import { Entity, DefaultDeSerializers, DeSerializers, DeserializedType } from '@sap-cloud-sdk/odata-v2'; /** * This class represents the entity "A_AddressHomePageURL" of service "API_BUSINESS_PARTNER". */ export declare class AddressHomePageUrl extends Entity implements AddressHomePageUrlType { /** * Technical entity name for AddressHomePageUrl. */ static _entityName: string; /** * Default url path for the according service. */ static _defaultServicePath: string; /** * All key fields of the AddressHomePageUrl entity */ static _keys: string[]; /** * Address Number. * Internal key for identifying a Business Address Services address. * For more information about the meaning and use of the address number and the Business Address Services concepts, see the function group SZA0 documentation. * Maximum length: 10. */ addressId: DeserializedType; /** * Person Number. * Internal key for identifying a person in Business Address Services. * For more information about the meaning and use of the person number and Business Address Services concepts, see the function group SZA0 documentation. * Maximum length: 10. */ person: DeserializedType; /** * Sequence Number. * Maximum length: 3. */ ordinalNumber: DeserializedType; /** * Valid-from date - in current Release only 00010101 possible. */ validityStartDate: DeserializedType; /** * Flag: this address is the default address. */ isDefaultUrlAddress: DeserializedType; /** * URI address search field. * Maximum length: 50. * @nullable */ searchUrlAddress?: DeserializedType | null; /** * Communication link notes. * Additional information about the communication connection * You can maintain further information about the communication connection here. In the case of telephone numbers, for example, you can maintain the times at which the call recipient is available and those at which they are not, or you can specify whether the number is that of the secretary.The information is stored in table ADRT, regardless of language. * Maximum length: 50. * @nullable */ addressCommunicationRemarkText?: DeserializedType | null; /** * URI field length. * @nullable */ urlFieldLength?: DeserializedType | null; /** * Universal Resource Identifier (URI). * Maximum length: 2048. * @nullable */ websiteUrl?: DeserializedType | null; } export interface AddressHomePageUrlType { addressId: DeserializedType; person: DeserializedType; ordinalNumber: DeserializedType; validityStartDate: DeserializedType; isDefaultUrlAddress: DeserializedType; searchUrlAddress?: DeserializedType | null; addressCommunicationRemarkText?: DeserializedType | null; urlFieldLength?: DeserializedType | null; websiteUrl?: DeserializedType | null; } //#