import { SignInResult } from "./signin-result"; import { SignInProvider } from "./signin-provider"; export class GoogleProvider implements SignInProvider { static readonly apiUrl = ""; constructor(private clientId: string) { } signIn(): Promise { return this.loadDependencies() .then(() => this.signInWithGoogleAuth2()); } loadDependencies(): Promise { return this.appendGoogleScript() .then(() => this.loadAuth()); } private appendGoogleScript(): Promise { const gapiLoad = window.gapi?.load; if (!gapiLoad) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const scriptEl = window.document.createElement("script"); scriptEl.async = true; scriptEl.src = GoogleProvider.apiUrl; scriptEl.onload = () => resolve(); scriptEl.onerror = (error) => reject({ message: "Error loading Google Platform library", error: error }); window.document.head.appendChild(scriptEl); }); } // GApi is already loaded. return Promise.resolve(); } private loadAuth(): Promise { if (!window.gapi || !window.gapi.load) { return Promise.reject("Couldn't find gapi.load"); } // If we already have auth2, cool, we're done. if(window.gapi.auth2) { return Promise.resolve(); } // Otherwise, pull in auth2. return new Promise(resolve => window.gapi.load("auth2", () => resolve())); } private signInWithGoogleAuth2(): Promise { if (!gapi?.auth2) { return Promise.reject("gapi.auth2 wasn't loaded"); } const auth = gapi.auth2.init({ client_id: this.clientId, cookie_policy: "single_host_origin" }); // Speed through the process if we're already signed in. if (auth.isSignedIn.get()) { const user = auth.currentUser.get(); return Promise.resolve(this.getSignInResultFromUser(user)); } // Otherwise, kick off the OAuth flow. return auth.signIn() .then(user => this.getSignInResultFromUser(user)); } private getSignInResultFromUser(user: gapi.auth2.GoogleUser): SignInResult { const profile = user.getBasicProfile(); const authResponse = user.getAuthResponse(true); return { email: profile.getEmail(), name: profile.getName(), imageUrl: profile.getImageUrl(), accessToken: authResponse?.access_token, accessTokenExpiration: new Date(authResponse.expires_at), provider: "Google", error: null, providerData: user }; } }