import isEqual from 'fast-deep-equal'; import type { FieldDescriptor } from './types'; export { isEqual }; export declare function mapObject(input: Input, mapper: (value: any, key: string & keyof Input) => any): Output; export declare function push(array: T[], ...values: T[]): T[]; export declare function remove(array: T[], targetIndex: number): T[]; export declare function replace(array: T[], targetIndex: number, newValue: T): T[]; export declare function set(rootObject: InputType, path: string[], value: any): any; export declare function flatMap(array: any[], mapper: (item: any, index?: number) => T | T[]): T[]; /** * Transforms a boolean FieldDescriptor object to work with checkboxes and radios. * @param field */ export declare function asChoiceField({ value: checked, ...fieldData }: FieldDescriptor): { onChange(newValue: boolean | import("./types").ValueMapper): void; onBlur(): void; name: string; initialValue: boolean; dirty: boolean; changed: boolean; error?: any; checked: boolean; }; export type ChoiceFieldDescriptor = ReturnType; //#