import { Entity, DefaultDeSerializers, DeSerializers, DeserializedType } from '@sap-cloud-sdk/odata-v2'; /** * This class represents the entity "A_SupplierPartnerFunc" of service "API_BUSINESS_PARTNER". */ export declare class SupplierPartnerFunc extends Entity implements SupplierPartnerFuncType { /** * Technical entity name for SupplierPartnerFunc. */ static _entityName: string; /** * Default url path for the according service. */ static _defaultServicePath: string; /** * All key fields of the SupplierPartnerFunc entity */ static _keys: string[]; /** * Account Number of Supplier. * Specifies an alphanumeric key that uniquely identifies the supplier in the SAP system. * Maximum length: 10. */ supplier: DeserializedType; /** * Purchasing Organization. * Denotes the purchasing organization. * Maximum length: 4. */ purchasingOrganization: DeserializedType; /** * Supplier Subrange. * Subdivision of a supplier's overall product range according to various criteria. * For each supplier sub-range:The master data is kept on a common basisCertain conditions applyIn the supplier master, you can create different purchasing data and different partner functions for each supplier sub-range.You can also maintain and change the conditions for each supplier sub-range. You assign a material to a supplier sub-range in the info record.In the supplier master, you can maintain different data for particular supplier sub-ranges, such as ordering addresses or terms of payment, for example.When creating a purchase order with a known supplier, different data is only determined if the supplier sub-range is entered in the initial screen.Your supplier Smith in Houston has two sub-ranges: paint and glue.All materials from the "paint" sub-range are ordered in Houston.You have maintained an alternative ordering address in Detroit for the "glue" sub-range.If you order materials from the "glue" sub-range, the supplier sub-range finds the Detroit ordering address. * Maximum length: 6. */ supplierSubrange: DeserializedType; /** * Plant. * Key uniquely identifying a plant. * Maximum length: 4. */ plant: DeserializedType; /** * Partner Function. * The abbreviated form of the name that identifies the partner function. * Maximum length: 2. */ partnerFunction: DeserializedType; /** * Partner counter. * The sequential number that the system applies when there is more than one partner for a particular partner function. * When you create a sales order for a particular customer, there may be more than one ship-to party defined. The different ship-to parties are numbered sequentially. * Maximum length: 3. */ partnerCounter: DeserializedType; /** * Default Partner. * Specifies a partner as the default for a particular partner function. * When you enter more than one partner for a particular partner function (for example, you define three different ship-to parties), you can select one partner as the default. During sales or purchasing processing, if you have defined multiple partners for a partner function, the system prompts you to choose just one partner. The system presents the default partner as the first choice in the pop-up window. * @nullable */ defaultPartner?: DeserializedType | null; /** * Record Created On. * @nullable */ creationDate?: DeserializedType | null; /** * Name of Person Responsible for Creating the Object. * Maximum length: 12. * @nullable */ createdByUser?: DeserializedType | null; /** * Reference to other supplier. * Maximum length: 10. * @nullable */ referenceSupplier?: DeserializedType | null; /** * Authorization Group. * The authorization group allows extended authorization protection for particular objects. The authorization groups are freely definable. The authorization groups usually occur in authorization objects together with an activity. * Maximum length: 4. * @nullable */ authorizationGroup?: DeserializedType | null; } export interface SupplierPartnerFuncType { supplier: DeserializedType; purchasingOrganization: DeserializedType; supplierSubrange: DeserializedType; plant: DeserializedType; partnerFunction: DeserializedType; partnerCounter: DeserializedType; defaultPartner?: DeserializedType | null; creationDate?: DeserializedType | null; createdByUser?: DeserializedType | null; referenceSupplier?: DeserializedType | null; authorizationGroup?: DeserializedType | null; } //#