declare module '@salesforce/design-system-react/components/illustration' { import React from 'react'; type Props = { /** * CSS classes that are applied to the SVG. _Tested with Mocha testing._ */ className?: any[] | Record | string; /** * A heading text. It is required if illustration is present. _Tested with snapshot testing._ _Tested with Mocha testing._ */ heading?: string; /** * A custom SVG object to use instead of the supplied SLDS illustrations, look in `design-system-react/icons` for examples and syntax. _Tested with snapshot testing._ _Tested with Mocha testing._ */ illustration?: Record; /** * Indicates whether the illustration SVGs are from the design-system-react repo. If yes, set to true. */ internalIllustration: boolean /*.isRequired*/; /** * A message body below the heading to further communicate the state of the component. _Tested with snapshot testing._ _Tested with Mocha testing._ */ messageBody?: string | React.ReactNode; /** * Name of the illustration. Visit Lightning Design System Illustration to reference illustration names. _Tested with snapshot testing._ _Tested with Mocha testing._ */ name?: string; /** * Path to the illustration SVG image. _Tested with snapshot testing._ */ path?: string; /** * Size of the illustration. _Tested with snapshot testing._ _Tested with Mocha testing._ */ size?: 'small' | 'large'; /** * Custom styles to be passed to the illustration SVG. _Tested with Mocha testing._ */ style?: Record; }; function Component(props: Props): JSX.Element; export default Component; }