import type { UnknownAction } from 'redux' import type { SerializedError } from '../../src' import { createAction, createAsyncThunk, isAllOf, isAnyOf, isAsyncThunkAction, isFulfilled, isPending, isRejected, isRejectedWithValue, } from '../../src' const action: UnknownAction = { type: 'foo' } describe('type tests', () => { describe('isAnyOf', () => { test('isAnyOf correctly narrows types when used with action creators', () => { const actionA = createAction('a', () => { return { payload: { prop1: 1, prop3: 2, }, } }) const actionB = createAction('b', () => { return { payload: { prop1: 1, prop2: 2, }, } }) if (isAnyOf(actionA, actionB)(action)) { return { prop1: action.payload.prop1, // @ts-expect-error prop2: action.payload.prop2, // @ts-expect-error prop3: action.payload.prop3, } } }) test('isAnyOf correctly narrows types when used with async thunks', () => { const asyncThunk1 = createAsyncThunk<{ prop1: number; prop3: number }>( 'asyncThunk1', async () => { return { prop1: 1, prop3: 3, } }, ) const asyncThunk2 = createAsyncThunk<{ prop1: number; prop2: number }>( 'asyncThunk2', async () => { return { prop1: 1, prop2: 2, } }, ) if (isAnyOf(asyncThunk1.fulfilled, asyncThunk2.fulfilled)(action)) { return { prop1: action.payload.prop1, // @ts-expect-error prop2: action.payload.prop2, // @ts-expect-error prop3: action.payload.prop3, } } }) test('isAnyOf correctly narrows types when used with type guards', () => { interface ActionA { type: 'a' payload: { prop1: 1 prop3: 2 } } interface ActionB { type: 'b' payload: { prop1: 1 prop2: 2 } } const guardA = (v: any): v is ActionA => { return v.type === 'a' } const guardB = (v: any): v is ActionB => { return v.type === 'b' } if (isAnyOf(guardA, guardB)(action)) { return { prop1: action.payload.prop1, // @ts-expect-error prop2: action.payload.prop2, // @ts-expect-error prop3: action.payload.prop3, } } }) }) describe('isAllOf', () => { interface SpecialAction { payload: { special: boolean } } const isSpecialAction = (v: any): v is SpecialAction => { return v.meta.isSpecial } test('isAllOf correctly narrows types when used with action creators and type guards', () => { const actionA = createAction('a', () => { return { payload: { prop1: 1, prop3: 2, }, } }) if (isAllOf(actionA, isSpecialAction)(action)) { return { prop1: action.payload.prop1, // @ts-expect-error prop2: action.payload.prop2, prop3: action.payload.prop3, special: action.payload.special, } } }) test('isAllOf correctly narrows types when used with async thunks and type guards', () => { const asyncThunk1 = createAsyncThunk<{ prop1: number; prop3: number }>( 'asyncThunk1', async () => { return { prop1: 1, prop3: 3, } }, ) if (isAllOf(asyncThunk1.fulfilled, isSpecialAction)(action)) { return { prop1: action.payload.prop1, // @ts-expect-error prop2: action.payload.prop2, prop3: action.payload.prop3, special: action.payload.special, } } }) test('isAnyOf correctly narrows types when used with type guards', () => { interface ActionA { type: 'a' payload: { prop1: 1 prop3: 2 } } const guardA = (v: any): v is ActionA => { return v.type === 'a' } if (isAllOf(guardA, isSpecialAction)(action)) { return { prop1: action.payload.prop1, // @ts-expect-error prop2: action.payload.prop2, prop3: action.payload.prop3, special: action.payload.special, } } }) test('isPending correctly narrows types', () => { if (isPending(action)) { expectTypeOf(action.payload).toBeUndefined() expectTypeOf(action).not.toHaveProperty('error') } const thunk = createAsyncThunk('a', () => 'result') if (isPending(thunk)(action)) { expectTypeOf(action.payload).toBeUndefined() expectTypeOf(action).not.toHaveProperty('error') } }) test('isRejected correctly narrows types', () => { if (isRejected(action)) { // might be there if rejected with payload expectTypeOf(action.payload).toBeUnknown() expectTypeOf(action.error).toEqualTypeOf() } const thunk = createAsyncThunk('a', () => 'result') if (isRejected(thunk)(action)) { // might be there if rejected with payload expectTypeOf(action.payload).toBeUnknown() expectTypeOf(action.error).toEqualTypeOf() } }) test('isFulfilled correctly narrows types', () => { if (isFulfilled(action)) { expectTypeOf(action.payload).toBeUnknown() expectTypeOf(action).not.toHaveProperty('error') } const thunk = createAsyncThunk('a', () => 'result') if (isFulfilled(thunk)(action)) { expectTypeOf(action.payload).toBeString() expectTypeOf(action).not.toHaveProperty('error') } }) test('isAsyncThunkAction correctly narrows types', () => { if (isAsyncThunkAction(action)) { expectTypeOf(action.payload).toBeUnknown() // do not expect an error property because pending/fulfilled lack it expectTypeOf(action).not.toHaveProperty('error') } const thunk = createAsyncThunk('a', () => 'result') if (isAsyncThunkAction(thunk)(action)) { // we should expect the payload to be available, but of unknown type because the action may be pending/rejected expectTypeOf(action.payload).toBeUnknown() // do not expect an error property because pending/fulfilled lack it expectTypeOf(action).not.toHaveProperty('error') } }) test('isRejectedWithValue correctly narrows types', () => { if (isRejectedWithValue(action)) { expectTypeOf(action.payload).toBeUnknown() expectTypeOf(action.error).toEqualTypeOf() } const thunk = createAsyncThunk< string, void, { rejectValue: { message: string } } >('a', () => 'result') if (isRejectedWithValue(thunk)(action)) { expectTypeOf(action.payload).toEqualTypeOf({ message: '' as string }) expectTypeOf(action.error).toEqualTypeOf() } }) }) test('matchersAcceptSpreadArguments', () => { const thunk1 = createAsyncThunk('a', () => 'a') const thunk2 = createAsyncThunk('b', () => 'b') const interestingThunks = [thunk1, thunk2] const interestingPendingThunks = (thunk) => thunk.pending, ) const interestingFulfilledThunks = (thunk) => thunk.fulfilled, ) const isLoading = isAnyOf(...interestingPendingThunks) const isNotLoading = isAnyOf(...interestingFulfilledThunks) const isAllLoading = isAllOf(...interestingPendingThunks) }) })