import { DefaultDeSerializers, DeSerializers, GetAllRequestBuilder, GetByKeyRequestBuilder, CreateRequestBuilder, UpdateRequestBuilder, DeleteRequestBuilder, DeserializedType, RequestBuilder } from '@sap-cloud-sdk/odata-v2'; import { CustomerUnloadingPoint } from './CustomerUnloadingPoint'; /** * Request builder class for operations supported on the [[CustomerUnloadingPoint]] entity. */ export declare class CustomerUnloadingPointRequestBuilder extends RequestBuilder, T> { /** * Returns a request builder for retrieving one `CustomerUnloadingPoint` entity based on its keys. * @param customer Key property. See [[CustomerUnloadingPoint.customer]]. * @param unloadingPointName Key property. See [[CustomerUnloadingPoint.unloadingPointName]]. * @returns A request builder for creating requests to retrieve one `CustomerUnloadingPoint` entity based on its keys. */ getByKey(customer: DeserializedType, unloadingPointName: DeserializedType): GetByKeyRequestBuilder, T>; /** * Returns a request builder for querying all `CustomerUnloadingPoint` entities. * @returns A request builder for creating requests to retrieve all `CustomerUnloadingPoint` entities. */ getAll(): GetAllRequestBuilder, T>; /** * Returns a request builder for creating a `CustomerUnloadingPoint` entity. * @param entity The entity to be created * @returns A request builder for creating requests that create an entity of type `CustomerUnloadingPoint`. */ create(entity: CustomerUnloadingPoint): CreateRequestBuilder, T>; /** * Returns a request builder for updating an entity of type `CustomerUnloadingPoint`. * @param entity The entity to be updated * @returns A request builder for creating requests that update an entity of type `CustomerUnloadingPoint`. */ update(entity: CustomerUnloadingPoint): UpdateRequestBuilder, T>; /** * Returns a request builder for deleting an entity of type `CustomerUnloadingPoint`. * @param customer Key property. See [[CustomerUnloadingPoint.customer]]. * @param unloadingPointName Key property. See [[CustomerUnloadingPoint.unloadingPointName]]. * @returns A request builder for creating requests that delete an entity of type `CustomerUnloadingPoint`. */ delete(customer: string, unloadingPointName: string): DeleteRequestBuilder, T>; /** * Returns a request builder for deleting an entity of type `CustomerUnloadingPoint`. * @param entity Pass the entity to be deleted. * @returns A request builder for creating requests that delete an entity of type `CustomerUnloadingPoint` by taking the entity as a parameter. */ delete(entity: CustomerUnloadingPoint): DeleteRequestBuilder, T>; } //#