import { ServerType } from '@sasjs/utils/types'; declare type Server = ServerType.SasViya | ServerType.Sasjs; declare type Operation = 'fetching access token' | 'refreshing tokens'; /** * Forms error prefix for requests related to token operations. * @param operation - string describing operation ('fetching access token' or 'refreshing tokens'). * @param funcName - name of the function sent the request. * @param server - server type (SASVIYA or SASJS). * @param url - endpoint used to send the request. * @param data - request payload. * @param headers - request headers. * @param clientId - client ID to authenticate with. * @param clientSecret - client secret to authenticate with. * @returns - string containing request information. Example: * Error while fetching access token from /SASLogon/oauth/token * Thrown by the @sasjs/adapter getAccessTokenForViya function. * Payload: * { * "grant_type": "authorization_code", * "code": "example_code" * } * Headers: * { * "Authorization": "Basic NEdMQXBwOjRHTEFwcDE=", * "Accept": "application/json" * } * ClientId: exampleClientId * ClientSecret: exampleClientSecret * * Response from Viya is below. * Auth error: { * "error": "invalid_token", * "error_description": "No scopes were granted" * } */ export declare const getTokenRequestErrorPrefix: (operation: Operation, funcName: string, server: Server, url: string, data?: {}, headers?: {}, clientId?: string, clientSecret?: string) => string; /** * Parse error prefix to get response payload. * @param prefix - error prefix generated by getTokenRequestErrorPrefix function. * @param server - server type (SASVIYA or SASJS). * @returns - response payload. */ export declare const getTokenRequestErrorPrefixResponse: (prefix: string, server: ServerType.SasViya | ServerType.Sasjs) => string; export {};