import type { AsyncThunk, SerializedError, ThunkDispatch, UnknownAction, } from '@reduxjs/toolkit' import { configureStore, createAsyncThunk, createReducer, createSlice, unwrapResult, } from '@reduxjs/toolkit' import type { TSVersion } from '@phryneas/ts-version' import type { AxiosError } from 'axios' import apiRequest from 'axios' const defaultDispatch = (() => {}) as ThunkDispatch<{}, any, UnknownAction> const unknownAction = { type: 'foo' } as UnknownAction describe('type tests', () => { test('basic usage', async () => { const asyncThunk = createAsyncThunk('test', (id: number) => Promise.resolve(id * 2), ) const reducer = createReducer({}, (builder) => builder .addCase(asyncThunk.pending, (_, action) => { expectTypeOf(action).toEqualTypeOf< ReturnType<(typeof asyncThunk)['pending']> >() }) .addCase(asyncThunk.fulfilled, (_, action) => { expectTypeOf(action).toEqualTypeOf< ReturnType<(typeof asyncThunk)['fulfilled']> >() expectTypeOf(action.payload).toBeNumber() }) .addCase(asyncThunk.rejected, (_, action) => { expectTypeOf(action).toEqualTypeOf< ReturnType<(typeof asyncThunk)['rejected']> >() expectTypeOf(action.error).toMatchTypeOf | undefined>() }), ) const promise = defaultDispatch(asyncThunk(3)) expectTypeOf(promise.requestId).toBeString() expectTypeOf(promise.arg).toBeNumber() expectTypeOf(promise.abort).toEqualTypeOf<(reason?: string) => void>() const result = await promise if (asyncThunk.fulfilled.match(result)) { expectTypeOf(result).toEqualTypeOf< ReturnType<(typeof asyncThunk)['fulfilled']> >() } else { expectTypeOf(result).toEqualTypeOf< ReturnType<(typeof asyncThunk)['rejected']> >() } promise .then(unwrapResult) .then((result) => { expectTypeOf(result).toBeNumber() expectTypeOf(result).not.toMatchTypeOf() }) .catch((error) => { // catch is always any-typed, nothing we can do here expectTypeOf(error).toBeAny() }) }) test('More complex usage of thunk args', () => { interface BookModel { id: string title: string } type BooksState = BookModel[] const fakeBooks: BookModel[] = [ { id: 'b', title: 'Second' }, { id: 'a', title: 'First' }, ] const correctDispatch = (() => {}) as ThunkDispatch< BookModel[], { userAPI: Function }, UnknownAction > // Verify that the the first type args to createAsyncThunk line up right const fetchBooksTAC = createAsyncThunk< BookModel[], number, { state: BooksState extra: { userAPI: Function } } >( 'books/fetch', async (arg, { getState, dispatch, extra, requestId, signal }) => { const state = getState() expectTypeOf(arg).toBeNumber() expectTypeOf(state).toEqualTypeOf() expectTypeOf(extra).toEqualTypeOf<{ userAPI: Function }>() return fakeBooks }, ) correctDispatch(fetchBooksTAC(1)) // @ts-expect-error defaultDispatch(fetchBooksTAC(1)) }) test('returning a rejected action from the promise creator is possible', async () => { type ReturnValue = { data: 'success' } type RejectValue = { data: 'error' } const fetchBooksTAC = createAsyncThunk< ReturnValue, number, { rejectValue: RejectValue } >('books/fetch', async (arg, { rejectWithValue }) => { return rejectWithValue({ data: 'error' }) }) const returned = await defaultDispatch(fetchBooksTAC(1)) if (fetchBooksTAC.rejected.match(returned)) { expectTypeOf(returned.payload).toEqualTypeOf() expectTypeOf(returned.payload).toBeNullable() } else { expectTypeOf(returned.payload).toEqualTypeOf() } expectTypeOf(unwrapResult(returned)).toEqualTypeOf() expectTypeOf(unwrapResult(returned)).not.toMatchTypeOf() }) test('regression #1156: union return values fall back to allowing only single member', () => { const fn = createAsyncThunk('session/isAdmin', async () => { const response: boolean = false return response }) }) test('Should handle reject with value within a try catch block. Note: this is a sample code taken from #1605', () => { type ResultType = { text: string } const demoPromise = async (): Promise => new Promise((resolve, _) => resolve({ text: '' })) const thunk = createAsyncThunk('thunk', async (args, thunkAPI) => { try { const result = await demoPromise() return result } catch (error) { return thunkAPI.rejectWithValue(error) } }) createReducer({}, (builder) => builder.addCase(thunk.fulfilled, (s, action) => { expectTypeOf(action.payload).toEqualTypeOf() }), ) }) test('reject with value', () => { interface Item { name: string } interface ErrorFromServer { error: string } interface CallsResponse { data: Item[] } const fetchLiveCallsError = createAsyncThunk< Item[], string, { rejectValue: ErrorFromServer } >('calls/fetchLiveCalls', async (organizationId, { rejectWithValue }) => { try { const result = await apiRequest.get( `organizations/${organizationId}/calls/live/iwill404`, ) return } catch (err) { const error: AxiosError = err as any // cast for access to AxiosError properties if (!error.response) { // let it be handled as any other unknown error throw err } return rejectWithValue(error.response && } }) defaultDispatch(fetchLiveCallsError('asd')).then((result) => { if (fetchLiveCallsError.fulfilled.match(result)) { //success expectTypeOf(result).toEqualTypeOf< ReturnType<(typeof fetchLiveCallsError)['fulfilled']> >() expectTypeOf(result.payload).toEqualTypeOf() } else { expectTypeOf(result).toEqualTypeOf< ReturnType<(typeof fetchLiveCallsError)['rejected']> >() if (result.payload) { // rejected with value expectTypeOf(result.payload).toEqualTypeOf() } else { // rejected by throw expectTypeOf(result.payload).toBeUndefined() expectTypeOf(result.error).toEqualTypeOf() expectTypeOf(result.error).not.toBeAny() } } defaultDispatch(fetchLiveCallsError('asd')) .then((result) => { expectTypeOf(result.payload).toEqualTypeOf< Item[] | ErrorFromServer | undefined >() return result }) .then(unwrapResult) .then((unwrapped) => { expectTypeOf(unwrapped).toEqualTypeOf() expectTypeOf(unwrapResult).parameter(0).not.toMatchTypeOf(unwrapped) }) }) }) describe('payloadCreator first argument type has impact on asyncThunk argument', () => { test('asyncThunk has no argument', () => { const asyncThunk = createAsyncThunk('test', () => 0) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toMatchTypeOf<() => any>() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameters.toEqualTypeOf<[]>() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).returns.toBeFunction() }) test('one argument, specified as undefined: asyncThunk has no argument', () => { const asyncThunk = createAsyncThunk('test', (arg: undefined) => 0) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toMatchTypeOf<() => any>() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameters.toEqualTypeOf<[]>() }) test('one argument, specified as void: asyncThunk has no argument', () => { const asyncThunk = createAsyncThunk('test', (arg: void) => 0) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toMatchTypeOf<() => any>() }) test('one argument, specified as optional number: asyncThunk has optional number argument', () => { // this test will fail with strictNullChecks: false, that is to be expected // in that case, we have to forbid this behaviour or it will make arguments optional everywhere const asyncThunk = createAsyncThunk('test', (arg?: number) => 0) // Per , this is a bug in // TS 5.1 and 5.2, that is fixed in 5.3. Conditionally run the TS assertion here. type IsTS51Or52 = TSVersion.Major extends 5 ? TSVersion.Minor extends 1 | 2 ? true : false : false type expectedType = IsTS51Or52 extends true ? (arg: number) => any : (arg?: number) => any expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toMatchTypeOf() // We _should_ be able to call this with no arguments, but we run into that error in 5.1 and 5.2. // Disabling this for now. // asyncThunk() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith(5) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameters.not.toMatchTypeOf<[string]>() }) test('one argument, specified as number|undefined: asyncThunk has optional number argument', () => { // this test will fail with strictNullChecks: false, that is to be expected // in that case, we have to forbid this behaviour or it will make arguments optional everywhere const asyncThunk = createAsyncThunk( 'test', (arg: number | undefined) => 0, ) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toMatchTypeOf<(arg?: number) => any>() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith(undefined) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith(5) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameters.not.toMatchTypeOf<[string]>() }) test('one argument, specified as number|void: asyncThunk has optional number argument', () => { const asyncThunk = createAsyncThunk('test', (arg: number | void) => 0) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toMatchTypeOf<(arg?: number) => any>() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith(undefined) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith(5) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameters.not.toMatchTypeOf<[string]>() }) test('one argument, specified as any: asyncThunk has required any argument', () => { const asyncThunk = createAsyncThunk('test', (arg: any) => 0) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameter(0).toBeAny() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith(5) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameters.not.toMatchTypeOf<[]>() }) test('one argument, specified as unknown: asyncThunk has required unknown argument', () => { const asyncThunk = createAsyncThunk('test', (arg: unknown) => 0) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameter(0).toBeUnknown() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith(5) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameters.not.toMatchTypeOf<[]>() }) test('one argument, specified as number: asyncThunk has required number argument', () => { const asyncThunk = createAsyncThunk('test', (arg: number) => 0) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toMatchTypeOf<(arg: number) => any>() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith(5) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameters.not.toMatchTypeOf<[]>() }) test('two arguments, first specified as undefined: asyncThunk has no argument', () => { const asyncThunk = createAsyncThunk( 'test', (arg: undefined, thunkApi) => 0, ) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toMatchTypeOf<() => any>() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith() // @ts-expect-error cannot be called with an argument, even if the argument is `undefined` expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith(undefined) // cannot be called with an argument expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameter(0).not.toBeAny() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameters.toEqualTypeOf<[]>() }) test('two arguments, first specified as void: asyncThunk has no argument', () => { const asyncThunk = createAsyncThunk('test', (arg: void, thunkApi) => 0) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toMatchTypeOf<() => any>() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameter(0).toBeVoid() // cannot be called with an argument expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameter(0).not.toBeAny() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameters.toEqualTypeOf<[]>() }) test('two arguments, first specified as number|undefined: asyncThunk has optional number argument', () => { // this test will fail with strictNullChecks: false, that is to be expected // in that case, we have to forbid this behaviour or it will make arguments optional everywhere const asyncThunk = createAsyncThunk( 'test', (arg: number | undefined, thunkApi) => 0, ) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toMatchTypeOf<(arg?: number) => any>() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith(undefined) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith(5) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameter(0).not.toBeString() }) test('two arguments, first specified as number|void: asyncThunk has optional number argument', () => { const asyncThunk = createAsyncThunk( 'test', (arg: number | void, thunkApi) => 0, ) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toMatchTypeOf<(arg?: number) => any>() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith(undefined) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith(5) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameter(0).not.toBeString() }) test('two arguments, first specified as any: asyncThunk has required any argument', () => { const asyncThunk = createAsyncThunk('test', (arg: any, thunkApi) => 0) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameter(0).toBeAny() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith(5) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameters.not.toMatchTypeOf<[]>() }) test('two arguments, first specified as unknown: asyncThunk has required unknown argument', () => { const asyncThunk = createAsyncThunk('test', (arg: unknown, thunkApi) => 0) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameter(0).toBeUnknown() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith(5) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameters.not.toMatchTypeOf<[]>() }) test('two arguments, first specified as number: asyncThunk has required number argument', () => { const asyncThunk = createAsyncThunk('test', (arg: number, thunkApi) => 0) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toMatchTypeOf<(arg: number) => any>() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameter(0).toBeNumber() expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).toBeCallableWith(5) expectTypeOf(asyncThunk).parameters.not.toMatchTypeOf<[]>() }) }) test('createAsyncThunk without generics', () => { const thunk = createAsyncThunk('test', () => { return 'ret' as const }) expectTypeOf(thunk).toEqualTypeOf>() }) test('createAsyncThunk without generics, accessing `api` does not break return type', () => { const thunk = createAsyncThunk('test', (_: void, api) => { return 'ret' as const }) expectTypeOf(thunk).toEqualTypeOf>() }) test('createAsyncThunk rejectWithValue without generics: Expect correct return type', () => { const asyncThunk = createAsyncThunk( 'test', (_: void, { rejectWithValue }) => { try { return Promise.resolve(true) } catch (e) { return rejectWithValue(e) } }, ) defaultDispatch(asyncThunk()) .then((result) => { if (asyncThunk.fulfilled.match(result)) { expectTypeOf(result).toEqualTypeOf< ReturnType<(typeof asyncThunk)['fulfilled']> >() expectTypeOf(result.payload).toBeBoolean() expectTypeOf(result).not.toHaveProperty('error') } else { expectTypeOf(result).toEqualTypeOf< ReturnType<(typeof asyncThunk)['rejected']> >() expectTypeOf(result.error).toEqualTypeOf() expectTypeOf(result.payload).toBeUnknown() } return result }) .then(unwrapResult) .then((unwrapped) => { expectTypeOf(unwrapped).toBeBoolean() }) }) test('createAsyncThunk with generics', () => { type Funky = { somethingElse: 'Funky!' } function funkySerializeError(err: any): Funky { return { somethingElse: 'Funky!' } } // has to stay on one line or type tests fail in older TS versions // prettier-ignore // @ts-expect-error const shouldFail = createAsyncThunk('without generics', () => {}, { serializeError: funkySerializeError }) const shouldWork = createAsyncThunk< any, void, { serializedErrorType: Funky } >('with generics', () => {}, { serializeError: funkySerializeError, }) if (shouldWork.rejected.match(unknownAction)) { expectTypeOf(unknownAction.error).toEqualTypeOf() } }) test('`idGenerator` option takes no arguments, and returns a string', () => { const returnsNumWithArgs = (foo: any) => 100 // has to stay on one line or type tests fail in older TS versions // prettier-ignore // @ts-expect-error const shouldFailNumWithArgs = createAsyncThunk('foo', () => {}, { idGenerator: returnsNumWithArgs }) const returnsNumWithoutArgs = () => 100 // prettier-ignore // @ts-expect-error const shouldFailNumWithoutArgs = createAsyncThunk('foo', () => {}, { idGenerator: returnsNumWithoutArgs }) const returnsStrWithNumberArg = (foo: number) => 'foo' // prettier-ignore // @ts-expect-error const shouldFailWrongArgs = createAsyncThunk('foo', (arg: string) => {}, { idGenerator: returnsStrWithNumberArg }) const returnsStrWithStringArg = (foo: string) => 'foo' const shoulducceedCorrectArgs = createAsyncThunk( 'foo', (arg: string) => {}, { idGenerator: returnsStrWithStringArg, }, ) const returnsStrWithoutArgs = () => 'foo' const shouldSucceed = createAsyncThunk('foo', () => {}, { idGenerator: returnsStrWithoutArgs, }) }) test('fulfillWithValue should infer return value', () => { // const initialState = { loading: false, obj: { magic: '' }, } const getObj = createAsyncThunk( 'slice/getObj', async (_: any, { fulfillWithValue, rejectWithValue }) => { try { return fulfillWithValue({ magic: 'object' }) } catch (rejected: any) { return rejectWithValue(rejected?.response?.error || rejected) } }, ) createSlice({ name: 'slice', initialState, reducers: {}, extraReducers: (builder) => { builder.addCase(getObj.fulfilled, (state, action) => { expectTypeOf(action.payload).toEqualTypeOf<{ magic: string }>() }) }, }) }) test('meta return values', () => { // return values createAsyncThunk<'ret', void, {}>('test', (_, api) => 'ret' as const) createAsyncThunk<'ret', void, {}>('test', async (_, api) => 'ret' as const) createAsyncThunk<'ret', void, { fulfilledMeta: string }>('test', (_, api) => api.fulfillWithValue('ret' as const, ''), ) createAsyncThunk<'ret', void, { fulfilledMeta: string }>( 'test', async (_, api) => api.fulfillWithValue('ret' as const, ''), ) createAsyncThunk<'ret', void, { fulfilledMeta: string }>( 'test', // @ts-expect-error has to be a fulfilledWithValue call (_, api) => 'ret' as const, ) createAsyncThunk<'ret', void, { fulfilledMeta: string }>( 'test', // @ts-expect-error has to be a fulfilledWithValue call async (_, api) => 'ret' as const, ) createAsyncThunk<'ret', void, { fulfilledMeta: string }>( 'test', // @ts-expect-error should only allow returning with 'test' (_, api) => api.fulfillWithValue(5, ''), ) createAsyncThunk<'ret', void, { fulfilledMeta: string }>( 'test', // @ts-expect-error should only allow returning with 'test' async (_, api) => api.fulfillWithValue(5, ''), ) // reject values createAsyncThunk<'ret', void, { rejectValue: string }>('test', (_, api) => api.rejectWithValue('ret'), ) createAsyncThunk<'ret', void, { rejectValue: string }>( 'test', async (_, api) => api.rejectWithValue('ret'), ) createAsyncThunk< 'ret', void, { rejectValue: string; rejectedMeta: number } >('test', (_, api) => api.rejectWithValue('ret', 5)) createAsyncThunk< 'ret', void, { rejectValue: string; rejectedMeta: number } >('test', async (_, api) => api.rejectWithValue('ret', 5)) createAsyncThunk< 'ret', void, { rejectValue: string; rejectedMeta: number } >('test', (_, api) => api.rejectWithValue('ret', 5)) createAsyncThunk< 'ret', void, { rejectValue: string; rejectedMeta: number } >( 'test', // @ts-expect-error wrong rejectedMeta type (_, api) => api.rejectWithValue('ret', ''), ) createAsyncThunk< 'ret', void, { rejectValue: string; rejectedMeta: number } >( 'test', // @ts-expect-error wrong rejectedMeta type async (_, api) => api.rejectWithValue('ret', ''), ) createAsyncThunk< 'ret', void, { rejectValue: string; rejectedMeta: number } >( 'test', // @ts-expect-error wrong rejectValue type (_, api) => api.rejectWithValue(5, ''), ) createAsyncThunk< 'ret', void, { rejectValue: string; rejectedMeta: number } >( 'test', // @ts-expect-error wrong rejectValue type async (_, api) => api.rejectWithValue(5, ''), ) }) test('usage with config override generic', () => { const typedCAT = createAsyncThunk.withTypes<{ state: RootState dispatch: AppDispatch rejectValue: string extra: { s: string; n: number } }>() // inferred usage const thunk = typedCAT('foo', (arg: number, api) => { // correct getState Type const test1: number = api.getState().foo.value // correct dispatch type const test2: number = api.dispatch((dispatch, getState) => { expectTypeOf(dispatch).toEqualTypeOf< ThunkDispatch<{ foo: { value: number } }, undefined, UnknownAction> >() expectTypeOf(getState).toEqualTypeOf<() => { foo: { value: number } }>() return getState().foo.value }) // correct extra type const { s, n } = api.extra expectTypeOf(s).toBeString() expectTypeOf(n).toBeNumber() if (1 < 2) // @ts-expect-error return api.rejectWithValue(5) if (1 < 2) return api.rejectWithValue('test') return test1 + test2 }) // usage with two generics const thunk2 = typedCAT('foo', (arg, api) => { expectTypeOf(arg).toBeString() // correct getState Type const test1: number = api.getState().foo.value // correct dispatch type const test2: number = api.dispatch((dispatch, getState) => { expectTypeOf(dispatch).toEqualTypeOf< ThunkDispatch<{ foo: { value: number } }, undefined, UnknownAction> >() expectTypeOf(getState).toEqualTypeOf<() => { foo: { value: number } }>() return getState().foo.value }) // correct extra type const { s, n } = api.extra expectTypeOf(s).toBeString() expectTypeOf(n).toBeNumber() if (1 < 2) expectTypeOf(api.rejectWithValue).toBeCallableWith('test') expectTypeOf(api.rejectWithValue).parameter(0).not.toBeNumber() expectTypeOf(api.rejectWithValue).parameters.toEqualTypeOf<[string]>() return api.rejectWithValue('test') }) // usage with config override generic const thunk3 = typedCAT( 'foo', (arg, api) => { expectTypeOf(arg).toBeString() // correct getState Type const test1: number = api.getState().foo.value // correct dispatch type const test2: number = api.dispatch((dispatch, getState) => { expectTypeOf(dispatch).toEqualTypeOf< ThunkDispatch<{ foo: { value: number } }, undefined, UnknownAction> >() expectTypeOf(getState).toEqualTypeOf< () => { foo: { value: number } } >() return getState().foo.value }) // correct extra type const { s, n } = api.extra expectTypeOf(s).toBeString() expectTypeOf(n).toBeNumber() if (1 < 2) return api.rejectWithValue(5) if (1 < 2) expectTypeOf(api.rejectWithValue).toBeCallableWith(5) expectTypeOf(api.rejectWithValue).parameter(0).not.toBeString() expectTypeOf(api.rejectWithValue).parameters.toEqualTypeOf<[number]>() return api.rejectWithValue(5) }, ) const slice = createSlice({ name: 'foo', initialState: { value: 0 }, reducers: {}, extraReducers(builder) { builder .addCase(thunk.fulfilled, (state, action) => { state.value += action.payload }) .addCase(thunk.rejected, (state, action) => { expectTypeOf(action.payload).toEqualTypeOf() }) .addCase(thunk2.fulfilled, (state, action) => { state.value += action.payload }) .addCase(thunk2.rejected, (state, action) => { expectTypeOf(action.payload).toEqualTypeOf() }) .addCase(thunk3.fulfilled, (state, action) => { state.value += action.payload }) .addCase(thunk3.rejected, (state, action) => { expectTypeOf(action.payload).toEqualTypeOf() }) }, }) const store = configureStore({ reducer: { foo: slice.reducer, }, }) type RootState = ReturnType type AppDispatch = typeof store.dispatch }) test('rejectedMeta', async () => { const getNewStore = () => configureStore({ reducer(actions = [], action) { return [...actions, action] }, }) const store = getNewStore() const fulfilledThunk = createAsyncThunk< string, string, { rejectedMeta: { extraProp: string } } >('test', (arg: string, { rejectWithValue }) => { return rejectWithValue('damn!', { extraProp: 'baz' }) }) const promise = store.dispatch(fulfilledThunk('testArg')) const ret = await promise if (ret.meta.requestStatus === 'rejected' && ret.meta.rejectedWithValue) { expectTypeOf(ret.meta.extraProp).toBeString() } else { // could be caused by a `throw`, `abort()` or `condition` - no `rejectedMeta` in that case expectTypeOf(ret.meta).not.toHaveProperty('extraProp') } }) })