import * as Msal from "msal"; import { SignInResult } from "./signin-result"; import { SignInProvider } from "./signin-provider"; export class MicrosoftProvider implements SignInProvider { private readonly requestObj: Msal.AuthenticationParameters = { scopes: [""] }; private readonly graphConfig = { graphMeEndpoint: "" }; private resolve: ((result: SignInResult) => void) | null = null; private reject: ((error: any) => void) | null = null; private app: Msal.UserAgentApplication | null = null; constructor (private clientId: string) { } signIn(): Promise { this.resolve = null; this.reject = null; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.resolve = resolve; this.reject = reject; this.signInWithMsal(); }); } loadDependencies(): Promise { // Our dependencies are already loaded via import statement at the top of the file, // thanks to msal.js being a module. return Promise.resolve(); } private signInWithMsal() { const msalConfig: Msal.Configuration = { auth: { clientId: this.clientId, authority: "" }, cache: { cacheLocation: "localStorage", storeAuthStateInCookie: true } }; = new Msal.UserAgentApplication(msalConfig);, response) => this.redirectCallback(error, response)); .then(loginResponse => this.signInSucceeded(loginResponse)) .catch(error => this.signInFailed(error)); } private signInSucceeded(loginResponse: Msal.AuthResponse) { const loginResult = this.getLoginResult(loginResponse); // Fetch the user's photo. // MS provider supports this for work and edu accounts, but not for personal accounts. this.getAccessToken(loginResponse) .then(accessToken => loginResult.providerData ? (loginResult.providerData["accessToken"] = accessToken) : accessToken) .then(accessToken => this.getUserPhoto(accessToken)) .then(photoUrl => loginResult.imageUrl = photoUrl) .catch(error => console.log("Unable to fetch user profile image. Note that Microsoft Graph cannot fetch profile pictures for personal accounts; only work and education accounts are supported. Error details: ", error)) .finally(() => this.resolve?.(loginResult)); // Finally clause: regardless of whether we can get the user's photo, we consider it a successful signin. } private signInFailed(error: any) { this.reject?.(error); } private redirectCallback( error: Msal.AuthError | null, response: Msal.AuthResponse | undefined) { if (response) { this.signInSucceeded(response); } else { this.signInFailed(error || "Unexpected redirect: no error and no login response"); } } private getAccessToken(loginResponse: Msal.AuthResponse): Promise { if (! { return Promise.reject("No app context"); } return .then(tokenResponse => tokenResponse.accessToken); } private getUserPhoto(accessToken: string): Promise { return this.callGraphApi("/photo/$value", accessToken) .then(result => result.blob()) .then(blob => this.getImageUrlFromBlob(blob)) } private callGraphApi(relativeUrl: string, accessToken: string): Promise { const url = `${this.graphConfig.graphMeEndpoint}${relativeUrl}`; return fetch(url, { method: "GET", headers: new Headers({ "Authorization": `Bearer ${accessToken}` }) }).then(res => { // If we got a 404, punt. if (res.status == 404) { return Promise.reject(`Graph API returned 404 for ${relativeUrl}`); } return res; }) } private getImageUrlFromBlob(blob: Blob): Promise { // COMMENTED OUT: // This works initially, creating a blob:// url. // However, storing this credential for use in a later page load results in a broken image because the blob no longer exists in memory. // return URL.createObjectURL(blob)); // Use a FileReader to read the image as a base 64 URL string return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.addEventListener("error", error => reject(error)); fileReader.addEventListener("loadend", () => resolve(fileReader.result as string)); fileReader.readAsDataURL(blob); }); } private getLoginResult(loginResponse: Msal.AuthResponse): SignInResult { return { name: loginResponse.account?.name || "", email: loginResponse.account?.userName || "", provider: "Microsoft", accessToken: loginResponse.accessToken, accessTokenExpiration: loginResponse.expiresOn, error: null, imageUrl: null, providerData: loginResponse, }; } }