import { Context, EditContextInput, ContextAllAttributes } from './types' import { isUrl } from './utils' import { prefixMessage } from '@sasjs/utils/error' import { RequestClient } from './request/RequestClient' import { AuthConfig } from '@sasjs/utils/types' export class ContextManager { private defaultComputeContexts = [ 'CAS Formats service compute context', 'Data Mining compute context', 'Import 9 service compute context', 'SAS Job Execution compute context', 'SAS Model Manager compute context', 'SAS Studio compute context', 'SAS Visual Forecasting compute context' ] private defaultLauncherContexts = [ 'CAS Formats service launcher context', 'Data Mining launcher context', 'Import 9 service launcher context', 'Job Flow Execution launcher context', 'SAS Job Execution launcher context', 'SAS Model Manager launcher context', 'SAS Studio launcher context', 'SAS Visual Forecasting launcher context' ] get getDefaultComputeContexts() { return this.defaultComputeContexts } get getDefaultLauncherContexts() { return this.defaultLauncherContexts } constructor(private serverUrl: string, private requestClient: RequestClient) { if (serverUrl) isUrl(serverUrl) } public async getComputeContexts(accessToken?: string) { const { result: contexts } = await this.requestClient .get<{ items: Context[] }>( `${this.serverUrl}/compute/contexts?limit=10000`, accessToken ) .catch((err) => { throw prefixMessage(err, 'Error while getting compute contexts. ') }) const contextsList = contexts && contexts.items ? contexts.items : [] return any) => ({ createdBy: context.createdBy, id:, name:, version: context.version, attributes: {} })) } public async getLauncherContexts(accessToken?: string) { const { result: contexts } = await this.requestClient .get<{ items: Context[] }>( `${this.serverUrl}/launcher/contexts?limit=10000`, accessToken ) .catch((err) => { throw prefixMessage(err, 'Error while getting launcher contexts. ') }) const contextsList = contexts && contexts.items ? contexts.items : [] return any) => ({ createdBy: context.createdBy, id:, name:, version: context.version, attributes: {} })) } public async createComputeContext( contextName: string, launchContextName: string, sharedAccountId: string, autoExecLines: string[], accessToken?: string, authorizedUsers?: string[] ) { this.validateContextName(contextName) this.isDefaultContext( contextName, this.defaultComputeContexts, `Compute context '${contextName}' already exists.` ) const existingComputeContexts = await this.getComputeContexts(accessToken) if ( existingComputeContexts.find((context) => === contextName) ) { throw new Error(`Compute context '${contextName}' already exists.`) } if (launchContextName) { if (!this.defaultLauncherContexts.includes(launchContextName)) { const launcherContexts = await this.getLauncherContexts(accessToken) if ( !launcherContexts.find( (context) => === launchContextName ) ) { const description = `The launcher context for ${launchContextName}` const launchType = 'direct' const newLauncherContext = await this.createLauncherContext( launchContextName, description, launchType, accessToken ).catch((err) => { throw new Error(`Error while creating launcher context. ${err}`) }) if (newLauncherContext && { launchContextName = } else { throw new Error('Error while creating launcher context.') } } } } const headers: any = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } if (accessToken) { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${accessToken}` } let attributes = { reuseServerProcesses: true } as object if (sharedAccountId) attributes = { ...attributes, runServerAs: sharedAccountId } const requestBody: any = { name: contextName, launchContext: { contextName: launchContextName || '' }, attributes } if (authorizedUsers && authorizedUsers.length) { requestBody['authorizedUsers'] = authorizedUsers } else { requestBody['authorizeAllAuthenticatedUsers'] = true } if (autoExecLines) { requestBody.environment = { autoExecLines } } const { result: context } = await this.requestClient .post( `${this.serverUrl}/compute/contexts`, requestBody, accessToken ) .catch((err) => { throw prefixMessage(err, 'Error while creating compute context. ') }) return context } public async createLauncherContext( contextName: string, description: string, launchType = 'direct', accessToken?: string ) { if (!contextName) { throw new Error('Context name is required.') } this.isDefaultContext( contextName, this.defaultLauncherContexts, `Launcher context '${contextName}' already exists.` ) const existingLauncherContexts = await this.getLauncherContexts(accessToken) if ( existingLauncherContexts.find((context) => === contextName) ) { throw new Error(`Launcher context '${contextName}' already exists.`) } const headers: any = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } if (accessToken) { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${accessToken}` } const requestBody: any = { name: contextName, description: description, launchType } const { result: context } = await this.requestClient .post( `${this.serverUrl}/launcher/contexts`, requestBody, accessToken ) .catch((err) => { throw prefixMessage(err, 'Error while creating launcher context. ') }) return context } public async editComputeContext( contextName: string, editedContext: EditContextInput, accessToken?: string ) { this.validateContextName(contextName) this.isDefaultContext( contextName, this.defaultComputeContexts, 'Editing default SAS compute contexts is not allowed.', true ) let originalContext originalContext = await this.getComputeContextByName( contextName, accessToken ) // Try to find context by id, when context name has been changed. if (!originalContext) { originalContext = await this.getComputeContextById(!, accessToken ) } const { result: context, etag } = await this.requestClient .get( `${this.serverUrl}/compute/contexts/${}`, accessToken ) .catch((err) => { if (err && err.status === 404) { throw new Error( `The context '${contextName}' was not found on this server.` ) } throw err }) // An If-Match header with the value of the last ETag for the context // is required to be able to update it // return await this.requestClient.put( `/compute/contexts/${}`, { ...context, ...editedContext, attributes: { ...context.attributes, ...editedContext.attributes } }, accessToken, { 'If-Match': etag } ) } public async getComputeContextByName( contextName: string, accessToken?: string ): Promise { const { result: contexts } = await this.requestClient .get<{ items: Context[] }>( `${this.serverUrl}/compute/contexts?filter=eq(name, "${contextName}")`, accessToken ) .catch((err) => { throw prefixMessage( err, 'Error while getting compute context by name. ' ) }) if (!contexts || !(contexts.items && contexts.items.length)) { throw new Error( `The context '${contextName}' was not found at '${this.serverUrl}'.` ) } return contexts.items[0] } public async getComputeContextById( contextId: string, accessToken?: string ): Promise { const { result: context } = await this.requestClient .get( `${this.serverUrl}/compute/contexts/${contextId}`, accessToken ) .catch((err) => { throw prefixMessage(err, 'Error while getting compute context by id. ') }) return context } public async getExecutableContexts( executeScript: Function, authConfig?: AuthConfig ) { const { result: contexts } = await this.requestClient .get<{ items: Context[] }>( `${this.serverUrl}/compute/contexts?limit=10000`, authConfig?.access_token ) .catch((err) => { throw prefixMessage(err, 'Error while fetching compute contexts.') }) const contextsList = contexts.items || [] const executableContexts: any[] = [] const promises = any) => { const linesOfCode = ['%put &=sysuserid;'] return () => executeScript( `test-${}`, linesOfCode,, authConfig, null, false, true, true ).catch((err: any) => err) }) let results: any[] = [] for (const promise of promises) results.push(await promise()) results.forEach((result: any, index: number) => { if (result && result.log) { try { const resultParsed = result.log let sysUserId = '' const sysUserIdLog = resultParsed .split('\n') .find((line: string) => line.startsWith('SYSUSERID=')) if (sysUserIdLog) { sysUserId = sysUserIdLog.replace('SYSUSERID=', '') executableContexts.push({ createdBy: contextsList[index].createdBy, id: contextsList[index].id, name: contextsList[index].name, version: contextsList[index].version, attributes: { sysUserId } }) } } catch (error) { throw error } } }) return executableContexts } public async deleteComputeContext(contextName: string, accessToken?: string) { this.validateContextName(contextName) this.isDefaultContext( contextName, this.defaultComputeContexts, 'Deleting default SAS compute contexts is not allowed.', true ) const headers: any = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } if (accessToken) { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${accessToken}` } const context = await this.getComputeContextByName(contextName, accessToken) return await this.requestClient.delete( `${this.serverUrl}/compute/contexts/${}`, accessToken ) } // TODO: implement editLauncherContext method // TODO: implement deleteLauncherContext method private validateContextName(name: string) { if (!name) throw new Error('Context name is required.') } public isDefaultContext( context: string, defaultContexts: string[] = this.defaultComputeContexts, errorMessage = '', listDefaults = false ) { if (defaultContexts.includes(context)) { throw new Error( `${errorMessage}${ listDefaults ? '\nDefault contexts:' +, i) => `\n${i + 1}. ${context}`) : '' }` ) } } }