declare module '@salesforce/design-system-react/components/tabs' { import React from 'react'; type Props = { /** * HTML `id` attribute of primary element that has `.slds-tabs_default` on it. Optional: If one is not supplied, a `shortid` will be created. */ id?: string; /** * The `children` are the actual tabs and panels to be displayed. * * Note that the structure of the `` component **does not** correspond to the DOM structure that is rendered. The `` component requires one or more children of type ``, which themselves require a `label` property which will be what shows in the `` and has `children`, which end up being the _contents of the tab's corresponding panel_. * * The component iterates through each `` and rendering one `` and one `` for each of them. The tab(s) end up being children of the ``. * * ``` * * *

This is my tab 1 contents!


They show when you click the first tab.

* *

This is my tab 2 contents!


They show when you click the second tab.

* ``` */ children?: | React.ReactNode[] | React.ReactNode | React.ReactElement /*.isRequired*/; /** * Class names to be added to the container element and is passed along to its children. */ className?: any[] | Record | string; /** * The Tab (and corresponding TabPanel) that is selected when the component first renders. Defaults to `0`. */ defaultSelectedIndex?: number; /** * This function triggers when a tab is selected. */ onSelect?: (v: any) => any; /** * If the Tabs should be scopped, defaults to false */ variant?: 'default' | 'scoped'; /** * The Tab (and corresponding TabPanel) that is currently selected. */ selectedIndex?: number; }; /** * A tab keeps related content in a single container that is shown and hidden through navigation. */ function Component(props: Props): JSX.Element; export default Component; }