percentage stacked area with straight lines between the points 'rangearea' - floating area between pairs of value points 'splinearea' - smooth area connecting the value points 'stackedsplinearea' - stacked smooth area connecting the value points 'stackedsplinearea100' - percentage stacked smooth area 'splinerangearea' - smooth floating area between pairs of value points 'steprangearea' - step area between pairs of value points 'stackedsplineara' - smooth stacked area 'steparea' - step area connecting the value points 'stackedsteparea' - step stacked area 'stackedsteparea100' - percentage stacked step area 'pie' - circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating proportion 'donut' - chart divided into circular sectors with different inner and outer radius 'scatter' - data is displayed as a collection of points 'stackedscatter' - data is displayed as a collection of points and the values are stacked 'stackedscatter100' - data is displayed as a collection of points and the values are percentage stacked 'bubble' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles 'stackedbubble' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles and the values are stacked 'stackedbubble100' - data is displayed as a collection of bubbles and the values are percentage stacked 'candlestick' - display candlestick series using open, high, low, close data points 'ohlc' - display OHLC series using open, high, low, close data points */ export declare type ThreeDChartType = 'column' | 'stackedcolumn' | 'stackedcolumn100' | 'rangecolumn' | 'waterfall' | 'stackedwaterfall' | 'line' | 'stackedline' | 'stackedline100' | 'spline' | 'stackedspline' | 'stackedspline100' | 'stepline' | 'stackedstepline' | 'stackedstepline100' | 'area' | 'stackedarea' | 'stackedarea100' | 'rangearea' | 'splinearea' | 'stackedsplinearea' | 'stackedsplinearea100' | 'splinerangearea' | 'steprangearea' | 'stackedsplineara' | 'steparea' | 'stackedsteparea' | 'stackedsteparea100' | 'pie' | 'donut' | 'scatter' | 'stackedscatter' | 'stackedscatter100' | 'bubble' | 'stackedbubble' | 'stackedbubble100' | 'candlestick' | 'ohlc'; /**Sets the range selector chart type */ export declare type ThreeDChartRangeSelectorSerieType = 'line' | 'area'; /**The type of the axis. 'auto' - automatically detects and switches to 'basic', 'linear' or 'date'. 'date' - when displaying dates. 'basic' - displays all data points sequentially. 'linear' - linear arrangement by the value of the xAxis data field. */ export declare type ThreeDChartXAxisType = 'auto' | 'date' | 'basic' | 'linear'; export interface AccordionProperties { /** * Sets or gets the animation mode. Animation is disabled when the property is set to 'none' * Default value: advanced */ animation?: Animation | string; /** * Determines the data source that will be loaded to the Accordion. * Default value: null */ dataSource?: any; /** * Enables or disables the accordion. Disabled elements can not be interacted with. * Default value: false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Sets or gets the expanded item indexes. Using this property items can be expanded by passing in their indexes. The number of expanded items is limited by the expandMode. * Default value: */ expandedIndexes?: number[]; /** * Sets or gets the expand mode. Expand mode determines how the items will expand or collapse. * Default value: singleFitHeight */ expandMode?: AccordionExpandMode | string; /** * Sets or gets the language. Used in conjunction with the property messages. * Default value: "en" */ locale?: string; /** * Callback used to customize the format of the messages that are returned from the Localization Module. * Default value: null */ localizeFormatFunction?: any; /** * Sets or gets an object specifying strings used in the widget that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale. * Default value: * { * "en": { * "propertyUnknownType": "'' property is with undefined 'type' member!", * "propertyInvalidValue": "Invalid '!", * "propertyInvalidValueType": "Invalid '!", * "elementNotInDOM": "Element does not exist in DOM! Please, add the element to the DOM, before invoking a method.", * "moduleUndefined": "Module is undefined.", * "missingReference": ".", * "htmlTemplateNotSuported": ": Browser doesn't support HTMLTemplate elements.", * "invalidTemplate": "' property accepts a string that must match the id of an HTMLTemplate element from the DOM.", * "accordionItemRequired": "' requires an item from type \"jqx-accordion-item\".", * "indexOutOfBound": "' method.", * "invalidSettings": "' method accepts a string or an object as it's second parameter.", * "noItems": ": No child elements found.", * "overridingProperties": "' property is used by default." * } * } */ messages?: any; /** * Determines if the element is readonly or not. If the element true, users cannot interact with it. * Default value: false */ readonly?: boolean; /** * Enables or disables accordion reordering. * Default value: false */ reorder?: boolean; /** * Sets or gets the value indicating whether the element is aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts. * Default value: false */ rightToLeft?: boolean; /** * Determines the theme. Theme defines the look of the element * Default value: "" */ theme?: string; /** * Determines whether the element can be focused or not. * Default value: false */ unfocusable?: boolean; } /** Accordion organizes content within collapsable items. */ export interface Accordion extends BaseElement, AccordionProperties { /* Get a member by its name */ [name: string]: any; /** * This event is triggered when an item is collapsed. * @param event. The custom event. Custom data event was created with: ev.detail(content, index, label) * content - The content of the item. * index - The index of the item. * label - The label of the item */ onCollapse?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * This event is triggered when an item is going to be collapsed. * @param event. The custom event. Custom data event was created with: ev.detail(content, index, label) * content - The content of the item. * index - The index of the item. * label - The label of the item */ onCollapsing?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * This event is triggered when a reordering operation is completed. * @param event. The custom event. Custom data event was created with: ev.detail(position, target, content, index, label) * position - The current top and left position of the item that was dragged. * target - The item that was dragged. * content - The content of the item. * index - The index of the item. * label - The label of the item. */ onDragEnd: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | null; /** * This event is triggered when a reordering operation is started. * @param event. The custom event. Custom data event was created with: ev.detail(position, target, content, index, label) * position - The current top and left position of the item that is about to be dragged. * target - The item that is about to be dragged. * content - The content of the item. * index - The index of the item. * label - The label of the item. */ onDragStart: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | null; /** * This event is triggered when an item is expanded. * @param event. The custom event. Custom data event was created with: ev.detail(position, target, content, index, label) * position - The current top and left position of the item. * target - The item that was dragged. * content - The content of the item. * index - The index of the item. * label - The label of the item. */ onExpand?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * This event is triggered when an item is going to be expanded. * @param event. The custom event. Custom data event was created with: ev.detail(content, index, label) * content - The content of the item. * index - The index of the item. * label - The label of the item */ onExpanding?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * Collapses an item at a specified index. * @param {number} position. The index of the collapsed item. */ collapse(position: number): void; /** * Expands an item at a specified index. * @param {number} position. The index of the expanded item. */ expand(position: number): void; /** * Inserts a new item at a specified index. * @param {number} index. The index where the item must be inserted. * @param {any} item. An object containing the values for the properties of the new item to be inserted. */ insert(index: number, item: any): void; /** * Removes an item at a specified index. * @param {number} position. The index of the item to be removed. */ removeAt(position: number): void; /** * Updates an item from the element. * @param {number} index. The index of the item to be updated. * @param {any} settings. An object containing the values for the properties of the item that will be updated. */ update(index: number, settings: any): void; } declare global { interface Document { createElement(tagName: "smart-accordion"): Accordion; querySelector(selectors: "smart-accordion"): Accordion | null; querySelectorAll(selectors: "smart-accordion"): NodeListOf; getElementsByTagName(qualifiedName: "smart-accordion"): HTMLCollectionOf; getElementsByName(elementName: "smart-accordion"): NodeListOf; } } /**Sets or gets the expand mode. Expand mode determines how the items will expand or collapse. */ export declare type AccordionExpandMode = 'single' | 'singleFitHeight' | 'multiple' | 'toggle' | 'none'; export interface AccordionItemProperties { /** * Sets or gets header's arrow position. If the value is 'none' the arrow is not shown. * Default value: left */ arrow?: AccordionItemArrow | string; /** * Sets or gets the content if the item. * Default value: '' */ content?: string | HTMLElement; /** * Sets or gets the expanded state. * Default value: false */ expanded?: boolean; /** * Sets or gets the focus state. * Default value: false */ focused?: boolean; /** * Sets or gets the label if the item. * Default value: "" */ label?: string; } /** Single item in an Accordion view. */ export interface AccordionItem extends BaseElement, AccordionItemProperties { /* Get a member by its name */ [name: string]: any; /** * This event is triggered when the item is collapsed. * @param event. The custom event. */ onCollapse?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * This event is triggered when the item is expanded. * @param event. The custom event. */ onExpand?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; } declare global { interface Document { createElement(tagName: "smart-accordion-item"): AccordionItem; querySelector(selectors: "smart-accordion-item"): AccordionItem | null; querySelectorAll(selectors: "smart-accordion-item"): NodeListOf; getElementsByTagName(qualifiedName: "smart-accordion-item"): HTMLCollectionOf; getElementsByName(elementName: "smart-accordion-item"): NodeListOf; } } /**Sets or gets header's arrow position. If the value is 'none' the arrow is not shown. */ export declare type AccordionItemArrow = 'left' | 'right' | 'none'; export interface ArrayProperties { /** * Sets or gets the animation mode. Animation is disabled when the property is set to 'none' * Default value: advanced */ animation?: Animation | string; /** * Sets or gets the indexing mode of the Array. * Default value: LabVIEW */ arrayIndexingMode?: ArrayArrayIndexingMode | string; /** * A callback function that is called when the width, height or disabled properties of an inner element need to be updated. Applicable only when type is 'custom'. * Default value: null */ changeProperty?: any; /** * Sets or gets the number of visible columns in the Array. * Default value: 1 */ columns?: number; /** * Sets or gets the default value of inner elements when type is 'custom'. * Default value: null */ customWidgetDefaultValue?: any; /** * Sets or gets the dimensions of the Array. * Default value: 1 */ dimensions?: number; /** * Sets or gets disabled state of the Array. * Default value: false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Sets or gets the height of Array elements (row height). * Default value: 25 */ elementHeight?: number; /** * A callback function that can be used for applying settings to element widgets. When type is 'custom', widgets have to be initialized in this callback function. * Default value: null */ elementTemplate?: any; /** * Sets or gets the width of Array elements (column width). * Default value: 75 */ elementWidth?: number; /** * A callback function that can be used for getting the value of element widgets. * Default value: null */ getElementValue?: any; /** * Sets or gets the height of indexers. * Default value: 25 */ indexerHeight?: number; /** * Sets or gets the width of indexers. * Default value: 50 */ indexerWidth?: number; /** * Sets or gets the language. Used in conjunction with the property messages. * Default value: "en" */ locale?: string; /** * Callback, related to localization module. * Default value: null */ localizeFormatFunction?: any; /** * Sets or gets an object specifying strings used in the widget that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale. * Default value: * { * "en": { * "propertyUnknownType": "'' property is with undefined 'type' member!", * "propertyInvalidValue": "Invalid '!", * "propertyInvalidValueType": "Invalid '!", * "elementNotInDOM": "Element does not exist in DOM! Please, add the element to the DOM, before invoking a method.", * "moduleUndefined": "Module is undefined.", * "missingReference": ".", * "htmlTemplateNotSuported": ": Browser doesn't support HTMLTemplate elements.", * "invalidTemplate": "' property accepts a string that must match the id of an HTMLTemplate element from the DOM.", * "callbackFunctionRequired": "jqx-array: When \"type\" is 'custom', the callback function has to be implemented." * } * } */ messages?: any; /** * If the element is readonly, users cannot interact with it. * Default value: false */ readonly?: boolean; /** * Sets or gets the number of visible rows in the Array. * Default value: 1 */ rows?: number; /** * A callback function that can be used for setting the value of element widgets. * Default value: null */ setElementValue?: any; /** * Sets or gets whether to display the horizontal scrollbar. * Default value: false */ showHorizontalScrollbar?: boolean; /** * Sets or gets whether to display the array indexers. * Default value: false */ showIndexDisplay?: boolean; /** * Sets or gets whether to highlight selected elements. * Default value: false */ showSelection?: boolean; /** * Sets or gets whether to display the vertical scrollbar. * Default value: false */ showVerticalScrollbar?: boolean; /** * Determines the theme. Theme defines the look of the element * Default value: "" */ theme?: string; /** * Sets or gets the data type and element widgets to be used in the Array. * Default value: none */ type?: ArrayType | string; /** * If is set to true, the element cannot be focused. * Default value: false */ unfocusable?: boolean; /** * Sets or gets the value of the Array. * Default value: */ value?: any; } /** Array is broadly used in Engineering applications and displays a Grid of values. */ export interface Array extends BaseElement, ArrayProperties { /* Get a member by its name */ [name: string]: any; /** * This event is triggered when a visible row or column has been added or removed. * @param event. The custom event. */ onArraySizeChange?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * This event is triggered when the value of the Array is changed. * @param event. The custom event. */ onChange: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | null; /** * This event is triggered when a dimension has been added or removed. * @param event. The custom event. */ onDimensionChange?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * This event is triggered when an Array element has been clicked. * @param event. The custom event. */ onElementClick?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * This event is triggered when the Array is scrolled with one of the scrollbars. * @param event. The custom event. */ onScroll: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | null; /** * This event is triggered when the column width or the row height has been changed. * @param event. The custom event. */ onSizeChange?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * Adds a dimension to the array.
Note: when adding multiple dimensions simultaneously, it is recommended to do so by dynamically setting the dimensions property. */ addDimension(): void; /** * Clears the selection. */ clearSelection(): void; /** * Copies the value of an Array element to the clipboard. * @param {number} Rowvisibleindex. The visible index of the row (y coordinate) of the element. * @param {number} Columnvisibleindex. The visible index of the column (x coordinate) of the element. */ copyElementValueToClipboard(Rowvisibleindex: number, Columnvisibleindex: number): void; /** * Deletes a column in the value array. * @param {number} Columnindex. Index of the column to be deleted. */ deleteColumn(Columnindex: number): void; /** * Deletes a row in the value array. * @param {number} Rowindex. Index of the row to be deleted. */ deleteRow(Rowindex: number): void; /** * Empties the value array. */ emptyArray(): void; /** * Designates the end of a selection started with the method startSelection. * @param {number} Rowboundindex. The bound index of the row (y coordinate) to end the selection to. * @param {number} Columnboundindex. The bound index of the column (x coordinate) to end the selection to. */ endSelection(Rowboundindex: number, Columnboundindex: number): void; /** * Returns the HTML element at the specified visible row and column coordinates of the Array. * @param {number} RowVisibleIndex. The visible index of the row (y coordinate) of the element. * @param {number} ColumnVisibleIndex. The visible index of the column (x coordinate) of the element. * @returns {HTMLElement} */ getElement(RowVisibleIndex: number, ColumnVisibleIndex: number): HTMLElement; /** * Returns an object with the values of the Array element width and height. * @returns {any} */ getElementSize(): any; /** * Gets an array with the values of all indexers. * @returns {any[]} */ getIndexerValue(): any[]; /** * Returns an HTML element from the Array at the specified page coordinates and other information about this element. * @param {number} Pagexcoordinate. * @param {number} Pageycoordinate. * @returns {any} */ hitTest(Pagexcoordinate: number, Pageycoordinate: number): any; /** * Inserts a column in the value array before the specified column. The new column is filled with default values. * @param {number} Columnindex. Index of the column to add a new column before. */ insertColumnBefore(Columnindex: number): void; /** * Inserts a row in the value array before the specified row. The new row is filled with default values. * @param {number} Rowindex. Index of the row to add a new row before. */ insertRowBefore(Rowindex: number): void; /** * Sets all value array members to the default value. */ reinitializeArray(): void; /** * Removes a dimension from the array.
Note: when removing multiple dimensions simultaneously, it is recommended to do so by dynamically setting the dimensions property. */ removeDimension(): void; /** * Sets the array's type to 'none'. */ reset(): void; /** * Resizes Array elements (changes both the column width and the row height). * @param {number} Elementwidth. The new element (column) width. * @param {number} Elementheight. The new element (row) height. */ resizeElement(Elementwidth: number, Elementheight: number): void; /** * Selects all members of the array. */ selectAll(): void; /** * Selects an element with the passed row and column bound indexes. * @param {number} Rowboundindex. * @param {number} Columnboundindex. */ selectElement(Rowboundindex: number, Columnboundindex: number): void; /** * Sets the column (element) width. * @param {number} Columnwidth. The new column width. */ setColumnWidth(Columnwidth: number): void; /** * Sets the default value of array members. * @param {any} Defaultvalue. The new default value. Its data type should correspond to the type of the Array. */ setDefaultValue(Defaultvalue: any): void; /** * Sets the value of one or more Array indexers. * @param {any[]} Settings. An array of objects with the fields index and value. */ setIndexerValue(Settings: any[]): void; /** * Sets the row (element) height. * @param {number} Rowheight. The new row height. */ setRowHeight(Rowheight: number): void; /** * Makes the last array member visible. */ showLastElement(): void; /** * Designates the start of a selection. To end a selection, call endSelection. * @param {number} Rowboundindex. The bound index of the row (y coordinate) to start the selection from. * @param {number} Columnboundindex. The bound index of the column (x coordinate) to start the selection from. */ startSelection(Rowboundindex: number, Columnboundindex: number): void; /** * Increases or decreases the visual gap between Array elements. */ toggleElementGap(): void; /** * Transposes the array. Applicable only when dimensions is 2 (2D array). */ transposeArray(): void; /** * Sets or gets the value of the whole array or sets the value of a member of the array. * @param {any} Newvalue?. If the method is used for setting the value of the whole array, the expected value is an array. If it is used for setting the value of an array member, the value can be of any applicable type. * @param {number | number[]} Elementindexes?. If this parameter is passed, only the value of the array member with the provided dimension indexes is set. Dimension indexes that are not passed are considered to be 0. * @returns {any[]} */ val(Newvalue?: any, Elementindexes?: number | number[]): any[]; } declare global { interface Document { createElement(tagName: "smart-array"): Array; querySelector(selectors: "smart-array"): Array | null; querySelectorAll(selectors: "smart-array"): NodeListOf; getElementsByTagName(qualifiedName: "smart-array"): HTMLCollectionOf; getElementsByName(elementName: "smart-array"): NodeListOf; } } /**Sets or gets the indexing mode of the Array. */ export declare type ArrayArrayIndexingMode = 'LabVIEW' | 'JavaScript'; /**Sets or gets the data type and element widgets to be used in the Array. */ export declare type ArrayType = 'none' | 'boolean' | 'numeric' | 'string' | 'custom'; export interface BarcodeProperties { /** * Sets the background color of the barcode element. * Default value: "white" */ backgroundColor?: string; /** * Sets whether the barcode label is visible. * Default value: true */ displayLabel?: boolean; /** * Sets the color of the barcode label. * Default value: "black" */ labelColor?: string; /** * Sets the font family of the barcode label. * Default value: "monospace" */ labelFont?: string; /** * Sets the font size of the barcode label. * Default value: 14 */ labelFontSize?: number; /** * Sets the bottom margin of the barcode label. * Default value: 5 */ labelMarginBottom?: number; /** * Sets the top margin of the barcode label. * Default value: 5 */ labelMarginTop?: number; /** * Sets the position of the barcode label. * Default value: bottom */ labelPosition?: BarcodeLabelPosition | string; /** * Sets the color of the barcode lines. * Default value: "black" */ lineColor?: string; /** * Sets the height of the barcode line. * Default value: 50 */ lineHeight?: number; /** * Sets the width of the barcode line. * Default value: 4 */ lineWidth?: number; /** * Sets the rendering mode of the barcode. * Default value: svg */ renderAs?: BarcodeRenderAs | string; /** * Sets the barcode type * Default value: codabar */ type?: BarcodeType | string; /** * Sets or gets the value of the barcode. * Default value: "" */ value?: string; } /** Barcodes encodes text value in a specific pattern. */ export interface Barcode extends BaseElement, BarcodeProperties { /* Get a member by its name */ [name: string]: any; /** * This event is triggered when the value of the barcode is invalid. * @param event. The custom event. Custom data event was created with: ev.detail(invalidCharacters, lengthValidity, patternValidity, value) * invalidCharacters - An array indicating the invalid characters. * lengthValidity - A boolean indicating the length validity. * patternValidity - A boolean indicating the pattern validity. * value - the invalid value of the barcode. */ onInvalid?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * Exports the barcode. * @param {string} format. The format of the exported file - svg, png, jpg * @param {string} fileName?. The name of the exported file */ export(format: string, fileName?: string): void; /** * Gets the base64 string of the barcode * @param {string} format. The dataURL format of the string - svg, png, jpg * @returns {string} */ getDataURL(format: string): string; /** * Gets the base64 string of the barcode * @param {string} format. The dataURL format of the string - svg, png, jpg * @returns {any} */ getDataURLAsync(format: string): any; /** * Gets the validity of the barcode * @returns {boolean} */ isValid(): boolean; } declare global { interface Document { createElement(tagName: "smart-barcode"): Barcode; querySelector(selectors: "smart-barcode"): Barcode | null; querySelectorAll(selectors: "smart-barcode"): NodeListOf; getElementsByTagName(qualifiedName: "smart-barcode"): HTMLCollectionOf; getElementsByName(elementName: "smart-barcode"): NodeListOf; } } /**Sets the position of the barcode label. */ export declare type BarcodeLabelPosition = 'top' | 'bottom'; /**Sets the rendering mode of the barcode. */ export declare type BarcodeRenderAs = 'svg' | 'canvas'; /**Sets the barcode type */ export declare type BarcodeType = 'pharmacode' | 'codabar' | 'code128a' | 'code128b' | 'code128c' | 'msi' | 'msi10' | 'msi11' | 'msi1010' | 'msi1110' | 'ean13' | 'ean8' | 'code39' | 'code93'; export interface BreadcrumbProperties { /** * Enables or disables the "Add new item" (+) button. * Default value: false */ addNewItem?: boolean; /** * Enables or disables the dragging of breadcrumb items. * Default value: false */ allowDrag?: boolean; /** * Enables or disables the dropping of dragged breadcrumb items. * Default value: false */ allowDrop?: boolean; /** * Sets or gets the animation mode. Animation is disabled when the property is set to 'none' * Default value: advanced */ animation?: Animation | string; /** * Show/Hide the close button of breadcrumb items. * Default value: false */ closeButtons?: boolean; /** * Determines the data source to load breadcrumb items from. The Array should contain objects. Each object defines a single breadcrumb item. * Default value: [] */ dataSource?: {label: string, value: string}[]; /** * Enables or disables the Breadcrumb. * Default value: false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Sets or gets the template of breadcrumb items. The value of this property can be the id of an HTMLTemplateElement or the HTMLTemplateElement itself. If set to null, no template is applied. * Default value: null */ itemTemplate?: any; /** * Sets or gets the language. Used in conjunction with the property messages. * Default value: "en" */ locale?: string; /** * Sets or gets an object specifying strings used in the widget that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale. * Default value: * { * "en": { * "propertyUnknownType": "'' property is with undefined 'type' member!", * "propertyInvalidValue": "Invalid '!", * "propertyInvalidValueType": "Invalid '!", * "elementNotInDOM": "Element does not exist in DOM! Please, add the element to the DOM, before invoking a method.", * "moduleUndefined": "Module is undefined.", * "missingReference": ".", * "htmlTemplateNotSuported": ": Browser doesn't support HTMLTemplate elements.", * "invalidTemplate": "' property accepts a string that must match the id of an HTMLTemplate element from the DOM." * } * } */ messages?: any; /** * Determines the minimum width of the Breadcrumb at which it will switch from normal to minimized mode. If set to null, the Breadcrumb does not minimize automatically. * Default value: null */ minimizeWidth?: number; /** * If is set to true, the element cannot be focused. * Default value: false */ unfocusable?: boolean; } /** Breadcrumbs allow users to make selections from a range of values. */ export interface Breadcrumb extends BaseElement, BreadcrumbProperties { /* Get a member by its name */ [name: string]: any; /** * This event is triggered when a Breadcrumb item is closed. * @param event. The custom event. Custom data event was created with: ev.detail(item) * item - The item that has been closed. */ onClose: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | null; /** * This event is triggered when a Breadcrumb item is about to be closed. The closing operation can be canceled by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function. * @param event. The custom event. Custom data event was created with: ev.detail(item) * item - The item that is going to be closed. */ onClosing?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * This event is triggered when a Breadcrumb item is dropped. * @param event. The custom event. */ onDragEnd: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | null; /** * This event is triggered when a Breadcrumb item is being dragged. * @param event. The custom event. Custom data event was created with: ev.detail(item, originalEvent, target) * item - The item that is being dragged. * originalEvent - The original event that initiates the dragging operation. * target - The original target. */ onDragging?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * This event is triggered when the "Add new item" (+) button is clicked. * @param event. The custom event. */ onAddNewItem?: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | ((this: any, ev: CustomEvent) => any) | null; /** * Adds an item. * @param {any} itemDetails. An Object with the fields "index", "label", and "value". */ addItem(itemDetails: any): void; /** * Restores the Breadcrumb from minimized state back to normal. */ maximize(): void; /** * Minimizes the Breadcrumb. */ minimize(): void; /** * Removes an item. * @param {HTMLElement} item. The item to remove. */ removeItem(item: HTMLElement): void; } declare global { interface Document { createElement(tagName: "smart-breadcrumb"): Breadcrumb; querySelector(selectors: "smart-breadcrumb"): Breadcrumb | null; querySelectorAll(selectors: "smart-breadcrumb"): NodeListOf; getElementsByTagName(qualifiedName: "smart-breadcrumb"): HTMLCollectionOf; getElementsByName(elementName: "smart-breadcrumb"): NodeListOf; } } export interface ButtonProperties { /** * Sets or gets the animation mode. Animation is disabled when the property is set to 'none' * Default value: advanced */ animation?: Animation | string; /** * Determines the click mode for the element. * Default value: release */ clickMode?: ClickMode | string; /** * Sets the content of the element. * Default value: "" */ content?: any; /** * Enables or disables the button. * Default value: false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Sets the inner HTML of the element. * Default value: """" */ innerHTML: string; /** * Sets or gets the language. Used in conjunction with the property messages. * Default value: "en" */ locale?: string; /** * Callback used to customize the format of the messages that are returned from the Localization Module. * Default value: null */ localizeFormatFunction?: any; /** * Sets or gets an object specifying strings used in the widget that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale. * Default value: * { * "en": { * "propertyUnknownType": "'' property is with undefined 'type' member!", * "propertyInvalidValue": "Invalid '!", * "propertyInvalidValueType": "Invalid '!", * "elementNotInDOM": "Element does not exist in DOM! Please, add the element to the DOM, before invoking a method.", * "moduleUndefined": "Module is undefined.", * "missingReference": ".", * "htmlTemplateNotSuported": ": Browser doesn't support HTMLTemplate elements.", * "invalidTemplate": "' property accepts a string that must match the id of an HTMLTemplate element from the DOM." * } * } */ messages?: any; /** * Sets or gets the name attribute for the element. Name is used when submiting HTML forms. * Default value: """" */ name?: string; /** * If the custom element is readonly, it cannot be interacted with. * Default value: false */ readonly?: boolean; /** * Sets or gets the value indicating whether the element is aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts. * Default value: false */ rightToLeft?: boolean; /** * Determines the theme. Theme defines the look of the element * Default value: "" */ theme?: string; /** * Sets or gets the type of the button. * Default value: "Reset" */ type?: string; /** * Sets or gets the button's value. * Default value: "" */ value?: string; /** * If is set to true, the element cannot be focused. * Default value: false */ unfocusable?: boolean; } /** Buttons allow users to take actions, and make choices, with a single tap. Buttons communicate actions that users can take. */ export interface Button extends BaseElement, ButtonProperties { /* Get a member by its name */ [name: string]: any; /** * Click event is triggered regarding to the chosen clickMode. * @param event. The custom event. */ onClick: ((this: any, ev: Event) => any) | null; } declare global { interface Document { createElement(tagName: "smart-button"): Button; querySelector(selectors: "smart-button"): Button | null; querySelectorAll(selectors: "smart-button"): NodeListOf