import { Entity, DefaultDeSerializers, DeSerializers, DeserializedType } from '@sap-cloud-sdk/odata-v2'; /** * This class represents the entity "A_SupplierPurchasingOrgText" of service "API_BUSINESS_PARTNER". */ export declare class SupplierPurchasingOrgText extends Entity implements SupplierPurchasingOrgTextType { /** * Technical entity name for SupplierPurchasingOrgText. */ static _entityName: string; /** * Default url path for the according service. */ static _defaultServicePath: string; /** * All key fields of the SupplierPurchasingOrgText entity */ static _keys: string[]; /** * Supplier. * Maximum length: 10. */ supplier: DeserializedType; /** * Purchasing Organization. * Maximum length: 4. */ purchasingOrganization: DeserializedType; /** * Language key. * The language key is an abbreviation for the language of the object being processed (for example, standard text, form, style). * Maximum length: 2. */ language: DeserializedType; /** * Text ID. * The text ID defines the various types of texts related to a text object. For example, the object "TEXT" (standard texts) can have the following text IDs: * ST for user-specific standard texts (individual texts)SYST for cross-application system textsvarious IDs for specific application departments. You must have the appropriate access authorization in order to access these texts. * Maximum length: 4. */ longTextId: DeserializedType; /** * String. * @nullable */ longText?: DeserializedType | null; } export interface SupplierPurchasingOrgTextType { supplier: DeserializedType; purchasingOrganization: DeserializedType; language: DeserializedType; longTextId: DeserializedType; longText?: DeserializedType | null; } //#