import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; import { input as inputs, output as outputs } from "./types"; /** * Manages a subnet within the Yandex.Cloud. For more information, see * [the official documentation]( * * * How-to Guides * * [Cloud Networking]( * * [VPC Addressing]( * * ## Example Usage * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as yandex from "@pulumi/yandex"; * * const lab_net = new yandex.VpcNetwork("lab-net", {}); * const lab_subnet_a = new yandex.VpcSubnet("lab-subnet-a", { * networkId:, * v4CidrBlocks: [""], * zone: "ru-central1-a", * }); * ``` * * ## Import * * A subnet can be imported using the `id` of the resource, e.g. * * ```sh * $ pulumi import yandex:index/vpcSubnet:VpcSubnet default subnet_id * ``` */ export declare class VpcSubnet extends pulumi.CustomResource { /** * Get an existing VpcSubnet resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional extra * properties used to qualify the lookup. * * @param name The _unique_ name of the resulting resource. * @param id The _unique_ provider ID of the resource to lookup. * @param state Any extra arguments used during the lookup. * @param opts Optional settings to control the behavior of the CustomResource. */ static get(name: string, id: pulumi.Input, state?: VpcSubnetState, opts?: pulumi.CustomResourceOptions): VpcSubnet; /** * Returns true if the given object is an instance of VpcSubnet. This is designed to work even * when multiple copies of the Pulumi SDK have been loaded into the same process. */ static isInstance(obj: any): obj is VpcSubnet; readonly createdAt: pulumi.Output; /** * An optional description of the subnet. Provide this property when * you create the resource. */ readonly description: pulumi.Output; /** * Options for DHCP client. The structure is documented below. */ readonly dhcpOptions: pulumi.Output; /** * The ID of the folder to which the resource belongs. * If omitted, the provider folder is used. */ readonly folderId: pulumi.Output; /** * Labels to assign to this subnet. A list of key/value pairs. */ readonly labels: pulumi.Output<{ [key: string]: string; }>; /** * Name of the subnet. Provided by the client when the subnet is created. */ readonly name: pulumi.Output; /** * ID of the network this subnet belongs to. * Only networks that are in the distributed mode can have subnets. */ readonly networkId: pulumi.Output; /** * The ID of the route table to assign to this subnet. Assigned route table should * belong to the same network as this subnet. */ readonly routeTableId: pulumi.Output; /** * A list of blocks of internal IPv4 addresses that are owned by this subnet. * Provide this property when you create the subnet. For example, or * Blocks of addresses must be unique and non-overlapping within a network. * Minimum subnet size is /28, and maximum subnet size is /16. Only IPv4 is supported. */ readonly v4CidrBlocks: pulumi.Output; /** * An optional list of blocks of IPv6 addresses that are owned by this subnet. */ readonly v6CidrBlocks: pulumi.Output; /** * Name of the Yandex.Cloud zone for this subnet. */ readonly zone: pulumi.Output; /** * Create a VpcSubnet resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options. * * @param name The _unique_ name of the resource. * @param args The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties. * @param opts A bag of options that control this resource's behavior. */ constructor(name: string, args: VpcSubnetArgs, opts?: pulumi.CustomResourceOptions); } /** * Input properties used for looking up and filtering VpcSubnet resources. */ export interface VpcSubnetState { createdAt?: pulumi.Input; /** * An optional description of the subnet. Provide this property when * you create the resource. */ description?: pulumi.Input; /** * Options for DHCP client. The structure is documented below. */ dhcpOptions?: pulumi.Input; /** * The ID of the folder to which the resource belongs. * If omitted, the provider folder is used. */ folderId?: pulumi.Input; /** * Labels to assign to this subnet. A list of key/value pairs. */ labels?: pulumi.Input<{ [key: string]: pulumi.Input; }>; /** * Name of the subnet. Provided by the client when the subnet is created. */ name?: pulumi.Input; /** * ID of the network this subnet belongs to. * Only networks that are in the distributed mode can have subnets. */ networkId?: pulumi.Input; /** * The ID of the route table to assign to this subnet. Assigned route table should * belong to the same network as this subnet. */ routeTableId?: pulumi.Input; /** * A list of blocks of internal IPv4 addresses that are owned by this subnet. * Provide this property when you create the subnet. For example, or * Blocks of addresses must be unique and non-overlapping within a network. * Minimum subnet size is /28, and maximum subnet size is /16. Only IPv4 is supported. */ v4CidrBlocks?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** * An optional list of blocks of IPv6 addresses that are owned by this subnet. */ v6CidrBlocks?: pulumi.Input[]>; /** * Name of the Yandex.Cloud zone for this subnet. */ zone?: pulumi.Input; } /** * The set of arguments for constructing a VpcSubnet resource. */ export interface VpcSubnetArgs { /** * An optional description of the subnet. Provide this property when * you create the resource. */ description?: pulumi.Input; /** * Options for DHCP client. The structure is documented below. */ dhcpOptions?: pulumi.Input; /** * The ID of the folder to which the resource belongs. * If omitted, the provider folder is used. */ folderId?: pulumi.Input; /** * Labels to assign to this subnet. A list of key/value pairs. */ labels?: pulumi.Input<{ [key: string]: pulumi.Input; }>; /** * Name of the subnet. Provided by the client when the subnet is created. */ name?: pulumi.Input; /** * ID of the network this subnet belongs to. * Only networks that are in the distributed mode can have subnets. */ networkId: pulumi.Input; /** * The ID of the route table to assign to this subnet. Assigned route table should * belong to the same network as this subnet. */ routeTableId?: pulumi.Input; /** * A list of blocks of internal IPv4 addresses that are owned by this subnet. * Provide this property when you create the subnet. For example, or * Blocks of addresses must be unique and non-overlapping within a network. * Minimum subnet size is /28, and maximum subnet size is /16. Only IPv4 is supported. */ v4CidrBlocks: pulumi.Input[]>; /** * Name of the Yandex.Cloud zone for this subnet. */ zone?: pulumi.Input; }