declare module '@salesforce/design-system-react/components/button-group' { import React from 'react'; type Props = { /** * Children are expected to be components. If last button triggers a dropdown menu, use Dropdown instead of Button. _Tested with snapshot testing._ */ children: React.ReactNode /*.isRequired*/; /** * CSS classes added to `slds-button-group` or `slds-checkbox_button-group` tag */ className?: any[] | Record | string; /** * If the `labels.label` prop is set, a `.slds-form-element` classed fieldset element is added as a container. This prop applies classes to that element */ classNameContainer?: any[] | Record | string; /** * HTML id for component. */ id?: string; /** * **Text labels for internationalization** * This object is merged with the default props object on every render. * * `error`: Message to display when any of Checkboxes are in an error state. _Tested with snapshot testing._ * * `label`: This label appears above the button group. _Tested with snapshot testing._ */ labels?: Partial<{ error?: string; label?: string; }>; /** * Use checkbox variant for "Checkbox Button Group" styling and add Checkbox components as children _Tested with snapshot testing._ */ variant?: 'checkbox' | 'list'; }; /** * The ButtonGroup component wraps other components (ie. Button, MenuDropdown, PopoverTooltip, Checkboxes, etc). */ function Component(props: Props): JSX.Element; export default Component; }