import { State } from '../state'; import { FilterDescriptor, isCompositeFilterDescriptor } from '../filtering/filter-descriptor.interface'; import { AggregateDescriptor } from '../grouping/aggregate.operators'; import { isPresent, isNotNullOrEmptyString, isArray, Pair } from '../utils'; import { getter } from '../accessor'; import { compose, ifElse, identity } from '../funcs'; import { isStringValue, isDateValue, quote, serializeFilters, Transformation, toUTC, encodeValue } from '../filter-serialization.common'; const toQueryString = values => values.reduce((acc, [key, value]) => [...acc, `${key}=${value}`], []); const toObject = values => values.reduce((acc, [key, value]) => ({ ...acc, ...{ [key]: value } }), {}); const pairwise = key => value => [key, value]; const empty = () => null; const isNotEmptyArray = value => isPresent(value) && isArray(value) && value.length > 0; const has = accessor => value => isPresent(accessor(value)); const isNotEmpty = accessor => value => isNotEmptyArray(accessor(value)); const runOrEmpty = (predicate, fn) => ifElse(predicate, fn, empty); const calcPage = ({ skip, take }: State) => Math.floor((skip || 0) / take) + 1; const formatDescriptors = (accessor, formatter) => state => ( accessor(state).map(formatter).join("~") ); const removeAfter = (what: string) => (str: string) => str.slice(0, str.indexOf(what)); const replace = (patterns: Pair[]) => compose([left, right]) => (s: string) => s.replace(new RegExp(left, "g"), right))); const sanitizeDateLiterals = replace([["\"", ""], [":", "-"]]); const removeAfterDot = removeAfter("."); const directionFormatter = ({ field, dir = "asc" }) => `${field}-${dir}`; const aggregateFormatter = ({ field, aggregate }) => `${field}-${aggregate}`; const take = getter("take"); const aggregates = getter("aggregates"); const skip = getter("skip"); const group = getter("group"); const sort = getter("sort", true); const formatSort = formatDescriptors(sort, directionFormatter); const formatGroup = formatDescriptors(group, directionFormatter); const formatAggregates = formatDescriptors(aggregates, aggregateFormatter); const prefixDateValue = value => `datetime'${value}'`; const formatDateValue = compose( prefixDateValue, removeAfterDot, sanitizeDateLiterals, JSON.stringify, toUTC ); const formatDate: Transformation = ({ field, value, ignoreCase, operator }) => ({ value: formatDateValue(value), field, ignoreCase, operator }); const normalizeSort = (state: State) => Object.assign({}, state, { sort: (sort(state) || []).filter(({ dir }) => isNotNullOrEmptyString(dir)) }); const transformSkip = compose(pairwise('page'), calcPage); const transformTake = compose(pairwise('pageSize'), take); const transformGroup = compose(pairwise('group'), formatGroup); const transformSort = compose(pairwise('sort'), formatSort); const transformAggregates = compose(pairwise('aggregate'), formatAggregates); const serializePage = runOrEmpty(has(skip), transformSkip); const serializePageSize = runOrEmpty(has(take), transformTake); const serializeGroup = runOrEmpty(isNotEmpty(group), transformGroup); const serializeAggregates = runOrEmpty(has(aggregates), transformAggregates); const serializeSort = compose(runOrEmpty(isNotEmpty(sort), transformSort), normalizeSort); const hasField = ({ field }) => isNotNullOrEmptyString(field); const filterFormatter = ({ field, operator, value }: FilterDescriptor) => `${field}~${operator}~${value}`; const dateFormatter = ifElse(isDateValue, compose(filterFormatter, formatDate), filterFormatter); const typedFormatter = encode => runOrEmpty( hasField, ifElse( isStringValue, compose(filterFormatter, quote, encode ? encodeValue : identity), dateFormatter ) ); const join = ({ logic }) => `~${logic}~`; const serialize = encode => serializeFilters( filter => ifElse(isCompositeFilterDescriptor, serialize(encode), typedFormatter(encode))(filter), join ); const serializeFilter = ({ filter }: State, encode: boolean) => { if (filter && filter.filters) { const filters = serialize(encode)(filter); if (filters.length) { return ['filter', filters]; } } return null; }; const rules = (state, encode = true) => key => ({ "aggregates": serializeAggregates(state), "filter": serializeFilter(state, encode), "group": serializeGroup(state), "skip": serializePage(state), "sort": serializeSort(state), "take": serializePageSize(state) }[key]); /** * Represents the operation descriptors that will be sent * ([see example]({% slug api_kendo-data-query_todatasourcerequeststring %})). * * Extends [`State`]({% slug api_kendo-data-query_state %}) by adding the `aggregates` descriptors— * an array of [`AggregateDescriptor`]({% slug api_kendo-data-query_aggregatedescriptor %}). */ export type DataSourceRequestState = State & { /** * The descriptors used for aggregation. * @type {Array} */ aggregates?: Array; }; /** * Converts a [`DataSourceRequestState`]({% slug api_kendo-data-query_datasourcerequeststate %}) into a string * that is comparable with the `DataSourceRequest` format in UI for ASP.NET MVC. * * @param {DataRequestState} state - The state that will be serialized. * @returns {string} - The serialized state. * * @example * {% platform_content angular %} * ```ts-no-run * import { * toDataSourceRequestString, * translateDataSourceResultGroups, * translateAggregateResults * } from '@progress/kendo-data-query'; * * export class Service { * private BASE_URL: string = '...'; * * constructor(private http: Http) { } * * // Omitted for brevity... * * private fetch(state: DataSourceRequestState): Observable { * const queryStr = `${toDataSourceRequestString(state)}`; //serialize the state * const hasGroups = &&; * * return this.http * .get(`${this.BASE_URL}?${queryStr}`) //send the state to the server * .map(response => response.json()) * .map(({Data, Total, AggregateResults}) => // process the response * ({ * //if there are groups convert them to compatible format * data: hasGroups ? translateDataSourceResultGroups(Data) : Data, * total: Total, * // convert the aggregates if such exists * aggregateResult: translateAggregateResults(AggregateResults) * }) * ); * } * } * ``` * {% endplatform_content %} * * {% platform_content react %} * ```jsx-no-run * import { Component } from 'react'; * import { toDataSourceRequestString, translateDataSourceResultGroups } from '@progress/kendo-data-query'; * * export function withState(WrappedGrid) { * return class StatefullGrid extends Component { * constructor(props) { * super(props); * this.state = { dataState: { skip: 0, take: 20 } }; * } * * render() { * return ( * * ); * } * * componentDidMount() { * this.fetchData(this.state.dataState); * } * * dataStateChange = (changeEvent) => { * this.setState({ dataState: }); * this.fetchData(; * } * * fetchData(dataState) { * const queryStr = `${toDataSourceRequestString(dataState)}`; // Serialize the state * const hasGroups = &&; * * const base_url = 'api/Products'; * const init = { method: 'GET', accept: 'application/json', headers: {} }; * * fetch(`${base_url}?${queryStr}`, init) * .then(response => response.json()) * .then(({ data, total }) => { * this.setState({ * data: hasGroups ? translateDataSourceResultGroups(data) : data, * total, * dataState * }); * }); * } * } * } * ``` * {% endplatform_content %} */ export const toDataSourceRequestString = (state: DataSourceRequestState): string => ( toQueryString( Object.keys(state) .map(rules(state)) .filter(isPresent) ).join('&') ); /** * Converts a [`DataSourceRequestState`]({% slug api_kendo-data-query_datasourcerequeststate %}) into an object * that is compatible with the `DataSourceRequest` format in UI for ASP.NET MVC. * * @param {DataRequestState} state - The state that will be serialized. * @returns {any} - The serialized state. */ export const toDataSourceRequest = (state: DataSourceRequestState): any => ( toObject( Object.keys(state) .map(rules(state, false)) .filter(isPresent) ) );