import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; import { output as outputs } from "./types"; export declare function getMdbGreenplumCluster(args?: GetMdbGreenplumClusterArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): Promise; /** * A collection of arguments for invoking getMdbGreenplumCluster. */ export interface GetMdbGreenplumClusterArgs { clusterId?: string; folderId?: string; name?: string; } /** * A collection of values returned by getMdbGreenplumCluster. */ export interface GetMdbGreenplumClusterResult { readonly accesses: outputs.GetMdbGreenplumClusterAccess[]; readonly assignPublicIp: boolean; readonly backupWindowStarts: outputs.GetMdbGreenplumClusterBackupWindowStart[]; readonly clusterId: string; readonly createdAt: string; readonly deletionProtection: boolean; readonly description: string; readonly environment: string; readonly folderId: string; readonly health: string; /** * The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource. */ readonly id: string; readonly labels: { [key: string]: string; }; readonly masterHostCount: number; readonly masterHosts: outputs.GetMdbGreenplumClusterMasterHost[]; readonly masterSubclusters: outputs.GetMdbGreenplumClusterMasterSubcluster[]; readonly name: string; readonly networkId: string; readonly securityGroupIds: string[]; readonly segmentHostCount: number; readonly segmentHosts: outputs.GetMdbGreenplumClusterSegmentHost[]; readonly segmentInHost: number; readonly segmentSubclusters: outputs.GetMdbGreenplumClusterSegmentSubcluster[]; readonly status: string; readonly subnetId: string; readonly userName: string; readonly version: string; readonly zone: string; } export declare function getMdbGreenplumClusterOutput(args?: GetMdbGreenplumClusterOutputArgs, opts?: pulumi.InvokeOptions): pulumi.Output; /** * A collection of arguments for invoking getMdbGreenplumCluster. */ export interface GetMdbGreenplumClusterOutputArgs { clusterId?: pulumi.Input; folderId?: pulumi.Input; name?: pulumi.Input; }