import * as React from 'react'; import { EventKey, SelectCallback, TransitionComponent } from './types'; import { TabPanelProps } from './TabPanel'; export type { TabPanelProps }; export interface TabsProps extends React.PropsWithChildren { id?: string; /** * Sets a default animation strategy for all children ``s. * Use a react-transition-group `` component. */ transition?: TransitionComponent; /** * Wait until the first "enter" transition to mount tabs (add them to the DOM) */ mountOnEnter?: boolean; /** * Unmount tabs (remove it from the DOM) when they are no longer visible */ unmountOnExit?: boolean; /** * A function that takes an `eventKey` and `type` and returns a unique id for * child tab ``s and ``s. The function _must_ be a pure * function, meaning it should always return the _same_ id for the same set * of inputs. The default value requires that an `id` to be set for the * ``. * * The `type` argument will either be `"tab"` or `"pane"`. * * @defaultValue (eventKey, type) => `${}-${type}-${eventKey}` */ generateChildId?: (eventKey: EventKey, type: 'tab' | 'pane') => string; /** * A callback fired when a tab is selected. * * @controllable activeKey */ onSelect?: SelectCallback; /** * The `eventKey` of the currently active tab. * * @controllable onSelect */ activeKey?: EventKey; /** * Default value for `eventKey`. */ defaultActiveKey?: EventKey; } declare const Tabs: { (props: TabsProps): JSX.Element; Panel: import("./types").DynamicRefForwardingComponent<"div", TabPanelProps>; }; export default Tabs;