declare module '@salesforce/design-system-react/components/pill' { import React from 'react'; type Props = { /** * **Assistive text for accessibility** * This object is merged with the default props object on every render. * * `remove`: This is a visually hidden label for the close button. * _Tested with snapshot testing._ */ assistiveText?: Partial<{ remove?: string; }>; /** * SLDSAvatar component to show on the left of the pill. * _Tested with Mocha framework._ */ avatar?: React.ReactElement; /** * Applies the bare style to the component. * _Tested with Mocha framework._ */ bare?: boolean; /** * This is a way to specify custom contents for the pill in the case a simple text label is not enough. * _Tested with Mocha framework._ */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * CSS classes to be added to tag with `.slds-pill`. Uses `classNames` [API]( * _Tested with Mocha framework._ */ className?: any[] | Record | string; /** * Applies the error style to the component. * _Tested with Mocha framework._ */ hasError?: boolean; /** * An href to use if the pill is shown as a link. * _Tested with Mocha framework._ */ href?: string; /** * SLDSIcon component to show on the left of the pill. * _Tested with Mocha framework._ */ icon?: React.ReactElement; /** * **Text labels for internationalization** * This object is merged with the default props object on every render. * * `label`: Pill's label. * * `title`: Pill's title. * * `removeTitle`: A title to use for the remove icon. * * _Tested with snapshot testing._ */ labels?: Partial<{ label?: string; title?: string; removeTitle?: string; }>; /** * `onBlur` callback executes when the component loses focus. * _Tested with Mocha framework._ */ onBlur?: (v: any) => any; /** * `onClick` callback executes when a user clicks on the pill or presses the Enter key. * _Tested with Mocha framework._ */ onClick?: (v: any) => any; /** * `onFocus` callback executes when the component receives focus. * _Tested with Mocha framework._ */ onFocus?: (v: any) => any; /** * `onKeyDown` callback executes when a user presses a key. * _Tested with Mocha framework._ */ onKeyDown?: (v: any) => any; /** * `onRemove` callback executes when a user clicks on the pill's remove icon or presses the delete or the backspace keys. * _Tested with Mocha framework._ */ onRemove?: (v: any) => any; /** * A variant of a pill * _Tested with Mocha framework._ */ variant?: 'link' | 'option'; }; /** * A pill displays a label that can contain links and can be removed from view. Use `PillContainer` for a list of pills in a container that resembles an `input` form field. A pill is useful for displaying read-only text that can be added and removed on demand. */ function Component(props: Props): JSX.Element; export default Component; }