declare module '@salesforce/design-system-react/components/color-picker' { import React from 'react'; type Props = { /** * **Assistive text for accessibility** * * `label`: Visually hidden label but read out loud by screen readers. * * `hueSlider`: Instructions for hue selection input * * `saturationValueGrid`: Instructions for using the grid for saturation * and value selection */ assistiveText?: Partial<{ label?: string; hueSlider?: string; saturationValueGrid?: string; }>; /** * CSS classes to be added to tag with `.slds-color-picker`. Uses `classNames` [API]( _Tested with snapshot testing._ */ className?: any[] | Record | string; /** * CSS classes to be added to tag with `.slds-popover`. Uses `classNames` [API]( _Tested with snapshot testing._ */ classNameMenu?: any[] | Record | string; /** * Unique ID for component. */ id?: string; /** * Disables the input and button. */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Message to display when the outer input is in an error state. When this is present, also visually highlights the component as in error. */ errorText?: string; /** * Message to display when the custom tab input is in an error state. When this is present, also visually highlights the component as in error. */ errorTextWorkingColor?: string; /** * Event Callbacks * * `onChange`: This function is triggered when done is clicked. This function returns `{event, { color: [string] }}`, which is a hex representation of the color. * * `onClose`: This function is triggered when the menu is closed. This function returns `{event, { trigger, componentWillUnmount }}`. Trigger can have the values `cancel`, `clickOutside`, or `newPopover`. * * `onOpen`: This function is triggered when the color-picker menu is mounted and added to the DOM. The parameters are `event, { portal: }`. `portal` can be used as a React tree root node. * * `onRequestClose`: This function is triggered when the user clicks outside the menu or clicks the close button. You will want to define this if color-picker is to be a controlled component. Most of the time you will want to set `isOpen` to `false` when this is triggered unless you need to validate something. * This function returns `{event, {trigger: [string]}}` where `trigger` is either `cancel` or `clickOutside`. * * `onRequestOpen`: Function called when the color-picker menu would like show. * * `onValidateColor`: Function that overwrites default color validator and called when validating HEX color on outer input change. If callback returns false, errorText is shown if set. * * `onValidateWorkingColor`: Function that overwrites default color validator and called when validating HEX color on custom tab inner input change. If callback returns false, errorTextWorkingColor is shown if set. * * `onWorkingColorChange`: This function is triggered when working color changes (color inside the custom tab). This function returns `{event, { color: [string] }}`, which is a hex representation of the color. * _Tested with Mocha framework._ */ events?: Partial<{ onChange?: (v: any) => any; onClose?: (v: any) => any; onOpen?: (v: any) => any; onRequestClose?: (v: any) => any; onRequestOpen?: (v: any) => any; onValidateColor?: (v: any) => any; onValidateWorkingColor?: (v: any) => any; onWorkingColorChange?: (v: any) => any; }>; /** * By default, dialogs will flip their alignment (such as bottom to top) if they extend beyond a boundary element such as a scrolling parent or a window/viewpoint. `hasStaticAlignment` disables this behavior and allows this component to extend beyond boundary elements. _Not tested._ */ hasStaticAlignment?: boolean; /** * Hides the text input */ hideInput?: boolean; /** * Popover open state */ isOpen?: boolean; /** * **Text labels for internationalization** * * `blueAbbreviated`: One letter abbreviation of blue color component * * `cancelButton`: Text for cancel button on popover * * `customTab`: Text for custom tab of popover * * `customTabActiveWorkingColorSwatch`: Label for custom tab active working color swatch * * `customTabTransparentSwatch`: Label for custom tab active transparent swatch * * `greenAbbreviated`: One letter abbreviation of green color component * * `hexLabel`: Label for input of hexadecimal color * * `invalidColor`: Error message when hex color input is invalid * * `invalidComponent`: Error message when a component input is invalid * * `label`: An `input` label as for a `form` * * `redAbbreviated`: One letter abbreviation of red color component * * `swatchTab`: Label for swatch tab of popover * * `submitButton`: Text for submit/done button of popover */ labels?: Partial<{ blueAbbreviated?: string; cancelButton?: string; customTab?: string; customTabActiveWorkingColorSwatch?: string; customTabTransparentSwatch?: string; greenAbbreviated?: string; hexLabel?: string; invalidColor?: string; invalidComponent?: string; label?: string; redAbbreviated?: string; swatchTab?: string; swatchTabTransparentSwatch?: string; submitButton?: string; }>; /** * Please select one of the following: * * `absolute` - (default) The dialog will use `position: absolute` and style attributes to position itself. This allows inverted placement or flipping of the dialog. * * `overflowBoundaryElement` - The dialog will overflow scrolling parents. Use on elements that are aligned to the left or right of their target and don't care about the target being within a scrolling parent. Typically this is a popover or tooltip. Dropdown menus can usually open up and down if no room exists. In order to achieve this a portal element will be created and attached to `body`. This element will render into that detached render tree. * * `relative` - No styling or portals will be used. Menus will be positioned relative to their triggers. This is a great choice for HTML snapshot testing. */ menuPosition?: 'absolute' | 'overflowBoundaryElement' | 'relative'; /** * An array of hex color values which is used to set the options of the * swatch tab of the colorpicker popover. * To specify transparent, use empty string as a value. */ swatchColors?: string[]; /** * Determines which tab is visible when dialog opens. Use this prop with `base` variant only. * Defaults to `swatch` tab. */ defaultSelectedTab?: 'swatches' | 'custom'; /** * Selects which tabs are present for the colorpicker. * * `base`: both swatches and custom tabs are present * * `swatches`: only swatch tab is present * * `custom`: only custom tab is present * _Tested with snapshot testing._ */ variant?: 'base' | 'swatches' | 'custom'; /** * Current color in hexadecimal string, including # sign (eg: "#000000") */ value?: string; /** * Current working color in hexadecimal string, including # sign (eg: "#000000") */ valueWorking?: string; }; /** * The Unified Color Picker component allows for a fully accessible and configurable color picker, allowing the user to pick from a set of predefined colors (swatches), or to pick a custom color using a HSB selection interface. It can be configured to show one or both of those color selection interfaces. View [component blueprint guidelines]( */ function Component(props: Props): JSX.Element; export default Component; }