import { SignInResult } from "./signin-result"; import { SignInProvider } from "./signin-provider"; export class AppleProvider implements SignInProvider { static readonly scriptUrl = ""; static readonly nameLocalStorageKeyPrefix = "pwa-auth-apple-email"; constructor(private clientId: string, private redirectUri?: string | null) { } signIn(): Promise { return this.loadDependencies() .then(() => this.signInWithApple()); } loadDependencies(): Promise { return this.appendAppleScript() .then(() => this.initAuth()); } private appendAppleScript(): Promise { const apple = this.getAppleJS(); if (!apple) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const scriptEl = window.document.createElement("script"); scriptEl.async = true; scriptEl.src = AppleProvider.scriptUrl; scriptEl.onload = () => resolve(); scriptEl.onerror = (error) => reject({ message: "Error loading Apple JS", error: error }); window.document.head.appendChild(scriptEl); }); } // AppleJS is already loaded. return Promise.resolve(); } private initAuth(): Promise { const apple = this.getAppleJS(); if (!apple) { return Promise.reject("AppleJS not loaded"); } apple.auth.init({ clientId : this.clientId, scope : "name email", redirectURI : this.redirectUri || this.trimSlash(location.href), state : "", usePopup : true }); return Promise.resolve(); } private signInWithApple(): Promise { const apple = this.getAppleJS(); if (!apple) { return Promise.reject("AppleJS not loaded"); } return apple.auth.signIn() .then(result => this.getSignInResult(result)); } private getAppleJS(): AppleSignInAPI.AppleID | undefined { return window["AppleID"] as AppleSignInAPI.AppleID | undefined; } private getSignInResult(rawResult: AppleSignInAPI.SignInResponseI | AppleSignInAPI.SignInErrorI): SignInResult { if (this.isErrorResult(rawResult)) { return { error: new Error(rawResult.error), provider: "Apple" }; } const userDetails = this.decodeUserDetails(rawResult); return { email:, name:, accessToken: rawResult?.authorization?.code, accessTokenExpiration: userDetails.appleToken ? new Date(userDetails.appleToken.exp * 1000) : null, imageUrl: null, providerData: rawResult, provider: "Apple", error: null }; } private isErrorResult(result: AppleSignInAPI.SignInErrorI | AppleSignInAPI.SignInResponseI): result is AppleSignInAPI.SignInErrorI { return !!(result as AppleSignInAPI.SignInErrorI).error; } private decodeUserDetails(result: AppleSignInAPI.SignInResponseI): { name: string; email: string; appleToken: AppleJwtToken } { // Decode the user's email from the JWT token. const webToken = this.decodeJwt(result.authorization.id_token) as AppleJwtToken; const email = webToken?.email; if (!email) { throw new Error("Unable to decode user's email from JWT token: " + result.authorization.id_token); } // Apple sends the user's name only the first time they sign in. // See if it's here. let name: string | null = null; if (result.user && { name = [,] .filter(n => !!n) .join(" "); this.tryStoreNameWithEmail(name, email); } else { // Subsequent sign-in, user details not present. // See if we have it in local storage. name = this.tryGetStoredNameFromEmail(email); } if (!name) { name = ""; } return { name, email, appleToken: webToken }; } private decodeJwt(token: string): Object | null { // const base64Url = token.split('.')[1]; const base64 = base64Url.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/'); const jsonPayload = decodeURIComponent(atob(base64).split('').map(function(c) { return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2); }).join('')); return JSON.parse(jsonPayload); } private tryGetStoredNameFromEmail(email: string): string | null { const key = this.getUserNameLocalStorageKey(email); try { return localStorage.getItem(key); } catch (error) { console.warn("Error fetching user from local storage.", key, error); return null; } } private tryStoreNameWithEmail(name: string, email: string) { const key = this.getUserNameLocalStorageKey(email); try { localStorage.setItem(key, name); } catch (error) { console.warn("Error storing user name in local storage. Subsequent sign-ins may not have a user name.", key, name, error); } } private getUserNameLocalStorageKey(email: string) { return `${AppleProvider.nameLocalStorageKeyPrefix}-${email}`; } private trimSlash(input: string) { let length = 0; for (let i = input.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (input[i] !== '/') { length = i + 1; break; } } return input.substr(0, length); } } type AppleJwtToken = { iss: string; aud: string; exp: number; iat: number; sub: string; c_hash: string; email: string; email_verified: boolean; auth_time: number; nonce_supported: boolean; }