import * as https from 'https' import { generateTimestamp } from '@sasjs/utils/time' import * as NodeFormData from 'form-data' import { Sas9RequestClient } from './request/Sas9RequestClient' import { isUrl } from './utils' /** * A client for interfacing with the SAS9 REST API. * */ export class SAS9ApiClient { private requestClient: Sas9RequestClient constructor( private serverUrl: string, private jobsPath: string, httpsAgentOptions?: https.AgentOptions ) { if (serverUrl) isUrl(serverUrl) this.requestClient = new Sas9RequestClient(serverUrl, httpsAgentOptions) } /** * Returns an object containing server URL. */ public getConfig() { return { serverUrl: this.serverUrl } } /** * Updates server URL which is not null. * @param serverUrl - URL of the server to be set. */ public setConfig(serverUrl: string) { if (serverUrl) this.serverUrl = serverUrl } /** * Executes code on a SAS9 server. * @param linesOfCode - an array of code lines to execute. * @param userName - the user name to log into the current SAS server. * @param password - the password to log into the current SAS server. */ public async executeScript( linesOfCode: string[], userName: string, password: string ) { await this.requestClient.login(userName, password, this.jobsPath) // This piece of code forces a webout to prevent Stored Process Errors. const forceOutputCode = [ 'data _null_;', 'file _webout;', `put 'Executed sasjs run';`, 'run;' ] const formData = generateFileUploadForm( [...linesOfCode, ...forceOutputCode].join('\n') ) const codeInjectorPath = `/User Folders/${userName}/My Folder/sasjs/runner` const contentType = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + formData.getBoundary() const contentLength = formData.getLengthSync() const headers = { 'cache-control': 'no-cache', Accept: '*/*', 'Content-Type': contentType, 'Content-Length': contentLength, Connection: 'keep-alive' } const storedProcessUrl = `${this.jobsPath}/?${ '_program=' + codeInjectorPath + '&_debug=log' }` const response = await storedProcessUrl, formData, undefined, contentType, headers ) return response.result as string } } const generateFileUploadForm = (data: any): NodeFormData => { const formData = new NodeFormData() const filename = `sasjs-execute-sas9-${generateTimestamp('')}.sas` formData.append(filename, data, { filename, contentType: 'text/plain' }) return formData }