export declare const EsI18n: { Cancel: string; OK: string; 'Item #{{id}}': string; Close: string; 'Create new item': string; Create: string; 'Update item #{{id}}': string; Save: string; 'Delete item #{{id}}': string; 'Do you really want to delete item?': string; Delete: string; 'Select content type': string; Select: string; 'Delete permission': string; 'Do you really want to delete permission "{{title}}" from group?': string; 'Select permissions for append to group': string; Append: string; 'Delete group': string; 'Do you really want to delete group "{{title}}" from user?': string; 'Select groups for append to user': string; 'Sign in': string; Authorization: string; 'Sign up': string; Registration: string; Yes: string; 'Sign out': string; 'Do you really want to leave?': string; Email: string; Password: string; 'Confirm password': string; Info: string; Error: string; 'Error Log': string; 'No data': string; 'Loading...': string; Action: string; Language: string; 'Split button!': string; Menu: string; };