import type { Action, ConfigureStoreOptions, Dispatch, Middleware, PayloadAction, Reducer, Store, StoreEnhancer, ThunkAction, ThunkDispatch, ThunkMiddleware, UnknownAction, } from '@reduxjs/toolkit' import { Tuple, applyMiddleware, combineReducers, configureStore, createSlice, } from '@reduxjs/toolkit' import { thunk } from 'redux-thunk' const _anyMiddleware: any = () => () => () => {} describe('type tests', () => { test('configureStore() requires a valid reducer or reducer map.', () => { configureStore({ reducer: (state, action) => 0, }) configureStore({ reducer: { counter1: () => 0, counter2: () => 1, }, }) // @ts-expect-error configureStore({ reducer: 'not a reducer' }) // @ts-expect-error configureStore({ reducer: { a: 'not a reducer' } }) // @ts-expect-error configureStore({}) }) test('configureStore() infers the store state type.', () => { const reducer: Reducer = () => 0 const store = configureStore({ reducer }) expectTypeOf(store).toMatchTypeOf>() expectTypeOf(store).not.toMatchTypeOf>() }) test('configureStore() infers the store action type.', () => { const reducer: Reducer> = () => 0 const store = configureStore({ reducer }) expectTypeOf(store).toMatchTypeOf>>() expectTypeOf(store).not.toMatchTypeOf< Store> >() }) test('configureStore() accepts Tuple for middleware, but not plain array.', () => { const middleware: Middleware = (store) => (next) => next configureStore({ reducer: () => 0, middleware: () => new Tuple(middleware), }) configureStore({ reducer: () => 0, // @ts-expect-error middleware: () => [middleware], }) configureStore({ reducer: () => 0, // @ts-expect-error middleware: () => new Tuple('not middleware'), }) }) test('configureStore() accepts devTools flag.', () => { configureStore({ reducer: () => 0, devTools: true, }) configureStore({ reducer: () => 0, // @ts-expect-error devTools: 'true', }) }) test('configureStore() accepts devTools EnhancerOptions.', () => { configureStore({ reducer: () => 0, devTools: { name: 'myApp' }, }) configureStore({ reducer: () => 0, // @ts-expect-error devTools: { appName: 'myApp' }, }) }) test('configureStore() accepts preloadedState.', () => { configureStore({ reducer: () => 0, preloadedState: 0, }) configureStore({ // @ts-expect-error reducer: (_: number) => 0, preloadedState: 'non-matching state type', }) }) test('nullable state is preserved', () => { const store = configureStore({ reducer: (): string | null => null, }) expectTypeOf(store.getState()).toEqualTypeOf() }) test('configureStore() accepts store Tuple for enhancers, but not plain array', () => { const enhancer = applyMiddleware(() => (next) => next) const store = configureStore({ reducer: () => 0, enhancers: () => new Tuple(enhancer), }) const store2 = configureStore({ reducer: () => 0, // @ts-expect-error enhancers: () => [enhancer], }) expectTypeOf(store.dispatch).toMatchTypeOf< Dispatch & ThunkDispatch >() configureStore({ reducer: () => 0, // @ts-expect-error enhancers: () => new Tuple('not a store enhancer'), }) const somePropertyStoreEnhancer: StoreEnhancer<{ someProperty: string }> = (next) => { return (reducer, preloadedState) => { return {, preloadedState), someProperty: 'some value', } } } const anotherPropertyStoreEnhancer: StoreEnhancer<{ anotherProperty: number }> = (next) => { return (reducer, preloadedState) => { return {, preloadedState), anotherProperty: 123, } } } const store3 = configureStore({ reducer: () => 0, enhancers: () => new Tuple(somePropertyStoreEnhancer, anotherPropertyStoreEnhancer), }) expectTypeOf(store3.dispatch).toEqualTypeOf() expectTypeOf(store3.someProperty).toBeString() expectTypeOf(store3.anotherProperty).toBeNumber() const storeWithCallback = configureStore({ reducer: () => 0, enhancers: (getDefaultEnhancers) => getDefaultEnhancers() .prepend(anotherPropertyStoreEnhancer) .concat(somePropertyStoreEnhancer), }) expectTypeOf(store3.dispatch).toMatchTypeOf< Dispatch & ThunkDispatch >() expectTypeOf(store3.someProperty).toBeString() expectTypeOf(store3.anotherProperty).toBeNumber() const someStateExtendingEnhancer: StoreEnhancer< {}, { someProperty: string } > = (next) => (...args) => { const store = next(...args) const getState = () => ({, someProperty: 'some value', }) return {, getState, } as any } const anotherStateExtendingEnhancer: StoreEnhancer< {}, { anotherProperty: number } > = (next) => (...args) => { const store = next(...args) const getState = () => ({, anotherProperty: 123, }) return {, getState, } as any } const store4 = configureStore({ reducer: () => ({ aProperty: 0 }), enhancers: () => new Tuple(someStateExtendingEnhancer, anotherStateExtendingEnhancer), }) const state = store4.getState() expectTypeOf(state.aProperty).toBeNumber() expectTypeOf(state.someProperty).toBeString() expectTypeOf(state.anotherProperty).toBeNumber() const storeWithCallback2 = configureStore({ reducer: () => ({ aProperty: 0 }), enhancers: (gDE) => gDE().concat(someStateExtendingEnhancer, anotherStateExtendingEnhancer), }) const stateWithCallback = storeWithCallback2.getState() expectTypeOf(stateWithCallback.aProperty).toBeNumber() expectTypeOf(stateWithCallback.someProperty).toBeString() expectTypeOf(stateWithCallback.anotherProperty).toBeNumber() }) test('Preloaded state typings', () => { const counterReducer1: Reducer = () => 0 const counterReducer2: Reducer = () => 0 test('partial preloaded state', () => { const store = configureStore({ reducer: { counter1: counterReducer1, counter2: counterReducer2, }, preloadedState: { counter1: 0, }, }) expectTypeOf(store.getState().counter1).toBeNumber() expectTypeOf(store.getState().counter2).toBeNumber() }) test('empty preloaded state', () => { const store = configureStore({ reducer: { counter1: counterReducer1, counter2: counterReducer2, }, preloadedState: {}, }) expectTypeOf(store.getState().counter1).toBeNumber() expectTypeOf(store.getState().counter2).toBeNumber() }) test('excess properties in preloaded state', () => { const store = configureStore({ reducer: { // @ts-expect-error counter1: counterReducer1, counter2: counterReducer2, }, preloadedState: { counter1: 0, counter3: 5, }, }) expectTypeOf(store.getState().counter1).toBeNumber() expectTypeOf(store.getState().counter2).toBeNumber() }) test('mismatching properties in preloaded state', () => { const store = configureStore({ reducer: { // @ts-expect-error counter1: counterReducer1, counter2: counterReducer2, }, preloadedState: { counter3: 5, }, }) expectTypeOf(store.getState().counter1).toBeNumber() expectTypeOf(store.getState().counter2).toBeNumber() }) test('string preloaded state when expecting object', () => { const store = configureStore({ reducer: { // @ts-expect-error counter1: counterReducer1, counter2: counterReducer2, }, preloadedState: 'test', }) expectTypeOf(store.getState().counter1).toBeNumber() expectTypeOf(store.getState().counter2).toBeNumber() }) test('nested combineReducers allows partial', () => { const store = configureStore({ reducer: { group1: combineReducers({ counter1: counterReducer1, counter2: counterReducer2, }), group2: combineReducers({ counter1: counterReducer1, counter2: counterReducer2, }), }, preloadedState: { group1: { counter1: 5, }, }, }) expectTypeOf(store.getState().group1.counter1).toBeNumber() expectTypeOf(store.getState().group1.counter2).toBeNumber() expectTypeOf(store.getState().group2.counter1).toBeNumber() expectTypeOf(store.getState().group2.counter2).toBeNumber() }) test('non-nested combineReducers does not allow partial', () => { interface GroupState { counter1: number counter2: number } const initialState = { counter1: 0, counter2: 0 } const group1Reducer: Reducer = (state = initialState) => state const group2Reducer: Reducer = (state = initialState) => state const store = configureStore({ reducer: { // @ts-expect-error group1: group1Reducer, group2: group2Reducer, }, preloadedState: { group1: { counter1: 5, }, }, }) expectTypeOf(store.getState().group1.counter1).toBeNumber() expectTypeOf(store.getState().group1.counter2).toBeNumber() expectTypeOf(store.getState().group2.counter1).toBeNumber() expectTypeOf(store.getState().group2.counter2).toBeNumber() }) }) test('Dispatch typings', () => { type StateA = number const reducerA = () => 0 const thunkA = () => { return (() => {}) as any as ThunkAction, StateA, any, any> } type StateB = string const thunkB = () => { return (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => StateB) => {} } test('by default, dispatching Thunks is possible', () => { const store = configureStore({ reducer: reducerA, }) store.dispatch(thunkA()) // @ts-expect-error store.dispatch(thunkB()) const res = store.dispatch((dispatch, getState) => { return 42 }) const action = store.dispatch({ type: 'foo' }) }) test('return type of thunks and actions is inferred correctly', () => { const slice = createSlice({ name: 'counter', initialState: { value: 0, }, reducers: { incrementByAmount: (state, action: PayloadAction) => { state.value += action.payload }, }, }) const store = configureStore({ reducer: { counter: slice.reducer, }, }) const action = slice.actions.incrementByAmount(2) const dispatchResult = store.dispatch(action) expectTypeOf(dispatchResult).toMatchTypeOf<{ type: string payload: number }>() const promiseResult = store.dispatch(async (dispatch) => { return 42 }) expectTypeOf(promiseResult).toEqualTypeOf>() const store2 = configureStore({ reducer: { counter: slice.reducer, }, middleware: (gDM) => gDM({ thunk: { extraArgument: 42, }, }), }) const dispatchResult2 = store2.dispatch(action) expectTypeOf(dispatchResult2).toMatchTypeOf<{ type: string payload: number }>() }) test('removing the Thunk Middleware', () => { const store = configureStore({ reducer: reducerA, middleware: () => new Tuple(), }) expectTypeOf(store.dispatch).parameter(0).not.toMatchTypeOf(thunkA()) expectTypeOf(store.dispatch).parameter(0).not.toMatchTypeOf(thunkB()) }) test('adding the thunk middleware by hand', () => { const store = configureStore({ reducer: reducerA, middleware: () => new Tuple(thunk as ThunkMiddleware), }) store.dispatch(thunkA()) // @ts-expect-error store.dispatch(thunkB()) }) test('custom middleware', () => { const store = configureStore({ reducer: reducerA, middleware: () => new Tuple(0 as unknown as Middleware<(a: StateA) => boolean, StateA>), }) expectTypeOf(store.dispatch(5)).toBeBoolean() expectTypeOf(store.dispatch(5)).not.toBeString() }) test('multiple custom middleware', () => { const middleware = [] as any as Tuple< [ Middleware<(a: 'a') => 'A', StateA>, Middleware<(b: 'b') => 'B', StateA>, ThunkMiddleware, ] > const store = configureStore({ reducer: reducerA, middleware: () => middleware, }) expectTypeOf(store.dispatch('a')).toEqualTypeOf<'A'>() expectTypeOf(store.dispatch('b')).toEqualTypeOf<'B'>() expectTypeOf(store.dispatch(thunkA())).toEqualTypeOf>() }) test('Accepts thunk with `unknown`, `undefined` or `null` ThunkAction extraArgument per default', () => { const store = configureStore({ reducer: {} }) // undefined is the default value for the ThunkMiddleware extraArgument store.dispatch(function () {} as ThunkAction< void, {}, undefined, UnknownAction >) // `null` for the `extra` generic was previously documented in the RTK "Advanced Tutorial", but // is a bad pattern and users should use `unknown` instead // @ts-expect-error store.dispatch(function () {} as ThunkAction< void, {}, null, UnknownAction >) // unknown is the best way to type a ThunkAction if you do not care // about the value of the extraArgument, as it will always work with every // ThunkMiddleware, no matter the actual extraArgument type store.dispatch(function () {} as ThunkAction< void, {}, unknown, UnknownAction >) // @ts-expect-error store.dispatch(function () {} as ThunkAction< void, {}, boolean, UnknownAction >) }) test('custom middleware and getDefaultMiddleware', () => { const store = configureStore({ reducer: reducerA, middleware: (gDM) => gDM().prepend((() => {}) as any as Middleware< (a: 'a') => 'A', StateA >), }) expectTypeOf(store.dispatch('a')).toEqualTypeOf<'A'>() expectTypeOf(store.dispatch(thunkA())).toEqualTypeOf>() expectTypeOf(store.dispatch).parameter(0).not.toMatchTypeOf(thunkB()) }) test('custom middleware and getDefaultMiddleware, using prepend', () => { const otherMiddleware: Middleware<(a: 'a') => 'A', StateA> = _anyMiddleware const store = configureStore({ reducer: reducerA, middleware: (gDM) => { const concatenated = gDM().prepend(otherMiddleware) expectTypeOf(concatenated).toMatchTypeOf< ReadonlyArray< typeof otherMiddleware | ThunkMiddleware | Middleware<{}> > >() return concatenated }, }) expectTypeOf(store.dispatch('a')).toEqualTypeOf<'A'>() expectTypeOf(store.dispatch(thunkA())).toEqualTypeOf>() expectTypeOf(store.dispatch).parameter(0).not.toMatchTypeOf(thunkB()) }) test('custom middleware and getDefaultMiddleware, using concat', () => { const otherMiddleware: Middleware<(a: 'a') => 'A', StateA> = _anyMiddleware const store = configureStore({ reducer: reducerA, middleware: (gDM) => { const concatenated = gDM().concat(otherMiddleware) expectTypeOf(concatenated).toMatchTypeOf< ReadonlyArray< typeof otherMiddleware | ThunkMiddleware | Middleware<{}> > >() return concatenated }, }) expectTypeOf(store.dispatch('a')).toEqualTypeOf<'A'>() expectTypeOf(store.dispatch(thunkA())).toEqualTypeOf>() expectTypeOf(store.dispatch).parameter(0).not.toMatchTypeOf(thunkB()) }) test('middlewareBuilder notation, getDefaultMiddleware (unconfigured)', () => { const store = configureStore({ reducer: reducerA, middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware().prepend((() => {}) as any as Middleware< (a: 'a') => 'A', StateA >), }) expectTypeOf(store.dispatch('a')).toEqualTypeOf<'A'>() expectTypeOf(store.dispatch(thunkA())).toEqualTypeOf>() expectTypeOf(store.dispatch).parameter(0).not.toMatchTypeOf(thunkB()) }) test('middlewareBuilder notation, getDefaultMiddleware, concat & prepend', () => { const otherMiddleware: Middleware<(a: 'a') => 'A', StateA> = _anyMiddleware const otherMiddleware2: Middleware<(a: 'b') => 'B', StateA> = _anyMiddleware const store = configureStore({ reducer: reducerA, middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware() .concat(otherMiddleware) .prepend(otherMiddleware2), }) expectTypeOf(store.dispatch('a')).toEqualTypeOf<'A'>() expectTypeOf(store.dispatch(thunkA())).toEqualTypeOf>() expectTypeOf(store.dispatch('b')).toEqualTypeOf<'B'>() expectTypeOf(store.dispatch).parameter(0).not.toMatchTypeOf(thunkB()) }) test('middlewareBuilder notation, getDefaultMiddleware (thunk: false)', () => { const store = configureStore({ reducer: reducerA, middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware({ thunk: false }).prepend( (() => {}) as any as Middleware<(a: 'a') => 'A', StateA>, ), }) expectTypeOf(store.dispatch('a')).toEqualTypeOf<'A'>() expectTypeOf(store.dispatch).parameter(0).not.toMatchTypeOf(thunkA()) }) test("badly typed middleware won't make `dispatch` `any`", () => { const store = configureStore({ reducer: reducerA, middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware().concat(_anyMiddleware as Middleware), }) expectTypeOf(store.dispatch).not.toBeAny() }) test("decorated `configureStore` won't make `dispatch` `never`", () => { const someSlice = createSlice({ name: 'something', initialState: null as any, reducers: { set(state) { return state }, }, }) function configureMyStore( options: Omit, 'reducer'>, ) { return configureStore({ ...options, reducer: someSlice.reducer, }) } const store = configureMyStore({}) expectTypeOf(store.dispatch).toBeFunction() }) interface CounterState { value: number } const counterSlice = createSlice({ name: 'counter', initialState: { value: 0 } as CounterState, reducers: { increment(state) { state.value += 1 }, decrement(state) { state.value -= 1 }, // Use the PayloadAction type to declare the contents of `action.payload` incrementByAmount: (state, action: PayloadAction) => { state.value += action.payload }, }, }) type Unsubscribe = () => void // A fake middleware that tells TS that an unsubscribe callback is being returned for a given action // This is the same signature that the "listener" middleware uses const dummyMiddleware: Middleware< { (action: Action<'actionListenerMiddleware/add'>): Unsubscribe }, CounterState > = (storeApi) => (next) => (action) => {} const store = configureStore({ reducer: counterSlice.reducer, middleware: (gDM) => gDM().prepend(dummyMiddleware), }) // Order matters here! We need the listener type to come first, otherwise // the thunk middleware type kicks in and TS thinks a plain action is being returned expectTypeOf(store.dispatch).toEqualTypeOf< ((action: Action<'actionListenerMiddleware/add'>) => Unsubscribe) & ThunkDispatch & Dispatch >() const unsubscribe = store.dispatch({ type: 'actionListenerMiddleware/add', } as const) expectTypeOf(unsubscribe).toEqualTypeOf() }) })