import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; /** * Allows management of [Yandex.Cloud IAM service account authorized keys]( * Generated pair of keys is used to create a [JSON Web Token]( which is necessary for requesting an [IAM Token]( for a [service account]( * * ## Example Usage * * This snippet creates an authorized keys pair. * * ```typescript * import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; * import * as yandex from "@pulumi/yandex"; * * const sa_auth_key = new yandex.IamServiceAccountKey("sa-auth-key", { * description: "key for service account", * keyAlgorithm: "RSA_4096", * pgpKey: "keybase:keybaseusername", * serviceAccountId: "some_sa_id", * }); * ``` */ export declare class IamServiceAccountKey extends pulumi.CustomResource { /** * Get an existing IamServiceAccountKey resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional extra * properties used to qualify the lookup. * * @param name The _unique_ name of the resulting resource. * @param id The _unique_ provider ID of the resource to lookup. * @param state Any extra arguments used during the lookup. * @param opts Optional settings to control the behavior of the CustomResource. */ static get(name: string, id: pulumi.Input, state?: IamServiceAccountKeyState, opts?: pulumi.CustomResourceOptions): IamServiceAccountKey; /** * Returns true if the given object is an instance of IamServiceAccountKey. This is designed to work even * when multiple copies of the Pulumi SDK have been loaded into the same process. */ static isInstance(obj: any): obj is IamServiceAccountKey; /** * Creation timestamp of the static access key. */ readonly createdAt: pulumi.Output; /** * The description of the key pair. */ readonly description: pulumi.Output; /** * The encrypted private key, base64 encoded. This is only populated when `pgpKey` is supplied. */ readonly encryptedPrivateKey: pulumi.Output; /** * The output format of the keys. `PEM_FILE` is the default format. */ readonly format: pulumi.Output; /** * The algorithm used to generate the key. `RSA_2048` is the default algorithm. * Valid values are listed in the [API reference]( */ readonly keyAlgorithm: pulumi.Output; /** * The fingerprint of the PGP key used to encrypt the private key. This is only populated when `pgpKey` is supplied. */ readonly keyFingerprint: pulumi.Output; /** * An optional PGP key to encrypt the resulting private key material. May either be a base64-encoded public key or a keybase username in the form `keybase:keybaseusername`. */ readonly pgpKey: pulumi.Output; /** * The private key. This is only populated when no `pgpKey` is provided. */ readonly privateKey: pulumi.Output; /** * The public key. */ readonly publicKey: pulumi.Output; /** * ID of the service account to create a pair for. */ readonly serviceAccountId: pulumi.Output; /** * Create a IamServiceAccountKey resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options. * * @param name The _unique_ name of the resource. * @param args The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties. * @param opts A bag of options that control this resource's behavior. */ constructor(name: string, args: IamServiceAccountKeyArgs, opts?: pulumi.CustomResourceOptions); } /** * Input properties used for looking up and filtering IamServiceAccountKey resources. */ export interface IamServiceAccountKeyState { /** * Creation timestamp of the static access key. */ createdAt?: pulumi.Input; /** * The description of the key pair. */ description?: pulumi.Input; /** * The encrypted private key, base64 encoded. This is only populated when `pgpKey` is supplied. */ encryptedPrivateKey?: pulumi.Input; /** * The output format of the keys. `PEM_FILE` is the default format. */ format?: pulumi.Input; /** * The algorithm used to generate the key. `RSA_2048` is the default algorithm. * Valid values are listed in the [API reference]( */ keyAlgorithm?: pulumi.Input; /** * The fingerprint of the PGP key used to encrypt the private key. This is only populated when `pgpKey` is supplied. */ keyFingerprint?: pulumi.Input; /** * An optional PGP key to encrypt the resulting private key material. May either be a base64-encoded public key or a keybase username in the form `keybase:keybaseusername`. */ pgpKey?: pulumi.Input; /** * The private key. This is only populated when no `pgpKey` is provided. */ privateKey?: pulumi.Input; /** * The public key. */ publicKey?: pulumi.Input; /** * ID of the service account to create a pair for. */ serviceAccountId?: pulumi.Input; } /** * The set of arguments for constructing a IamServiceAccountKey resource. */ export interface IamServiceAccountKeyArgs { /** * The description of the key pair. */ description?: pulumi.Input; /** * The output format of the keys. `PEM_FILE` is the default format. */ format?: pulumi.Input; /** * The algorithm used to generate the key. `RSA_2048` is the default algorithm. * Valid values are listed in the [API reference]( */ keyAlgorithm?: pulumi.Input; /** * An optional PGP key to encrypt the resulting private key material. May either be a base64-encoded public key or a keybase username in the form `keybase:keybaseusername`. */ pgpKey?: pulumi.Input; /** * ID of the service account to create a pair for. */ serviceAccountId: pulumi.Input; }