import { AuthConfig, ServicePackSASjs } from '@sasjs/utils/types'; import { ExecutionQuery } from './types'; import { RequestClient } from './request/RequestClient'; export interface SASjsAuthResponse { access_token: string; refresh_token: string; } export interface ScriptExecutionResult { log: string; webout?: string; printOutput?: string; } export declare class SASjsApiClient { private requestClient; constructor(requestClient: RequestClient); private getAccessTokenForRequest; /** * Creates the folders and services at the given location `appLoc` on the given server `serverUrl`. * @param dataJson - the JSON specifying the folders and files to be created, can also includes * appLoc, streamServiceName, streamWebFolder, streamLogo * @param appLoc - the base folder in which to create the new folders and services. * @param authConfig - (optional) a valid client, secret, refresh and access tokens that are authorised to execute compute jobs. */ deploy(dataJson: ServicePackSASjs, appLoc: string, authConfig?: AuthConfig): Promise<{ status: string; message: string; streamServiceName?: string | undefined; example?: {} | undefined; }>; /** * Creates/updates files within SASjs drive using uploaded json compressed file. * @param zipFilePath - Compressed file path; file should only contain one JSON file and * should have same name as of compressed file e.g. deploy.JSON should be compressed to * Any other file or JSON file in zipped will be ignored! * @param authConfig - (optional) a valid client, secret, refresh and access tokens that are authorised to execute compute jobs. */ deployZipFile(zipFilePath: string, authConfig?: AuthConfig): Promise<{ status: string; message: string; streamServiceName?: string | undefined; example?: {} | undefined; }>; executeJob(query: ExecutionQuery, appLoc: string, authConfig?: AuthConfig): Promise<{ result: any; log: any; }>; /** * Executes code on a SASJS server. * @param code - a string of code to execute. * @param runTime - a string to representing runTime for code execution * @param authConfig - an object for authentication. */ executeScript(code: string, runTime?: string, authConfig?: AuthConfig): Promise; /** * Exchanges the auth code for an access token for the given client. * @param clientId - the client ID to authenticate with. * @param authCode - the auth code received from the server. */ getAccessToken(clientId: string, authCode: string): Promise; /** * Exchanges the refresh token for an access token. * @param refreshToken - the refresh token received from the server. */ refreshTokens(refreshToken: string): Promise; }