declare module '@salesforce/design-system-react/components/tooltip' { import React from 'react'; type Props = { /** * Alignment of the Tooltip relative to the element that triggers it. */ align?: | 'top' | 'top left' | 'top right' | 'right' | 'right top' | 'right bottom' | 'bottom' | 'bottom left' | 'bottom right' | 'left' | 'left top' | 'left bottom' /*.isRequired*/; /** * **Assistive text for accessibility** * This object is merged with the default props object on every render. * * `tooltipTipLearnMoreIcon`: This text is inside the info icon within the tooltip content and exists to "complete the sentence" for assistive tech users. * * `triggerLearnMoreIcon`: This text is inside the info icon that triggers the tooltip in order to have text within the link. */ assistiveText?: Partial<{ tooltipTipLearnMoreIcon?: string; triggerLearnMoreIcon?: string; }>; /** * Pass the one element that triggers the Tooltip as a child. It must be an element with `tabIndex` or an element that already has a `tabIndex` set such as an anchor or a button, so that keyboard users can tab to it. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * Content inside Tooltip. */ content: React.ReactNode /*.isRequired*/; /** * CSS classes to be added to the popover dialog. That is the element with `.slds-popover` on it. */ dialogClassName?: any[] | Record | string; /** * Enabling this hides the default nubbin, replacing it with one attached directly to the tooltip trigger. Note: `hasStaticAlignment` should be set to `true` if using this feature as auto-flipping anchored nubbins are not currently supported. */ hasAnchoredNubbin?: boolean; /** * By default, dialogs will flip their alignment (such as bottom to top) if they extend beyond a boundary element such as a scrolling parent or a window/viewpoint. `hasStaticAlignment` disables this behavior and allows this component to extend beyond boundary elements. _Not tested._ */ hasStaticAlignment?: boolean; /** * Delay on Tooltip closing in milliseconds. Defaults to 50 */ hoverCloseDelay?: number; /** * Delay on Tooltip opening in milliseconds. Defaults to 0 */ hoverOpenDelay?: number; /** * A unique ID is needed in order to support keyboard navigation, ARIA support, and connect the popover to the triggering element. */ id?: string; /** * **Text labels for internationalization** * This object is merged with the default props object on every render. * * `learnMoreAfter`: This label appears in the tooltip after the info icon. * * `learnMoreBefore`: This label appears in the tooltip before the info icon. */ labels?: Partial<{ learnMoreAfter?: string; learnMoreBefore?: string; }>; /** * Forces tooltip to be open. A value of `false` will disable any interaction with the tooltip. */ isOpen?: boolean; /** * Callback that returns an element or React `ref` to align the Tooltip with. */ onRequestTargetElement?: (v: any) => any; /** * CSS classes to be added to tag with `slds-tooltip-trigger`. */ triggerClassName?: any[] | Record | string; /** * Please select one of the following: * * `absolute` - (default) The dialog will use `position: absolute` and style attributes to position itself. This allows inverted placement or flipping of the dialog. * * `overflowBoundaryElement` - The dialog will overflow scrolling parents. Use on elements that are aligned to the left or right of their target and don't care about the target being within a scrolling parent. Typically this is a popover or tooltip. Dropdown menus can usually open up and down if no room exists. In order to achieve this a portal element will be created and attached to `body`. This element will render into that detached render tree. * * `relative` - No styling or portals will be used. Menus will be positioned relative to their triggers. This is a great choice for HTML snapshot testing. */ position?: 'absolute' | 'overflowBoundaryElement' | 'relative'; /** * Custom styles to be added to wrapping triggering `div`. */ triggerStyle?: Record; /** * Determines the theme of tooltip: for informative purpose (blue background) or warning purpose (red background). This used to be `variant`. */ theme?: 'info' | 'error'; /** * Determines the type of the tooltip. */ variant?: 'base' | 'learnMore' | 'list-item'; }; /** * The PopoverTooltip component is variant of the Lightning Design System Popover component. This component wraps an element that triggers it to open. It must be a focusable child element (either a button or an anchor), so that keyboard users can navigate to it. */ function Component(props: Props): JSX.Element; export default Component; }