declare module '@salesforce/design-system-react/components/time-picker' { import React from 'react'; type Props = { /** * If true, constrains the menu to the scroll parent. See `Dropdown`. */ constrainToScrollParent?: boolean; /** * Disables the input and prevents editing the contents. */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Time formatting function */ formatter?: (v: any) => any; /** * Sets the dialog width to the width of the target. Menus attached to `input` typically follow this UX pattern. */ inheritTargetWidth?: boolean; /** * This label appears above the input. */ label?: string; /** * Custom element that overrides the default Menu Item component. */ listItemRenderer?: (v: any) => any; /** * Please select one of the following: * * `absolute` - (default) The dialog will use `position: absolute` and style attributes to position itself. This allows inverted placement or flipping of the dialog. * * `overflowBoundaryElement` - The dialog will overflow scrolling parents. Use on elements that are aligned to the left or right of their target and don't care about the target being within a scrolling parent. Typically this is a popover or tooltip. Dropdown menus can usually open up and down if no room exists. In order to achieve this a portal element will be created and attached to `body`. This element will render into that detached render tree. * * `relative` - No styling or portals will be used. Menus will be positioned relative to their triggers. This is a great choice for HTML snapshot testing. */ menuPosition?: 'absolute' | 'overflowBoundaryElement' | 'relative'; /** * Receives the props `(dateValue, stringValue)` */ onDateChange?: (v: any) => any; /** * Parsing date string into Date */ parser?: (v: any) => any; /** * Text that will appear in an empty input. */ placeholder?: string; /** * If true, adds asterisk next to input label to indicate it is a required field. */ required?: boolean; /** * Frequency of options */ stepInMinutes?: number; /** * Value for input that is parsed to create an internal state in the `date` format. */ strValue?: string; /** * Instance an internal state in the `date` format. */ value?: Date; }; /** * Component description. */ function Component(props: Props): JSX.Element; export default Component; }