#!/usr/bin/env node import { DEFAULT_URL, Integration, Platform } from './lib/Constants'; import { run } from './lib/Setup'; export * from './lib/Setup'; const argv = require('yargs') .option('debug', { default: false, describe: 'Enable verbose logging\nenv: SENTRY_WIZARD_DEBUG', type: 'boolean', }) .option('uninstall', { default: false, describe: 'Revert project setup process\nenv: SENTRY_WIZARD_UNINSTALL', type: 'boolean', }) .option('skip-connect', { default: false, describe: 'Skips the connection to the server\nenv: SENTRY_WIZARD_SKIP_CONNECT', type: 'boolean', }) .option('quiet', { default: false, describe: 'Do not fallback to prompting user asking questions\nenv: SENTRY_WIZARD_QUIET', type: 'boolean', }) .option('i', { alias: 'integration', choices: Object.keys(Integration), describe: 'Choose the integration to setup\nenv: SENTRY_WIZARD_INTEGRATION', }) .option('p', { alias: 'platform', choices: Object.keys(Platform), describe: 'Choose platform(s)\nenv: SENTRY_WIZARD_PLATFORM', type: 'array', }) .option('u', { alias: 'url', default: DEFAULT_URL, describe: 'The url to your Sentry installation\nenv: SENTRY_WIZARD_URL', }).argv; run(argv);